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A DCA Writes

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  • #61
    Re: A DCA Writes

    Originally posted by vossy View Post
    Lets see eh? Weren't 1st Credit the ones to ignore everything you had to say and just head for Northampton?

    Nope Optima and MBNA. Now if they were asking to talk I would be saying go f*** yersen

    I do understand its emotive. Our debts arent world beaters to most on here but to us they are personal as is everyones to themselves.

    If a long time ago someone had sat down and talked and got both sides talking and then we hadnt gone through the mill then I would be grateful.

    I dont like them far from it. Just believe talking is better than blowing each other up.


    • #62
      Re: A DCA Writes

      Originally posted by cardiac arrest View Post
      I wonder why DCA's don't want to go down that it a vindictive streak in them that makes them go for the much blood do they want ?
      I doubt its vindictive more along the line of the system we have.

      No OC would want to rack up debts that are sold on and settled for 10% of what they originally were.

      If that was the case then we would all rack up debts and default saving 90% to us.

      This comes back to the point initially. If the OC was made to clear up its own mess then am sure the mess wouldnt be half as bad as it is.

      They wouldnt lend quite so stupidly. And therefore DCA's wouldnt exist.


      • #63
        Re: A DCA Writes

        Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
        One might as well have required that of the Schutzstaffel.
        Eventually they were sorted out by the system being changed. Took a while though.

        DCA's have evolved because of the crock of shit of a system we have.

        Lenders lend hoping to find cash cows because thats where the money is.

        Not really interested in the pay it all back brigade and certainly not in the cant/wont pays.

        Cant have dear corporate images dented so invent the odious DCA industry to remove themselves from the collection of cock ups they create.

        Change of the system would be good but that aint coming anytime soon.

        But if we are constructive and encourage good practice surely that cannot be a bad thing? If not for me and you for the next one in the line.


        • #64
          Re: A DCA Writes

          Originally posted by cardiac arrest View Post
          I've not come into contact with 1st credit...but I think a lot of us debtors are aware that DCA's pay about 10% or so of the debts value...and then move heaven and earth to claim the full amount...only offering a 'discount' when backed into a corner.

          I would like to see more negotiation from DCA's...they are not the injured party, the OC was, but gave not many of us feel any (much) obligation to a there isn't much love lost. But a DCA who is prepared to hold their hands up and say ok I know you can't afford, and I don't want to spend a fortune chasing the debt and hassling how about you pay a quarter/half or something ...then we'll call it settled.

          They make a quick buck..everyone happy/happier...

          I wonder why DCA's don't want to go down that it a vindictive streak in them that makes them go for the much blood do they want ?
          As much as they can get.

          If they could get three quarters of their alleged debtors to settle for 50% of the nominal value of the debt, they might be willing to offer that, but they'd be lucky to get 10% of their alleged debtors to agree to that.

          Some of the debts they'll have bought will be duds. They'll be completely uncollectible for any of a number of reasons: the debtor has moved and cannot be traced, the debtor has died, the debt was paid but the records were not updated or the alleged debt was the result of identity fraud.

          Some of the debts will have been incurred by people who cannot afford to pay more than a mere pittance - and some will have been run up by people who, thoroughly annoyed by the way the bank (or other creditor) has treated them, simply refuse to pay on the basis that money-grubbing, arrogant bullies should be encased in melted lead or boiled in oil - "something lingering and humorous" - rather than profit from their sheer snottiness.

          As a result, to turn a profit, the debt purchasers have to get as much money as possible.

          The original creditors are unlikely to have suffered. They'll have written down the value of their bad debts and claimed the losses against profits; they will pay less tax as a result and, perhaps, their share dividends might be slightly lower.

          As for the debt purchasers, they are really little better than usurers. They do not seem to have any useful function in society or in the financial system. All they do is to increase misery.


          • #65
            Re: A DCA Writes

            Originally posted by vossy View Post
            I put the Schutzstaffel now on par with ATOS!
            That is an unfair calumny against the SS and you should retract it at once.

            The Schutzstaffel had much smarter uniforms.


            • #66
              Re: A DCA Writes

              Originally posted by CleverClogs View Post
              That is an unfair calumny against the SS and you should retract it at once.

              The Schutzstaffel had much smarter uniforms.
              my apologies to Hitler ft Himmler


              • #67
                Re: A DCA Writes

                Originally posted by vossy View Post
                my apologies to Hitler ft Himmler
                Viele danke!


                • #68
                  Re: A DCA Writes

                  Dear All,

                  Firstly a belated 'seasons greetings' and a happy new year to you all.

                  Thank you to each and everyone who took the time to reply to the initial posting with their thoughts, views and suggestions. Each and every post was looked at and as a result their have been numerous changes to the content of our letters and we have made some operational/procedural changes.

                  On a seperate subject anyone who has any concerns or issues with the way we are handling your account is invited to contact Niddy with the details. He will advise me and the matter will be looked at as a matter of priority by myself. We have experimented with this approach in the past year and I think it fair to say, (and I hope the customers themselves would agree), this has been successful.

                  I do hope you all appreciate that we would not wish to enter into debates on the forum itself.

                  Finally, my personal thanks to Niddy for allowing us to post on this forum.

                  Bob Kingdon
                  1st Credit Ltd


                  • #69
                    Re: A DCA Writes

                    We appreciate you taking the time to address our concerns

                    A Happy New Year to you too Bob!

                    Elsa x


                    • #70
                      Re: A DCA Writes

                      Cheers Bob
                      I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                      If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:


                      • #71
                        Re: A DCA Writes

                        Hopefully the communication channel will stay open.

                        It cant be a bad thing for both sides to be talking to resolve issues. But in a constructive manner as opposed to one side telling the other.


                        • #72
                          Re: A DCA Writes

                          Trying to do some catching up

                          What can a DCA do
                          • Stop being bullies
                          • Stop telling lies
                          • Stop using bold text
                          • Stop giving desks names as in pre litigation, final chance, last chance saloon
                          • When you write to them actually read the bloody thing and reply to it
                          • Stop using template letters

                          If someone can show they have no money and are vulnerable they should stop/cease/desist

                          Oh and stop saying things like Your debt that You owe will take You etc etc.


                          • #73
                            Re: A DCA Writes

                            Originally posted by jon1965 View Post
                            What can a DCA do
                            • Stop being bullies
                            • Stop telling lies
                            • Stop using bold text
                            • Stop giving desks names as in pre litigation, final chance, last chance saloon
                            • When you write to them actually read the bloody thing and reply to it
                            • Stop using template letters
                            • Stop chasing statute-barred debts
                            • Stop phoning people or sending text messages several times a day


                            • #74
                              Re: A DCA Writes

                              I have not had dealings (yet) with first credit; My main complaint with debt collectors is that they never give you a simple e mail address to contact them on. I had to resort to hacking cougar when they were giving me grief, I also hacked into the server of another DCA, found 20+ email addresses and also subsidiary companies, blasted the lot. Now this would not be needed if a simple way of replying was given. Is your server secure?


                              • #75
                                Re: A DCA Writes

                                Now now. Hacking is illegal
                                I'm the forum administrator and I look after the theme & features, our volunteers & users and also look after any complaints or Data Protection queries that pass through the forum or main website. I am extremely busy so if you do contact me or need a reply to a forum post then use the email or PM features offered because I do miss things and get tied up for days at a time!

                                If you spot any spammers, AE's, abusive or libellous posts or anything else that just doesn't feel right then please report them to me as soon as you spot them at:

