/Hi All,
Background: Started a DMP in 2012 with Stepchange for circa 60k unsecured debt. Currently at circa £39k and looking to self manage and follow advice on here. All of my debts have been defaulted and the majority dropped off my credit file(s) this year, with the last coming off in August 2019. I will document accordingly.
1. Debt: MBNA Credit Card - Now with LINK FINANCIAL LTD
Account Opened: 22.09.06
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6360
Current balance: £4995
Defaulted? YES - Drops off Feb 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/05/19 - First piece of correspondence received. A statement of account dated 10/05/19. Interestingly it notes my CCA request and £1 on there, but I have not received any CCA documentation.
31/08/19 - Response to CCA request received with some documentation. Emailed to Niddy for his thoughts
31/08/19 - Niddy states that as it's a tick box, it's easy for faults to be remedied and thus ENFORCEABLE
06/08/19 - Digital SAR sent via the MBNA website. Screenshot of confirmation that it has been received retained
06/02/20 - Letter from LINK FINANCIAL LTD to my new address stating they have located me and we need to talk
16/09/24 - letter received stating to contact them within 14 days as they will be sending the account to their solicitors
09/10/24 - letter dated 03/10/24 received with letter of claim giving 30 days to reply. I have spoken with Gerry at JCS and will sit tight. Will instruct JCS if court paperwork arrives
22/11/24 - CC money claim form received. JCS instructed
2. Debt: MBNA Credit Card (Virgin) - Now with LINK FINANCIAL LTD
Account Opened: 22.01.06
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6900
Current balance: £4807
Defaulted? YES - Drops off Feb 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/05/19 - First piece of correspondence received. A statement of account dated 10/05/19. Interestingly it notes my CCA request and £1 on there, but I have not received any CCA documentation.
31/08/19 - Response to CCA request received with some documentation. Emailed to Niddy for his thoughts
31/08/19 - Niddy states that as it's a tick box, it's easy for faults to be remedied and thus ENFORCEABLE
06/08/19 - Digital SAR sent via the MBNA website. Screenshot of confirmation that it has been received retained
06/02/20 - Letter from LINK FINANCIAL LTD to my new address stating they have located me and we need to talk
15/07/2022 - adding note here to state UNENFORCEABLE as per JC comments about winning court case
16/09/24 - letter received stating to contact them within 14 days as they will be sending the account to their solicitors ???????
08/10/24 - letter of claim received dated 03/10/24 from Kearns Solicitors stating I have 30 days to reply before legal proceedings. Message sent to JCS for advice.
09/10/24 - spoken to Gerry at JCS. Sitting tight for now. Will instruct JCS should court paperwork arrive.
22/11/24 - CC money claim form received. JCS instructed
3. Debt: Natwest Overdraft - With Wescot (in house collections)
Account Opened: 28.07.03
Balance at time of starting DMP: £980
Current balance: £540
Defaulted? YES - Drops off November 2018
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
This debt is no longer showing on my Stepchange DMP? Seems to have disappeared and can't find any paperwork for it
26/02/19 - Letter from Natwest stating that as of the 08/02/19 they have assigned PRA as the legal owners of the debt and therefore Wescot are no longer managing the account.
01/04/19 - Letter dated 28/03 from PRA offering a discount on the balance.
4. Debt: Natwest Loan - With Wescot (in house collections)
Account Opened: 02.11.2007
Balance at time of starting DMP: £25,897
Current balance: £5982.47
Defaulted? YES - Drops off November 2018
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
18/05/18 - Info on Natwest Loan and admission they didn't send NOSIAs when expected. Non-Compliance from 13/12/12 - 03/11/14 and overpaid interest of £475. Amount deducted from outstanding balance
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
26/02/19 - Letter from Natwest stating that as of the 08/02/19 they have assigned PRA as the legal owners of the debt and therefore Wescot are no longer managing the account.
01/04/19 - Letter dated 28/03 from PRA offering a discount on the balance. Bottom of letter states 'this account is currently classified as UNENFORCEABLE, which means we cannot take court action against you at this time...(etc)
10/04/19 - Letter received from Wescot with CCA, and also stating they are returning the account to Natwest. Forwarded CCA to Niddy who believes this is UNENFORCEABLE
10/09/19 - notice given by PRA Group (UK) stating behind with payments. Arrears sheet and FCA factsheet enclosed.
5. Debt: Bank of Scotland Credit Card - Now with CSL
Account Opened: 08.05.09
Balance at time of starting DMP: £3784
Current balance: £3019
Defaulted? YES - Drops off January 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
17/01/19 - letter from Moorcroft 'We acknowledge receipt of your recent letter requesting data as per Section 77-79 Consumer Credit Act 1974, and can confirm that we have requested the relevant documentation from our client will forward it to you when it is received.
We must also stress that we are not seeking to enforce an agreement and have only asked that payment is made towards a debt that is outstanding by way of an affordable repayment plan. However, if you believe we are unable to ask that your account is repaid in this manner please provide us with specific details so the client can address any specific concerns you may have. This request is asked to also minimise potential costs and delays.
25/0219 - letter from Moorcroft received with recon terms etc, signed statement of account, copy of original application recon version of original agreement. Will send over to Niddy for thoughts.
14/03/19 - Letter from Moorcroft - to prevent further debt recovery action, please send payment proposal before 21/03/19
30/03/19 - email back from Niddy. He believes this one is ENFORCEABLE
30/03/19 - Letter from Moorcroft asking I get in contact to arrange an affordable repayment plan
12/04/19 - Letter from Moorcroft stating I've not been in contact so they *may* do one of the following: continue to send letters or send a doorstep representative
22/07/19 - Letter from BOS stating they have transferred my BOS account to DCA Credit Security Limited
31/07/19 - Notice of further action - disappointed in no response. Contact us
05/08/2019 (letter dated 31/07/19) Letter from CSL (Credit Security Limited) asking I get in contact to arrange repayment of what I owe
12/08/19 - Letter from CSL offering a 'reduced sum' settlement (no figures given) if I call within the next 10 days. Offers of partial settlement registered with CRAs and balance to £0
24/10/19 - final note from CSL - letter that states to get in contact or the account will be returned to the client for further recovery which may include 1)continued collection attempts 2)passing to another DCA 3)selling account to a collection specialist - filed for now
14/03/20 - calls from '2F' asking me to verify my address and call them. Letter received also.
6. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1923
Current balance: £1250
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
7. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1632
Current balance: £942
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
8. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1229
Current balance: £782
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
9. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1250
Current balance: £792
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
10. Debt: Barclaycard - (still with barclaycard)
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £5000?
Current balance: £3116
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
22/01/19 - letter from Barclaycard informing me they are currently unable to fulfil my S78 request and at this time they are unable to enforce the debt. Filed for now UNENFORCEABLE
26/01/21 - Check on credit file and see that this month LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING LTD have re-added the default! It was backdated to the 24/04/19 However this is the SECOND default for the same debt as the first was logged in 2013 and expired 2019! Written complaint sent via Resolver and also a further CCA request. SAR sent to Barclaycard and logged via email. I have a letter dated 12/04/2018 from Barclaycard confirming the default date was May 2012 on this account.
04/02/20 - Barclaycard confirm in writing the default will be removed but will take up to 6-8 weeks.
11. Debt: Asda/NewDay (I think?) - Currently Lowells Financial Ltd
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1900
Current balance: £1373
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/01/19 - letter dated 22/01/19 - Lowells have been unable to obtain the requested documents. ...'we have decided to not pursue the outstanding money at this time. However, if Capital One provides the requested documentation in the future, we may contact you again to request payment'. Filed. Letter now dates that the balance due is £0.00 UNENFORCEABLE (for now)
12. Debt: Capital One -Currently Lowells Financial Ltd
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2009 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £2200
Current balance: £1508
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
17/01/19 - letter dated 17/01 - Lowells have been unable to obtain the requested documents. ...'we have decided to not pursue the outstanding money at this time. However, if Capital One provides the requested documentation in the future, we may contact you again to request payment'. Filed. Letter now dates that the balance due is £0.00 UNENFORCEABLE for now)
13. Debt: Egg card - bought by Barclaycard - Currently PRA
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £4800
Current balance: £3885
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice
24/01/19 - letter received with reconstituted T&C's - emailed to Niddy for his thoughts.
28/01/19 - email back from Niddy. Believed to be UNENFORCEABLE right now due to being incomplete
17/05/19 - letter from PRA ... your account is being managed by our Investigations and Litigation Department to look at your outstanding debt for possible Litigation recovery....
25/05/19 - CCA request sent signed for. Receipt kept. Sent on advice from Niddy - was unsure about this as it might give them scope to find what was missing, but then decided that if they send through the same thing again, it surely strengthens the unenforceability mitigation (should it ever arise).
29/05/19 - letter received with recon T&Cs - emailed to Niddy for thoughts - still believed to be UNENFORCEABLE due to being incomplete.
04/06/19 - SAR sent online
20/06/19 - Letter received with access code for SAR details online and directs me to enter the reference number emailed to me. I received no email. Call centre utterly useless and lied to me by giving me a '24/7' telephone number that doesn't work. Have re-requested all my information and asked for it to be posted to me
14. Debt: Egg Loan - bought by Barclays - Currently Hoist Finance UK Holdings 3 Limited.
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2008 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6000?
Current balance: £2957
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
22/10/18 - Notice of Arrears
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
14/01/19 - letter received whereby they acknowledge request and sent back the £1 postal order as they have stopped charging for CCA requests
28/01/19 - Letter from IDEM unfortunately we are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until we do so the agreement cannot be enforced. We have contacted the original lender for a copy and if available it will be sent to you under separate cover in compliance with your request. Currently UNENFORCEABLE
26/02/19 - letter from IDEM stating that they have conducted a review of the interest and payment and confirm the last date I paid was 16/10/18 and so due to non-payment they are reinstating the previous interest rate of 9.510%? If I want to maintain 0.00% to contact them within 14 days.
04/04/19 - Letter dated 01/04 - Your account is in arrears. Please call to make a payment or discuss alternative payment options available to you
25/04/19 - Letter dated 18/04 - arrears notice and letter detailing the current state of the account. I notice they have started to apply interest again and added £21.22 making the total now £2940.50. Still awaiting CCA request as nothing received.
19/06/19 - Letter dated 14/06 - We do not have a payment plan in place to repay your account. Then details options available to me and them. They have continued to apply interest and balance now £2982. Still awaiting CCA request as nothing received and so currently still UNENFORCEABLE
24/07/19 - Notice to terminate your account. Payment demand for balance of £3020.90 demanded.
31/07/19 - No current payment arrangement in place. Unless rectified in 7 days 1)recoveries department 2)external debt collection
14/08/19 - Letter received from IDEM Servicing with a balance of £3004 stating that payment is required.
21/09/19 - Increasingly concerned we've not spoken to you. Failure to contact MAY result in 1) a representative visiting 2) external DCA
18/09/19 - Attempted to contact. Call in 10 days or we will appoint Resolvecall to visit.
14/10/19 - letter dated 11/11/19 stating that as of the 20/09/19 my account has been purchased by HOIST FINANCE UK HOLDINGS 3 LIMITED.
15. Debt: Barclaycard World - Currently with PRA
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £3500
Current balance: £2691
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
06/12/18 - Account summary and 10% discount offered. Balance £2690 and then offered a F&F at £2422
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice
24/01/19 - letter received stating that due to the age of the account they cannot find details. PRA confirm unenforceable (for now).UNENFORCEABLE
06.11.18 Currently putting together the CCA requests and my £1 postal orders for all of the above.
09.01.19 Posted off my CCA 78-79 requests and £1 postal orders via signed for delivery. Kept and logged the postal order receipts accordingly.
Background: Started a DMP in 2012 with Stepchange for circa 60k unsecured debt. Currently at circa £39k and looking to self manage and follow advice on here. All of my debts have been defaulted and the majority dropped off my credit file(s) this year, with the last coming off in August 2019. I will document accordingly.
1. Debt: MBNA Credit Card - Now with LINK FINANCIAL LTD
Account Opened: 22.09.06
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6360
Current balance: £4995
Defaulted? YES - Drops off Feb 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/05/19 - First piece of correspondence received. A statement of account dated 10/05/19. Interestingly it notes my CCA request and £1 on there, but I have not received any CCA documentation.
31/08/19 - Response to CCA request received with some documentation. Emailed to Niddy for his thoughts
31/08/19 - Niddy states that as it's a tick box, it's easy for faults to be remedied and thus ENFORCEABLE
06/08/19 - Digital SAR sent via the MBNA website. Screenshot of confirmation that it has been received retained
06/02/20 - Letter from LINK FINANCIAL LTD to my new address stating they have located me and we need to talk
16/09/24 - letter received stating to contact them within 14 days as they will be sending the account to their solicitors
09/10/24 - letter dated 03/10/24 received with letter of claim giving 30 days to reply. I have spoken with Gerry at JCS and will sit tight. Will instruct JCS if court paperwork arrives
22/11/24 - CC money claim form received. JCS instructed
2. Debt: MBNA Credit Card (Virgin) - Now with LINK FINANCIAL LTD
Account Opened: 22.01.06
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6900
Current balance: £4807
Defaulted? YES - Drops off Feb 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/05/19 - First piece of correspondence received. A statement of account dated 10/05/19. Interestingly it notes my CCA request and £1 on there, but I have not received any CCA documentation.
31/08/19 - Response to CCA request received with some documentation. Emailed to Niddy for his thoughts
31/08/19 - Niddy states that as it's a tick box, it's easy for faults to be remedied and thus ENFORCEABLE
06/08/19 - Digital SAR sent via the MBNA website. Screenshot of confirmation that it has been received retained
06/02/20 - Letter from LINK FINANCIAL LTD to my new address stating they have located me and we need to talk
15/07/2022 - adding note here to state UNENFORCEABLE as per JC comments about winning court case
16/09/24 - letter received stating to contact them within 14 days as they will be sending the account to their solicitors ???????
08/10/24 - letter of claim received dated 03/10/24 from Kearns Solicitors stating I have 30 days to reply before legal proceedings. Message sent to JCS for advice.
09/10/24 - spoken to Gerry at JCS. Sitting tight for now. Will instruct JCS should court paperwork arrive.
22/11/24 - CC money claim form received. JCS instructed
3. Debt: Natwest Overdraft - With Wescot (in house collections)
Account Opened: 28.07.03
Balance at time of starting DMP: £980
Current balance: £540
Defaulted? YES - Drops off November 2018
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
This debt is no longer showing on my Stepchange DMP? Seems to have disappeared and can't find any paperwork for it
26/02/19 - Letter from Natwest stating that as of the 08/02/19 they have assigned PRA as the legal owners of the debt and therefore Wescot are no longer managing the account.
01/04/19 - Letter dated 28/03 from PRA offering a discount on the balance.
4. Debt: Natwest Loan - With Wescot (in house collections)
Account Opened: 02.11.2007
Balance at time of starting DMP: £25,897
Current balance: £5982.47
Defaulted? YES - Drops off November 2018
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
18/05/18 - Info on Natwest Loan and admission they didn't send NOSIAs when expected. Non-Compliance from 13/12/12 - 03/11/14 and overpaid interest of £475. Amount deducted from outstanding balance
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
26/02/19 - Letter from Natwest stating that as of the 08/02/19 they have assigned PRA as the legal owners of the debt and therefore Wescot are no longer managing the account.
01/04/19 - Letter dated 28/03 from PRA offering a discount on the balance. Bottom of letter states 'this account is currently classified as UNENFORCEABLE, which means we cannot take court action against you at this time...(etc)
10/04/19 - Letter received from Wescot with CCA, and also stating they are returning the account to Natwest. Forwarded CCA to Niddy who believes this is UNENFORCEABLE
10/09/19 - notice given by PRA Group (UK) stating behind with payments. Arrears sheet and FCA factsheet enclosed.
5. Debt: Bank of Scotland Credit Card - Now with CSL
Account Opened: 08.05.09
Balance at time of starting DMP: £3784
Current balance: £3019
Defaulted? YES - Drops off January 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
17/01/19 - letter from Moorcroft 'We acknowledge receipt of your recent letter requesting data as per Section 77-79 Consumer Credit Act 1974, and can confirm that we have requested the relevant documentation from our client will forward it to you when it is received.
We must also stress that we are not seeking to enforce an agreement and have only asked that payment is made towards a debt that is outstanding by way of an affordable repayment plan. However, if you believe we are unable to ask that your account is repaid in this manner please provide us with specific details so the client can address any specific concerns you may have. This request is asked to also minimise potential costs and delays.
25/0219 - letter from Moorcroft received with recon terms etc, signed statement of account, copy of original application recon version of original agreement. Will send over to Niddy for thoughts.
14/03/19 - Letter from Moorcroft - to prevent further debt recovery action, please send payment proposal before 21/03/19
30/03/19 - email back from Niddy. He believes this one is ENFORCEABLE
30/03/19 - Letter from Moorcroft asking I get in contact to arrange an affordable repayment plan
12/04/19 - Letter from Moorcroft stating I've not been in contact so they *may* do one of the following: continue to send letters or send a doorstep representative
22/07/19 - Letter from BOS stating they have transferred my BOS account to DCA Credit Security Limited
31/07/19 - Notice of further action - disappointed in no response. Contact us
05/08/2019 (letter dated 31/07/19) Letter from CSL (Credit Security Limited) asking I get in contact to arrange repayment of what I owe
12/08/19 - Letter from CSL offering a 'reduced sum' settlement (no figures given) if I call within the next 10 days. Offers of partial settlement registered with CRAs and balance to £0
24/10/19 - final note from CSL - letter that states to get in contact or the account will be returned to the client for further recovery which may include 1)continued collection attempts 2)passing to another DCA 3)selling account to a collection specialist - filed for now
14/03/20 - calls from '2F' asking me to verify my address and call them. Letter received also.
6. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1923
Current balance: £1250
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
7. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1632
Current balance: £942
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
8. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1229
Current balance: £782
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
9. Debt: Shop Direct - Now with Arrow Global
Account Opened: 30.11.12
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1250
Current balance: £792
Defaulted? YES - Drops off August 2019
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - Signed for letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice - confirm that they have sent the account to NCO and all further correspondence should be directed to NCO and will be received by NCO. Letter also requested that I provide a copy of my marriage certificate to confirm my name change - unsure whether to send or not? Will wait for now.
16/01/19 - letter received dated 11/01/19 from Arrow ... 'we write to you in response to a request for information we sent to you on assignment of the debt when Arrow Global Limited purchased your account from Shop Direct. This letter is not a copy of the original Notice of Assignment, but it contains the information you received in the original letter. The original note of assignment was sent to you on the 6th January 2013.
12/04/19 - Letter received stating they are still looking at my CCA request and the account is on hold
02.05.19 - Letter received with CCA request documents, Emailed to Niddy and he believes it is ENFORCEABLE
03/05/19 - F&F 10% offer sent to NCO Resolve
09/05/19 - NCO Resolve state they cannot accept 10%, but have sent my offer forward to Arrow
08/06/19 - Letter from NCO stating that Arrow declined 10% but counter-offered 50%. 30 days to reply
13/07/2020 - Letter from ResolveCall stating they're acting on behalf of Arrow Global Limited - Reconnection. Stating I would have received a letter from Arrow instructing them and advising me to call immediately. If no reply in 14 days a socially distanced home visit will take place. Filed
10. Debt: Barclaycard - (still with barclaycard)
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £5000?
Current balance: £3116
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
22/01/19 - letter from Barclaycard informing me they are currently unable to fulfil my S78 request and at this time they are unable to enforce the debt. Filed for now UNENFORCEABLE
26/01/21 - Check on credit file and see that this month LINK FINANCIAL OUTSOURCING LTD have re-added the default! It was backdated to the 24/04/19 However this is the SECOND default for the same debt as the first was logged in 2013 and expired 2019! Written complaint sent via Resolver and also a further CCA request. SAR sent to Barclaycard and logged via email. I have a letter dated 12/04/2018 from Barclaycard confirming the default date was May 2012 on this account.
04/02/20 - Barclaycard confirm in writing the default will be removed but will take up to 6-8 weeks.
11. Debt: Asda/NewDay (I think?) - Currently Lowells Financial Ltd
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £1900
Current balance: £1373
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
11/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
25/01/19 - letter dated 22/01/19 - Lowells have been unable to obtain the requested documents. ...'we have decided to not pursue the outstanding money at this time. However, if Capital One provides the requested documentation in the future, we may contact you again to request payment'. Filed. Letter now dates that the balance due is £0.00 UNENFORCEABLE (for now)
12. Debt: Capital One -Currently Lowells Financial Ltd
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2009 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £2200
Current balance: £1508
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
17/01/19 - letter dated 17/01 - Lowells have been unable to obtain the requested documents. ...'we have decided to not pursue the outstanding money at this time. However, if Capital One provides the requested documentation in the future, we may contact you again to request payment'. Filed. Letter now dates that the balance due is £0.00 UNENFORCEABLE for now)
13. Debt: Egg card - bought by Barclaycard - Currently PRA
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £4800
Current balance: £3885
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice
24/01/19 - letter received with reconstituted T&C's - emailed to Niddy for his thoughts.
28/01/19 - email back from Niddy. Believed to be UNENFORCEABLE right now due to being incomplete
17/05/19 - letter from PRA ... your account is being managed by our Investigations and Litigation Department to look at your outstanding debt for possible Litigation recovery....
25/05/19 - CCA request sent signed for. Receipt kept. Sent on advice from Niddy - was unsure about this as it might give them scope to find what was missing, but then decided that if they send through the same thing again, it surely strengthens the unenforceability mitigation (should it ever arise).
29/05/19 - letter received with recon T&Cs - emailed to Niddy for thoughts - still believed to be UNENFORCEABLE due to being incomplete.
04/06/19 - SAR sent online
20/06/19 - Letter received with access code for SAR details online and directs me to enter the reference number emailed to me. I received no email. Call centre utterly useless and lied to me by giving me a '24/7' telephone number that doesn't work. Have re-requested all my information and asked for it to be posted to me
14. Debt: Egg Loan - bought by Barclays - Currently Hoist Finance UK Holdings 3 Limited.
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2008 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £6000?
Current balance: £2957
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
22/10/18 - Notice of Arrears
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
14/01/19 - letter received whereby they acknowledge request and sent back the £1 postal order as they have stopped charging for CCA requests
28/01/19 - Letter from IDEM unfortunately we are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until we do so the agreement cannot be enforced. We have contacted the original lender for a copy and if available it will be sent to you under separate cover in compliance with your request. Currently UNENFORCEABLE
26/02/19 - letter from IDEM stating that they have conducted a review of the interest and payment and confirm the last date I paid was 16/10/18 and so due to non-payment they are reinstating the previous interest rate of 9.510%? If I want to maintain 0.00% to contact them within 14 days.
04/04/19 - Letter dated 01/04 - Your account is in arrears. Please call to make a payment or discuss alternative payment options available to you
25/04/19 - Letter dated 18/04 - arrears notice and letter detailing the current state of the account. I notice they have started to apply interest again and added £21.22 making the total now £2940.50. Still awaiting CCA request as nothing received.
19/06/19 - Letter dated 14/06 - We do not have a payment plan in place to repay your account. Then details options available to me and them. They have continued to apply interest and balance now £2982. Still awaiting CCA request as nothing received and so currently still UNENFORCEABLE
24/07/19 - Notice to terminate your account. Payment demand for balance of £3020.90 demanded.
31/07/19 - No current payment arrangement in place. Unless rectified in 7 days 1)recoveries department 2)external debt collection
14/08/19 - Letter received from IDEM Servicing with a balance of £3004 stating that payment is required.
21/09/19 - Increasingly concerned we've not spoken to you. Failure to contact MAY result in 1) a representative visiting 2) external DCA
18/09/19 - Attempted to contact. Call in 10 days or we will appoint Resolvecall to visit.
14/10/19 - letter dated 11/11/19 stating that as of the 20/09/19 my account has been purchased by HOIST FINANCE UK HOLDINGS 3 LIMITED.
15. Debt: Barclaycard World - Currently with PRA
Account Opened: Unsure - dropped off credit file. Was pre-2007 however
Balance at time of starting DMP: £3500
Current balance: £2691
Defaulted? YES - Dropped off and gone
Last payment received: September 2018 via Stepchange for nominal low amount
06/12/18 - Account summary and 10% discount offered. Balance £2690 and then offered a F&F at £2422
10/01/19 - CCA request signed for. Signature receipt saved as PDF
12/01/19 - letter received returning £1 postal order but confirming receipt of CCA request. Account on hold until further notice
24/01/19 - letter received stating that due to the age of the account they cannot find details. PRA confirm unenforceable (for now).UNENFORCEABLE
06.11.18 Currently putting together the CCA requests and my £1 postal orders for all of the above.
09.01.19 Posted off my CCA 78-79 requests and £1 postal orders via signed for delivery. Kept and logged the postal order receipts accordingly.