Originally posted by Lola girl
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- Type of account: Tesco Credit Card
- Date commenced: 24/3/2007
- Approx balance: £3,900
- Date last paid: Aug 2018
- Are you on arrangement: DMP
- Status: Default 10.10.18
- Account owner: Intrum Uk Finance Ltd
15/8/19 I have not sent them a signature and have cancelled the StepChange payment. Have sent them a signature not required letter.
30/8/19 letter received acknowledging my complaint (wasn’t aware I’d made one!). No mention of CCA. Filed away.
2/9/19 phone call from Tesco complaints team - they acknowledge that a signature is not required for CCA. CCA will be sent out within 30 days. Advised that as now currently UE I will not be making further payments at present.
5/9/19 original true copy of credit agreement, terms and conditions and a statement received from Tesco. Will send over to Niddy for checking.
Good documents received considering the age of this one. Niddy says enforceable.
27/01/20 Intrum carried out a search on my credit record
30/01/20 letter from Tesco saying they have assigned the account to Intrum UK Finance Limited
30/01/20 letter from Intrum Uk Finance Limited confirming that they have purchased the account on 16/01/20 with information on how to set up payments directly to them...filed and ignored
11/03/20 letter from Intrum asking me to contact them within 10 days or to access online account to set up a monthly payment schedule...filed and ignored
23/03/20 letter from Intrum - We may take legal action if you don't get in touch which may affect your credit score (not sure how!). They kindly sent me an income form to complete. Filed and ignored
31/03/20 letter from Intrum - we are thinking of taking you to court. We don't want to but are considering applying for a county court judgement, they may also add court fees of £185 and solicitors costs of £80. If I am affected by Coronavirus I can contact them. No let up from them in current health / economic crisis! Filed and ignored.
10/4/20 letter from Intrum - would you like a discount? We want to help you to pay without taking you to court. Filed and ignored.
20/4/20 letter from Intrum - we’re getting ready for legal action. Your account will be handed to the legal team on 30/4/20. May apply for a CCJ and ask court for an attachment of earnings order and a charging order. Filed and ignored
7/5/20 letter from Intrum - dated 1st May. Headed from the Legal Department. This team are in charge of getting a CCJ against me. They have given me until 11th May to contact them prior to application for CCJ/ solicitors costs and court fees. Filed and ignored.
11/9/20 - letter from Intrum, they regret I haven’t been in touch. Account on hold for 10 days then passes to solicitors for Letter before Claim. Filed and ignored.
30/10/20 received letter of claim from Lester Aldridge on behalf of Intrum. Copy sent to Di for some advice as this is enforceable.
06/11/20 long chat with the lovely Di regarding the Intrum letter of claim and Tesco docs (and their enforceability!), still have a couple of weeks to reply. SAR sent to Tesco in the meantime.
5/12/20 SAR documents received from Tesco. Did not reply to the letter of claim in November.
6/1/21 annual statement received from Intrum
13/1/21 Intrum have carried out 2 searches on my credit file.
20/1/21 Claim received from Intrum
No surprise. Letter of claim received from Intrum today. Di I will email it across to you and hopefully we can chat this week to determine the way forward.
thanks...Lola x
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