In case you aren't aware, we've implemented user tagging now so if you want to let another member know you're discussing their case or want them to receive a notification alert to your reply, simply start to type their username after the @ symbol.
So an example, to tag me you'd literally type @never and then you'll see a pop up appear with a list of members who have never in their name. Click the one you want to tag and that's all. Or just type their whole username after the @ symbol. Example - Never-In-Doubt
See the FAQ entry regards this facility here - (scroll to the bottom under heading User Mentions).
So an example, to tag me you'd literally type @never and then you'll see a pop up appear with a list of members who have never in their name. Click the one you want to tag and that's all. Or just type their whole username after the @ symbol. Example - Never-In-Doubt
See the FAQ entry regards this facility here - (scroll to the bottom under heading User Mentions).