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Night Monkey's diary

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  • Sparkles
    Thanks for the update, it's good to see how people are getting on. It's surprising how quickly the time goes, it don't seem like that log ago that I was requesting CCAs but I'm now half way to being statute barred on some of my alleged debts.

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  • stuckinarut
    Super stuff, next 12 months will fly past

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  • Night Monkey
    Night Monkey's Fifth Annual Report

    We're now coming up to five years since we stopped all payments on our alleged debts, so in what is now an annual event here's a summary of where each account is in a single post. Feel free to ignore this information, I like to do it as it keeps the situation clear for me and also emphasises how quickly the year rolls around...

    Last full payment early 2018, defaulted October 2018
    Payments to StepChange stopped in March ’20.
    Standard letters and texts continue, all ignored.
    Current owner - PRA Group UK Portfolios Ltd.
    Last update was an internal transfer of ownership.
    Current status UE since 'varied T&Cs are unavailable.'
    • No change on this one
    Last full payment early 2018, and defaulted in August 2018.
    Payments to StepChange stopped in March ’20.
    Current owner - PRA Group UK Portfolios Ltd.
    Current status closed due to failed legal action by PRA.
    • Again, no change
    Last full payment early 2018, not appearing on credit reports for some reason.
    Payments to StepChange stopped in March ’20.
    Current owner - Santander
    The last contact was from drydensfairfax was in February '21. Since then statements and a transfer to ‘Financial Support’, together with a random refund (to the account) of £12.
    Current status UE since a CCA was supplied but it’s a random one not specific to me, with no signature.
    • No change bar the odd statement
    HSBC credit card
    Last full payment early 2018, and defaulted in October 2018.
    Payments to StepChange stopped in March ’20.
    Account sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd in May ’23.
    Account remains UE pending production of requested CCA. Lowell seem to have pulled back from threatened legal action but continue to annoy with requests for payment.

    HSBC overdraft
    Last full payment early 2018, and defaulted in February 2019.
    Payments to StepChange stopped in March ’20.
    Account sold to Lowell Portfolio I Ltd in May ’23, periodic ‘chasing’ letters received.
    Currently UE pending production of the requested CCA.
    • Routine begging letters received throughout the year

    All the defaults are now more than six years old (yay!), and no longer show on credit reports. One more year of the six-year UE journey remaining, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    I’m expecting a flurry of activity as we approach SB, but I can’t say I’m concerned. Bring it on…

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  • Night Monkey
    And they're gone - 'You have no defaults or repossessions on your report'.

    That makes a nice change .

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  • Night Monkey
    Today the youngest alleged debt reached the ripe old age of six years (from default), so should soon be dropping off the credit agency files. Which will probably result in another credit score tumble .

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Six_Years.PNG
Views:	101
Size:	14.3 KB
ID:	1551477

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  • Night Monkey
    Happy New Year, everyone.

    Nothing bar generic letters and texts recently, although I expect that to change once we get within shouting distance of SB, which is currently a year and a bit away. However, I do have a brief snippet to discuss which I think sheds light on what I would regard as the almost (?) perverse world view of the debt industry.

    We have recently been in the fortunate position to be able to finally pay off our mortgage, which is obviously a huge life milestone - we've been paying one for thirty five years after all. All thanks to my wife's pension lump sum, so it's nice to know that there's there's something we did right when it came to money.

    As a result I've been watching my credit file with interest, waiting for that debt to be flagged as paid, which it duly was. And what do you know, my credit score took a massive hit with the attendant advice that 'a secured loan positively impacts your credit score'.

    Now I don't normally put much stock in the 'score', but I would have though common sense dictates that paying a loan is a positive, who knew it would be a Bad Thing?

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  • Night Monkey
    Hopefully the next 3/4 months will fly past, and all dropped off
    That's the next milestone, then all being well a quick sprint to SB in March '26. How time flies .

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  • stuckinarut
    Hopefully the next 3/4 months will fly past, and all dropped off

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  • Night Monkey
    The slightest of updates.

    All bar the HSBC overdraft have now dropped off my credit file, this being the most recently defaulted in February 2019 so hopefully only three months or so until this one goes too. Annoyingly it appears twice (with differing amounts), last updated by HSBC in April '19 and by Lowell in July '23. I'm not minded to address the double entry given that time should sort it out soon enough, and I don't want to risk restarting the SB clock.

    Other than that, all's quiet.

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  • Roger
    At this point in time Lowells are up a gum tree aren't they!
    The Truth is simple Sold Whilst in Dispute ie HSBC had failure to respond to the S.78 (they received that request and sent back the statutary monies (sic Postal Order) doesn't matter whether the letter was hand written or otherwise it came from HSBC)
    The DSAR no CCA
    Overdales might not have been sent a Statutary S.78 (because of the missing £1) . At one time we would have sent the Sold Whilst In Dispute to Lowell.
    But you have the evidence! Keep this very safe!

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  • Dottir
    Night Monkey

    As I am sure you know Overdales are being a tad disingenuous here. They are part of Lowells. Well to be exact the people who own Lowell also own them. They pretend to be a third party but I think we all know they are not.

    It used to be Lowell Solicitors but they ceased practicing 31st March 2024

    Just for further reference they used to be called Lucas credit services

    Last edited by Dottir; 21 May 2024, 18:45.

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  • Roger
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    Me too, actually. All things considered I think I'm in as good a place as I can hope for at the moment, I'm just hoping for a quiet run to SB status next April but I think that might be a touch optimistic .
    About Us (
    Overdales Legal Limited is a specialist law firm, regulated by both the Solicitors Regulation Authority and the Financial Conduct Authority, providing debt recovery and litigation services to a number of Clients across the UK.

    In March I received the results of that request, a package purportedly containing the terms and conditions, a statement of account and a default notice. It also stated that 'unfortunately we have been unable to obtain a copy of the credit agreement' and that the matter has been referred back to their client.

    Silence is golden!!

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  • Dottir
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post

    Me too, actually. All things considered I think I'm in as good a place as I can hope for at the moment, I'm just hoping for a quiet run to SB status next April but I think that might be a touch optimistic .
    Well - How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time just take it one day at a time and fingers crossed.

    I think some debt purchasers try to rattle people into starting to pay and probably 9 times out of 10 it works- or even 99 times out of 100. I know I had default CCJ's back in the 1990's because I just did not know what to do and it was really before the internet was widespread. Dial up which messed up your phone line.

    Very good luck to you

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  • Night Monkey
    I think that is brilliant news.
    Me too, actually. All things considered I think I'm in as good a place as I can hope for at the moment, I'm just hoping for a quiet run to SB status next April but I think that might be a touch optimistic .

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  • Dottir
    Originally posted by Night Monkey View Post
    Thanks for all the comments.

    I have the results of a GDPR request to HSBC from last year when Lowell came on the scene, and there is a default notice but no CCA. I'm aware that this won't include any correspondence with Overdales but I'm minded to leave things as they are for the moment, I can always revisit that should things escalate.

    And I have discussed this with JCS who suggested that I did not reply to the LBA; on this occasion I chose a different path and asked for documentation, resulting in the Overdales / HSBC conversation. Hopefully that will put things to bed, but we'll see. For the moment Lowell seem to have reverted to the standard requests that I get in touch.
    I think that is brilliant news. You sent a request under GDPR and they did not (or could not) send a copy of the agreement. That would suggest to me they do not have one. Your recollection about it all being done over the phone is also good- AND you can explain why you remember- because they suggested something a little out of the ordinary.

    Please do keep us in the loop if they write back to you. I have everything crossed for you.

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