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Asbestos concrete roof removal?

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  • #16
    Re: Asbestos concrete roof removal?

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    Thing is doing that (nightwatch) seems logical as the patio will be there years and asbestos is landfilled anyway!!!

    Dibs I'd get the builder to bag it and store it by the side of the garage for now, worry about disposal as and when......
    thing is IF it was his wife he was burying I'd have given him a hand, she was sorry is a right bitchy cow
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    • #17
      Re: Asbestos concrete roof removal?

      That seems the best way forward, if there wasn't so much, I would be very tempted to have a new patio!
      I just feel aggrieved that the council registered site wants so much money to take it to a landfill site, the builder isn't charging any more and it's them that are removing and bagging it :-(


      • #18
        Re: Asbestos concrete roof removal?

        Is the cost of disposing of a part load the same as a full load?
        If not dispose of some, build a patio (concrete under the foundations of your new room) put the rest in bags for later disposal. Ensure the bags will not perish before you can afford to move them, possibly by keeping them out of the sun


        • #19
          Re: Asbestos concrete roof removal?

          I've got a 45 ft barn and I removed half the roof myself. As far as I'm aware it's pretty inert. Just don't go breaking it. I didn't bag the panels or anything like that. I phoned a proper company to collect it and take it away. It's worth ringing around IMO.


          • #20
            Re: Asbestos concrete roof removal?

            Couldn't one dispose of it by putting bits of the roof in the nasty neighbour's non-recycling bin every week or two?

            If you break it up, though, make sure you do so under water to trap all stray fibres and asbestos dust.
            Last edited by CleverClogs (RIP); 15 March 2014, 03:36.

