The regulator said it found some concerning issues including firms not complying with the complaints handling policy. The letter said: “Resolving complaints effectively is an important way for firms to identify and correct mistakes in the treatment of customers, and an important means to identify and address common or systemic issues that give rise to complaints.” Although the regulator said it found some good practice of its Dispute Resolution Rules (DISP), which have been in force since 2007, it found some generally poor practices of non-compliance too. Main concerns of poor handling of consumer complaints were:
- Failure to provide to customers the required information about the Financial Ombudsman Service – this included failing to provide details of the complainant’s right to refer to the ombudsman if they remain dissatisfied;
- Failure to provide a clear explanation, to the complainant, of the outcome of the complaint and why this outcome had been reached;
- A lack of management controls in place to analyse and remedy any root causes of complaints or systemic problems.