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  • #46
    Originally posted by Floridajen View Post

    I have emailed but no reply but I understand she is very busy
    just really worried

    I haven't received any email from you (I've checked my Junk folder too) so why not re-send it to the email address in my forum signature which is and I'll reply after the weekend



    • #47
      Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

      I haven't received any email from you (I've checked my Junk folder too) so why not re-send it to the email address in my forum signature which is and I'll reply after the weekend


      We've now exchanged emails



      • #48
        Originally posted by Floridajen View Post

        Debt 1
        • Type of account (credit card/loan) Barclaycard
        • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) ???
        • Approx balance. Approx 7000
        • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) 2013
        • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till June 2018
        • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
        • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. PRA group

        statement received paid minimum payment
        statement received nil paid
        letter received stating they didn't receive payment

        statement received stating payment received via Stepchange
        same every month for rest of year
        letter sent advising situation not changed
        letter received saying thank you for letter payments will stay same

        letter received section 87 (1)

        statement from PRA

        Stopped payments via Stepchange want to go Self managed
        May CCA request made
        postal order sent back with letter stating account on hold
        ​​​​​​ letter from PRA stating unenforceable
        letter received stating enclosed copy docs as requested. Received reconstituted copy, terms and conditions and a copy statement.

        I emailed Niddy who advises unenforceable

        I see that your last contractual payment was in 2013 but Barclaycard didn't send you a Default Notice until 2015. This prolongs the time the default will show on your CRA file by a couple of years. If they had defaulted you in 2013 (which they should have done) the whole account entry would vanish from your CRA file next year. However it will now remain on view until 2021.

        No need to do anything about that now, but keep it in mind for the future.

        The good news is Niddy says the credit agreement is unenforceable

        Did the covering letter from PRA (in response to your CCA Request) admit that the credit agreement was reconstituted?

        When you get the next letter from PRA update your thread for suggestions on your next step.



        • #49
          Originally posted by Floridajen View Post
          Debt 2
          • Type of account (credit card/loan) Overdraft Barclays
          • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) accounts opened 20+ years ago
          • Approx balance. 1500
          • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) ??
          • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till 2018
          • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
          • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. Barclays collections

          June letter from BARCLAYS received stating payment received via Stepchange
          October letter from BARCLAYS Received stating payment received and accepted from Stepchange

          Letter received asking for 12 monthly review
          Letter received accepting payments from Stepchange
          letter received accepting new payments ( 90p more)

          Letter received thanking me for letting them know Stepchange are dealing with payments!
          Letter accepting payments from Stepchange

          letter asking for 12 month review
          letter accepting payment from Stepchange (£5 less)

          letter accepting new payment (80p more)
          ​​​​ I sent a CCA not realising you cannot for overdrafts.
          Letter sent by me offering F&F of £150.00
          letter received stating not prepared to accept offer. Will reconsider if I can increase or provide further evidence of situation.
          I sent letter offering £175.00 as a F&F
          letter received stating again not prepared to accept etc... as before

          What was Barclays response to your CCA Request? Did they ignore it or say it wasn't relevant?

          Since 2012 banks have been renewing overdraft facilities on an annual basis. This makes them fall under s78 CCA (running account credit). Did Barclays send you a renewal in 2012/2013?

          If this account was opened over 20 years ago Barclays may struggle to find the original paperwork which they would need to evidence their claim if it went to court.

          Was this a sole account or a joint account? If the latter did you and Hubby open it together on the same day at the same time, or was it opened by only one of you and then the other was added to the account?

          Update your thread if/when you hear anything from Barclays. Hopefully they'll sell you on now that you're not paying them every month.



          • #50
            Originally posted by Floridajen View Post
            Debt 3
            • Type of account (credit card/loan) Barclayloan Plus
            • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) 20th October 2011
            • Approx balance. £3000
            • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) 2013
            • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till 2018
            • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
            • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. PRA Group
            letter received from Barclays advising I had cancelled the DD
            letter received advising missed a payment
            Letter received Notice of Default section 87 (1)
            letter received advising receipt of payment proposal

            letter received Arrears Notice
            letter received Arrears Notice
            statement received
            letter received stating receipt of offer of payment
            letter received Arrears Notice

            letter received Arrears Notice
            letter from Barclays Arrears Notice
            letter received from Barclays 12 month review
            letter received advising they are in receipt of payment from Stepchange
            Arrears Notice received
            Arrears Notice received
            letter received from Barclays thanking us for providing details of Stepchange
            letter received from Barclays advising offer of payment received
            received from Barclays advising transfer to PRA Group
            statement received from Barclays
            letter received from Barclays saying transfer now complete
            letter received from PRA Group saying they purchased debt
            letter received from PRA Group section 86B
            letter received from PRA Group statement of account

            letter received from PRA Group statement of account

            I sent a CCA request with £1 postal order
            letter received back from PRA Group returning PO and account on hold
            letter received from PRA enclosing copy documents as requested.
            (sent all to Niddy who thinks enforceable)
            I see that PRA may have sent you a Notice of Sum in Arrears (s 86B) in 2016. Is this the first time you've been sent one of these since you defaulted on the loan in 2013? Have you been sent any more Notice of Sums in Arrears since that one in 2016?

            If it was defaulted in 2013 then the whole account entry should fall off the CRA files next year.

            The credit agreement may be enforceable but there are many other reasons for a debt to be unenforceable.

            Was this loan in joint names or a sole name, and was there PPI attached?

            What was the purpose of this loan? Was it to consolidate other financial products which you may have had with Barclays or to purchase a car etc? How much was the loan at the outset?

            Sorry for all the questions but it makes sense to take a holistic view of a debt in order to speculate on what may happen next.



            • #51
              Originally posted by Floridajen View Post
              Debt 4
              • Type of account (credit card/loan) MBNA Card
              • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) ????
              • Approx balance. £5500
              • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) 2013
              • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till 2018
              • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
              • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. LINK Financial
              letter received from MBNA advising account restricted as we told them about financial situation
              Accepting payment from Stepchange

              letter received from MBNA notice of sum in arrears
              Again as above
              Again as above
              Default notice 87(1)
              letter asking if financial situation has changed
              letter received Notice of sum in arrears
              letter stating credit agreement terminated
              letter advising they are selling account
              letter received from Link advising they have account now
              letter received from Link advising offer received to them via Stepchange

              letter received from Link statement of account

              letter from Link statement of account
              letter from Link statement of account

              letter from Link statement of account
              letter from Link statement ofaccount

              I sent CCA request with PO for £1
              NO reply as yet

              Do you have any idea when you opened this credit card account? And can you remember how you opened it or whether it was a branded card?

              MBNA frequently added PPI to accounts so see if you recall having done that.

              At the moment Link have not responded to your CCA Request. I don't know what date you sent it but if they've not produced the credit agreement within the statutory time-frame then this debt will be unenforceable until or unless they do comply.

              If this account was defaulted in 2014 it won't fall off your credit file until 2020 - not long to go



              • #52
                Originally posted by Floridajen View Post
                Debt 5
                • Type of account (credit card/loan) Barclaycard
                • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) ????
                • Approx balance. £1900
                • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) 2013
                • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till 2018
                • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
                • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. PRA Group
                statement received from Barclaycard
                letter received thanking me for letting them know about stepchange

                Monthly statements received
                letter from Barclaycard advising they have had payment offer from stepchange

                Monthly statements received
                Default letter 87 (1)
                letter from Barclaycard Formal Demand
                as above
                letter advising account transferring to PRA Group
                letter advising account now closed
                letter from PRA Group saying they have purchased account

                letter from PRA statement of account

                Letter from PRA account summary

                I sent CCA request with £1 PO
                I received PO back with PO account of hold
                letter from PRA enclosing some documents but stating unenforceable
                letter enclosing copy documents as requested
                emailed to Niddy - he thinks UE

                Yet again Barclaycard didn't default you until around two years after you made your last monthly contractual payment.

                Can you remember when you opened the account and whether it was Barclaycard from the outset or could it have been Egg, Goldfish or Morgan Stanley Dean Witter?

                You have a letter from PRA stating the account is unenforceable so keep that safe.

                Post on your thread if they send you any more documents which could change the current unenforceable status.



                • #53
                  Originally posted by Floridajen View Post
                  Debt 6 last one the biggy
                  • Type of account (credit card/loan) Barclayloan
                  • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Jan 2013
                  • Approx balance. £18,500
                  • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) 2013
                  • Are you on arrangement or not paying. Was paying Stepchange till 2018
                  • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) Default
                  • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender. DCA. PRA Group
                  letter received advising DD cancelled
                  letter received 87 (1)
                  letter advising proposal from Stepchange
                  statement received

                  letter arrears notice
                  advising receipt of payment from Stepchange
                  Arrears notice

                  arrears notice
                  receipt of payment from stepchange
                  arrears notice
                  advising re kept of payment proposal

                  arrears notice
                  arrears notice
                  thanks us for letting them know about Stepchange
                  letter advising transferring account to PRA
                  letter from PRA advising purchased account
                  letter from Barclays advising formal notice of transfer

                  letter from PRA account summary
                  letter from PRA 86B

                  I requested CCA with £1 PO
                  they sent back PO account on hold
                  letter enclosing copy statements but stating
                  ​​​they are currently unable to provide a copy of original agreement so cannot satisfy my request. This does not mean that debt has been written off despite being unenforceable!!!!!

                  I would just mention that loans except the biggy were all done online

                  And now the 'biggy' as you call it

                  If this loan wasn't opened online, then how was it opened?

                  I see it was opened in January 2013 and also defaulted in the same year so what is the backstory of this debt?

                  It's good news that PRA have admitted the debt it's currently unenforceable because they don't have the documentation they need to comply with your s77-79 CCA Request. It's basically time to hold your breath until they make the next move if/when they source or reconstitute the paperwork. I doubt they'll walk away without making an effort. We'll see.



                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                    I see that your last contractual payment was in 2013 but Barclaycard didn't send you a Default Notice until 2015. This prolongs the time the default will show on your CRA file by a couple of years. If they had defaulted you in 2013 (which they should have done) the whole account entry would vanish from your CRA file next year. However it will now remain on view until 2021.

                    No need to do anything about that now, but keep it in mind for the future.

                    The good news is Niddy says the credit agreement is unenforceable

                    Did the covering letter from PRA (in response to your CCA Request) admit that the credit agreement was reconstituted?

                    When you get the next letter from PRA update your thread for suggestions on your next step.

                    Hi Di, the letter from PRA following my CCA request first stated that it was unenforceable as they were awaiting further documents. I then received another letter strangely dated the next day!!! Saying they are enclosing documents as requested. This was a reconstituted copy of credit agreement and copy of terms. Please contact them within 10 days etc


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                      What was Barclays response to your CCA Request? Did they ignore it or say it wasn't relevant?

                      Since 2012 banks have been renewing overdraft facilities on an annual basis. This makes them fall under s78 CCA (running account credit). Did Barclays send you a renewal in 2012/2013?

                      If this account was opened over 20 years ago Barclays may struggle to find the original paperwork which they would need to evidence their claim if it went to court.

                      Was this a sole account or a joint account? If the latter did you and Hubby open it together on the same day at the same time, or was it opened by only one of you and then the other was added to the account?

                      Update your thread if/when you hear anything from Barclays. Hopefully they'll sell you on now that you're not paying them every month.

                      Hi Di, no response was received from my CCA but they did reply two my F & F offers with a big fat NO unless I increase it or provide further evidence of my situation?
                      I cannot locate renewal paperwork from 2012/13.
                      We think this was originally my husbands account and I then got added on but this was over 25 years ago.
                      I will update if I hear anything from them


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                        I see that PRA may have sent you a Notice of Sum in Arrears (s 86B) in 2016. Is this the first time you've been sent one of these since you defaulted on the loan in 2013? Have you been sent any more Notice of Sums in Arrears since that one in 2016?

                        If it was defaulted in 2013 then the whole account entry should fall off the CRA files next year.

                        The credit agreement may be enforceable but there are many other reasons for a debt to be unenforceable.

                        Was this loan in joint names or a sole name, and was there PPI attached?

                        What was the purpose of this loan? Was it to consolidate other financial products which you may have had with Barclays or to purchase a car etc? How much was the loan at the outset?

                        Sorry for all the questions but it makes sense to take a holistic view of a debt in order to speculate on what may happen next.


                        Hi Di, we did receive arrears notices prior to 2016 since then we have had statement of account from PRA. LOAN is in my husband's name with no PPI. LOAN was for £8000 used to consolidate other loans all with Barclays. This was opened in 2011. Opened online.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                          Do you have any idea when you opened this credit card account? And can you remember how you opened it or whether it was a branded card?

                          MBNA frequently added PPI to accounts so see if you recall having done that.

                          At the moment Link have not responded to your CCA Request. I don't know what date you sent it but if they've not produced the credit agreement within the statutory time-frame then this debt will be unenforceable until or unless they do comply.

                          If this account was defaulted in 2014 it won't fall off your credit file until 2020 - not long to go

                          Hi Di, we have no idea when this was opened it was originally an MBNA card. No PPI that we recall (should we check?) . No response from CCA request which was sent on 14/05/2018.


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                            Yet again Barclaycard didn't default you until around two years after you made your last monthly contractual payment.

                            Can you remember when you opened the account and whether it was Barclaycard from the outset or could it have been Egg, Goldfish or Morgan Stanley Dean Witter?

                            You have a letter from PRA stating the account is unenforceable so keep that safe.

                            Post on your thread if they send you any more documents which could change the current unenforceable status.

                            Hi Di, cannot remember when opened. It was a Barclaycard from the outset. No further letters to date


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Diana Mayhew View Post

                              And now the 'biggy' as you call it

                              If this loan wasn't opened online, then how was it opened?

                              I see it was opened in January 2013 and also defaulted in the same year so what is the backstory of this debt?

                              It's good news that PRA have admitted the debt it's currently unenforceable because they don't have the documentation they need to comply with your s77-79 CCA Request. It's basically time to hold your breath until they make the next move if/when they source or reconstitute the paperwork. I doubt they'll walk away without making an effort. We'll see.

                              Hi Di, if we remember correctly this was opened via the telephone after a conversation with barclays about consolidating. No further letters to date.

                              Can I just add to this one that we thank you and everyone so very much for your advice and help xx much appreciated


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Floridajen View Post

                                Hi Di, if we remember correctly this was opened via the telephone after a conversation with barclays about consolidating. No further letters to date.

                                Can I just add to this one that we thank you and everyone so very much for your advice and help xx much appreciated
                                No reply from Di. Can anyone advise? Thanks

