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DaveyBoys UE enquiry

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  • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

    I would send that.
    Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

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    • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

      Cheers Pixie

      Will do just that then.


      • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

        Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

        Commenced December 2005
        Balance outstanding £7,000
        Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
        Been on DMP since Jan 2007
        Default Feb 2007
        Owner Now Apex Credit Management

        Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
        12+2 days passes and no reply
        Mar 2012 - Stopped Paying DMP
        Mar 2012 - Letter from Apex acknowledging me making regular payments and offering a reduced settlement with a discount of up to 50% off the remaining balance. Still no CCA...............Ignored
        May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours. Still no CCA.............Ignored
        May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me account still in arrears. Contact them to discuss to avoid escalation of account. Still no CCA..............Ignored
        May 2012 - Letter from Apex confirming "at present we are unable to obtain suitable copies of the required documentation from the original creditor in order to comply with your request" and "in light of this we will be removing your account from our normal collection activity." They go on to state "Although at this time your account is UE, we must advise you that the debt still remains, the balance is due and suitable collection activity may continue despite the unenforceability. We recommend payments are made to reduce outstanding liability and advise that at any time we may produce a recon copy of your agreement which would restore the enforceability." They have also sent me a cheque for £1.00 refunding the fee paid for this service........FILED
        March 2013 - Phone call from Apex asking me to 'ring them and discuss this matter'........Ignored
        March 2013 - Letter from Apex 'my chosen DMP provider has not made a payment for 60 days. Due to non payment the account will now be passed to collections within 7 days in order to commence the recovery of the outstanding balance........Will wait till collections write
        April 2013 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours.......Ignored like I did the last time I received this letter (May 2012)
        April 2013 - Another letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears........Ignored
        April 2013 - Letter from Apex - My account continues to be in arrears despite requests to bring these up to date. Should it remain this we will have to consider escalating your account to be reviewed for further action. Call us today, it is our intention to resolve this matter collaboratively.........replied with Final Response - UE (No CCA Received) & Harassment by Telephone
        April 2013 - 6 Monthly statement received.
        May 2013 - Letter from Apex - Account referred to Apex Purchased Portfolios for their consideration
        May 2013 - CCA received from Canada Square via Apex.........Replied with MPT
        Letter from Apex today. Further to your recent enquiry please find enclosed documentation as request. The enclosed is a letter from Canada Square Operations sent to Apex and states....Thanks for your request to Egg which is now known as Canada Square. Please find enclosed copies of the requested documents. Please note that the documents enclosed are historic copies of the originals previously issued and therefore all contact details (including phone numbers, e-mail, postal addresses, secure messages and website details are no longer available. Please therefore ensure any correspondence is sent to Canada Sq at the above address. Please also note we no longer charge a fee for investigating such requests. The enclosed is a spreadsheet headed transaction summary report and has columns for account number, Transaction posting date, transaction effective date, Transaction code, Transaction description, Transaction amount, Principal balance after transaction, and memo. Any significance in all this? Didn't get Niddy to peruse the CCA due to reading on here about a case that Niddy and co lost so therefore didn't want to comment on Egg CCA's. Apex have asked me to contact them but I wont be doing this unless theres something I could send them.

        Cheers all
        Last edited by DaveyBoy; 18 November 2013, 12:17. Reason: spelling!


        • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

          Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post
          Letter from Apex today. Further to your recent enquiry please find enclosed documentation as request. The enclosed is a letter from Canada Square Operations sent to Apex and states....Thanks for your request to Egg which is now known as Canada Square. Please find enclosed copies of the requested documents. Please note that the documents enclosed are historic copies of the originals previously issued and therefore all contact details (including phone numbers, e-mail, postal addresses, secure messages and website details are no longer available. Please therefore ensure any correspondence is sent to Canada Sq at the above address. Please also note we no longer charge a fee for investigating such requests. The enclosed is a spreadsheet headed transaction summary report and has columns for account number, Transaction posting date, transaction effective date, Transaction code, Transaction description, Transaction amount, Principal balance after transaction, and memo. Any significance in all this? Didn't get Niddy to peruse the CCA due to reading on here about a case that Niddy and co lost so therefore didn't want to comment on Egg CCA's. Apex have asked me to contact them but I wont be doing this unless theres something I could send them.

          Cheers all
          On reflection. Think I'll ignore this until they start phoning and pestering me again then send of a refusal to accept UE status.

          Cheers all


          • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

            Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

            Flexible Loan
            Commenced Feb 2003
            Balance outstanding £5,200
            Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
            Been on DMP since Jan 2007
            Default May 2007
            Owner Now Santander

            Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
            Feb 2012 - CCA Recieved
            Emailed Niddy
            March 2012 - Niddy says nearly always
            March 2012 - Stopped paying DMP
            March 2012- Missing prescribed terms letter sent
            May 2012 - Letter recieved from Santander head of collections stating concerns about payments not been recieved for some time. If I dont contact them within 7 days they will asume account is no longer being managed by a third party and furher action taken to recover outstanding amount........IGNORED
            Oct 2012 - 6 monthly statement recieved from Santander. No charges or interest added to account and no payments made
            March 2013 -Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited. They have been instructed by Santander to collect my overdue debt. To prevent our recommending to our client that further debt recovery action be undertaken it is essential that you settle this debt without delay. Both our client and we do not wish to take this action but if agreement cannot be reached we may have no alternative. They give me 7 days to make payment or give me the option to contact them immediately with my payment offer........Replied with account sold in dispute letter
            March 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft stating they are communicating with Santander regarding my query and during these communications follow up action will be suspended
            March 2013 - 6 monthly statement recieved from Santander. No charges or interest added to account and no payments made
            June 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft in reply to my Account Sold in Dispute. Same CCA that I got from Santander in Feb last year.......Replied to Moorcroft with a duplicate of Missing Prescribed Terms I sent to Santander in March 2012
            July 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft stating the control of the account has been returned to our clients
            July 2013 - Letter from Santander - Account passed to Wescot for collection
            July 2013 - Letter today from Wescot. We have been instructed to collect the outstanding balance. To avoid Wescot taking further action either 1. pay up or 2. phone us........Replied with account sold in dispute letter
            Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescott - Final Notice - Pay up to prevent further action......reminded them still awaiting response to Account sold in dispute letter
            Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescott -Opportunity to take control of your balance.......ignored
            Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescott -We are in communications with Santander.....filed
            Sept 2013 - Letter from Wescott - Not yet in a position to issue a final response.......filed
            Oct 2013 - Letter from Wescott. We've been in touch with Santander and they have confirmed they have fully complied with the previous CCA requests you have raised and all of the relevant documentation has been sent to you. We are unable to uphold your complaint as Santander has fully complied with your CCA request and there is no evidence to support your claim that Wescott has harassed you in this matter. Santander has confirmed they will send you another copy of the documentation. Account now on hold for 30 days for you to recieve aforementioned documentation from Santander and to contact us with your proposals for repayment. If you have a valid dispute please provide full details and we will investigate this matter with our client. If we do not hear from you, account will revert to normal collection activity. We believe complaint has been resolved and if we hear no more regarding this matter we will consider complaint closed..........leave it a few days then will reply with creditor refusal to accept UE
            Letter today from Wescot in reply to my creditor refusal to accept UE letter. Thanks for contacting us, we acknowledge you have raised a request for documentation and we will not contact you whilst this is investigated. Please be advised it may take several weeks as we need to contact our client and we appreciate your patience during this time.

            Will file this and hope several weeks turns into months.
            Cheers all


            • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

              Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

              Credit Card
              Commenced March 2006
              Balance outstanding £3,000
              Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
              Been on DMP since Jan 2007
              Default Jan 2007
              Owner Now Barclaycard

              Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
              12+2 days passes then
              Feb 2012 - Letter from Barclaycard 'we acknowledge receipt of your request, we are dealing with and will respond as soon as possible'
              Mar 2012 - Stopped paying DMP
              Apr 2012 - CCA Recieved
              Emailed Niddy
              Apr 2012 - Niddy says 'All this is is a recon, holds no substance and is all the way'
              Sept 2012 - Letter recieved today from Barclaycard
              Formal Demand for Payment
              As you have not responded to the Default Notice you were sent by Mercers Debt Collections Ltd, payment of the outstanding amount shown is now due in full. Please note we will no longer send monthly statements to you (Never had a statement of Barclaycard yet).
              Credit Reference Agencies
              This formal demand is a legal doc. We are notifying you of our intention to file a default at the credit reference agencies (That happened 5 years ago!). We always let credit agencies know when a customer has failed to meet the terms of the Formal Demand for payment and the payment has not been made. This may affect your ability to get credit from other lenders.
              If you do not make a payment or reach agreement with us by 9th Sept we may pass your account to a specialist collection company in your area and a local representative may call at your address to arrange repayment of this debt. We may transfer money that you have in barclays current savings or other accounts to reduce or pay off the amount owed. Your t&c clearly state we can do this if we need to.
              To stop further action you must call asap.........IGNORED
              Sept 2012 - Letter recieved from Barclaycard stating account been passed to Credit Solutions Ltd to manage collection........IGNORED
              Oct 2012 - Letter recieved from power2contact. We have been instructed by our client to VISIT YOUR ADDRESS TO COLLECT THE ABOVE DEBT........Replied with threat of doorstep visit template
              Oct 2012 - Letter recieved from Credit Solutions Limited in response to my doorstep visit. Says 'Internal investigation has taken place into this matter' goes on to say 'As per request contact number has been removed and all future correspondence will be via writing'. Also states 'Doorstep visits are simply another option available to assist customers in paying debts' and 'OFT guidelines state doorstep visits must give adequate notice of time and date of visit' and 'The Armstrong v Sheppard (1959) case you quoted is dependant on individual circumstance and only such order to refuse access can come from a Court and not from the individual'........FILED
              Oct 2012 - Letter recieved from Credit Solutions - Opportunity to save £££'s......IGNORED
              Oct 2012 - Another letter recieved from Credit Solutions NOTICE OF LEGAL PROCEEDINGS. The above debt remains outstanding. Failure to pay this debt or contact us within 7 days may result in legal proceedings being issued against you..............REPLIED WITH THREAT-O-GRAM BEFORE ACTION
              Nov 2012 - Letter from Power2Contact - FORMAL NOTICE OF INTENDED VISIT................REPLIED WITH Harassment Follow-Up & Threat of Injunctive Relief (Modified 1st Paragraph as I've not had a visit thus far)
              Nov 2012 - Letter recieved today from Credit Solutions in reply to my harassment follow up letter. They can confirm that they stand by their previous response and are unable to guarantee that a doorstep visit will not take place...........Will see what follows
              April 2013 -Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited. They have been instructed by Barclaycard to collect my overdue debt........Replied with account sold in dispute letter
              April 2013 - Moorcroft reply to my account sold in dispute with a letter thanking me for my CCA request and asking for £1 so it can be processed.......Replied informing them I hadn't requested a CCA as per ScabHunters post #162
              April 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft stating they are communicating with Barclaycard regarding my query and during these communications follow up action will be suspended........Filed
              May 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft 'Further to your recent communication we have been in touch with Barclaycard who have advised the CCA request was completed and sent to me on xxApril2013.......Replied with modified Missing Prescribed Terms
              June 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft 'Our client believes the documents sent do meet the requirements under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act blah blah blah'................ignored.
              June 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft 'To prevent further debt recovery please send payment in full or contact us immediately. Contact us now, in certain circumstances we may also be able to offer a substantial discount from the outstanding balance'.......ignored
              July 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft offering a payment schedule over 2 years to clear balance........ignored
              July 2013 - Letter from Midas Credit Services. We are part of Moorcroft Group and are aware you have failed to reach a repayment programme with Moorcroft Debt Recovery. We are now reviewing the account prior to the possible recommending of further debt recovery action to our clients.......ignored
              July 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft Home Collections Division. Your account has been passed to Home Collections Division for action. This may involve our local representative calling at your home address in the near future to try to assist you and seek to establish how you propose to settle the balance outstanding. However in a further attempt to come to an arrangement and to prevent further debt recovery action our client has told us that we are able to offer you a substantial discount on your outstanding balance. If no satisfactory agreement is made we will have no alternative but to recommend our client consider further recovery action...........replied with threat of doorstep visit
              Sept 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft. Thanks for your communication, accounted updated to reflect this request and no telephone or home visits will occur whilst communication is maintained. If communication ceases it may be necessary to revert to an alternative option of contact. To assist you at this stage the account is now on hold for 30 days to allow you an opportunity to confirm how you wish to proceed with this account
              Sept 2013 - Letter from Barclaycard. Account passed to Robinson Way. Please contact them..........Will wait for Robinson Way to write
              Sept 2013 - Letter from Robinson Way. Pay up or agree a repayment plan. If you fail to pay and neglect to deal with this your ability to obtain credit may be affected and our local doorstep collection agent may be asked to visit you to agree a payment plan.............Replied with account sold in dispute
              Oct 2013 - Letter from Robinson Way - We have noted your dispute / query. Account on hold whilst we make necessary enquiries.....filed
              Nov 2013 - Letter from Robinson Way - Further to your recent query, Barclaycard advises the relevant documentation was sent to you June 2013. Please send a payment proposal within 14 days.........replied with creditor refusal to accept UE
              Letter today from RobWay - We refer to your correspondence in which you claim this account is not enforceable. We are satisfied that the docs provided are sufficient to demonstrate liability and will not enter into repetitive correspondence. Your data will be continued to be processed in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act and the account will continue to be reported to credit reference agencies, where appropriate. If you neglect to make payment to us further action may be taken against you. We require payment proposals within 14 days.

              File this and see what they send next?
              Cheers all


              • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                that's what I would do


                • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                  Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

                  Commenced December 2005
                  Balance outstanding £7,000
                  Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
                  Been on DMP since Jan 2007
                  Default Feb 2007
                  Owner Now Apex Credit Management

                  Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
                  12+2 days passes and no reply
                  Mar 2012 - Stopped Paying DMP
                  Mar 2012 - Letter from Apex acknowledging me making regular payments and offering a reduced settlement with a discount of up to 50% off the remaining balance. Still no CCA...............Ignored
                  May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours. Still no CCA.............Ignored
                  May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me account still in arrears. Contact them to discuss to avoid escalation of account. Still no CCA..............Ignored
                  May 2012 - Letter from Apex confirming "at present we are unable to obtain suitable copies of the required documentation from the original creditor in order to comply with your request" and "in light of this we will be removing your account from our normal collection activity." They go on to state "Although at this time your account is UE, we must advise you that the debt still remains, the balance is due and suitable collection activity may continue despite the unenforceability. We recommend payments are made to reduce outstanding liability and advise that at any time we may produce a recon copy of your agreement which would restore the enforceability." They have also sent me a cheque for £1.00 refunding the fee paid for this service........FILED
                  March 2013 - Phone call from Apex asking me to 'ring them and discuss this matter'........Ignored
                  March 2013 - Letter from Apex 'my chosen DMP provider has not made a payment for 60 days. Due to non payment the account will now be passed to collections within 7 days in order to commence the recovery of the outstanding balance........Will wait till collections write
                  April 2013 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours.......Ignored like I did the last time I received this letter (May 2012)
                  April 2013 - Another letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears........Ignored
                  April 2013 - Letter from Apex - My account continues to be in arrears despite requests to bring these up to date. Should it remain this we will have to consider escalating your account to be reviewed for further action. Call us today, it is our intention to resolve this matter collaboratively.........replied with Final Response - UE (No CCA Received) & Harassment by Telephone
                  April 2013 - 6 Monthly statement received.
                  May 2013 - Letter from Apex - Account referred to Apex Purchased Portfolios for their consideration
                  May 2013 - CCA received from Canada Square via Apex.........Replied with MPT
                  Nov 2013 - as per post 198 Transaction summary report received from Canada Square via Apex and now Apex would like me to contact them to discuss account............will await the next move

                  A few letters recently from Apex. Don't know whether they're sending things just for the hell of it or whether they are up to something...

                  1st Letter tells me they wrote to me recently to tell me my account formerly with Egg had been assigned to them (got that letter 3 years ago) they go on to say my instalment has not been received (they've not had a penny from me in nearly 2 years) if you paid directly to Egg (That last happened 3 years ago) the money will be transferred. Please pay us in future

                  2nd Letter is a 6 monthly statement showing I've paid them naff all

                  3rd Letter they're disappointed I never responded to letter 1. Your account is now at risk of falling into default and possibly incurring further costs and interest. We were informed by Egg that you had a payment arrangement in place to clear the balance (there was when you bought it!), we have not received any contact or payment from you (really? they had over a year of payments whilst I was still paying my DMP and have had numerous other letters since starting UE).

                  Clueless or up to somet?

                  Cheers all


                  • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                    mailshots, you're in the system so you go around and around with this mob of dopes, Mr D has been getting something similar, just been ignoring


                    • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                      Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

                      Flexible Loan
                      Commenced Feb 2003
                      Balance outstanding £5,200
                      Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
                      Been on DMP since Jan 2007
                      Default May 2007
                      Owner Now Santander

                      Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
                      Feb 2012 - CCA Recieved
                      Emailed Niddy
                      March 2012 - Niddy says nearly always
                      March 2012 - Stopped paying DMP
                      March 2012- Missing prescribed terms letter sent
                      May 2012 - Letter recieved from Santander head of collections stating concerns about payments not been recieved for some time. If I dont contact them within 7 days they will asume account is no longer being managed by a third party and furher action taken to recover outstanding amount........IGNORED
                      Oct 2012 - 6 monthly statement recieved from Santander. No charges or interest added to account and no payments made
                      March 2013 -Letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery Limited. They have been instructed by Santander to collect my overdue debt. To prevent our recommending to our client that further debt recovery action be undertaken it is essential that you settle this debt without delay. Both our client and we do not wish to take this action but if agreement cannot be reached we may have no alternative. They give me 7 days to make payment or give me the option to contact them immediately with my payment offer........Replied with account sold in dispute letter
                      March 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft stating they are communicating with Santander regarding my query and during these communications follow up action will be suspended
                      March 2013 - 6 monthly statement recieved from Santander. No charges or interest added to account and no payments made
                      June 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft in reply to my Account Sold in Dispute. Same CCA that I got from Santander in Feb last year.......Replied to Moorcroft with a duplicate of Missing Prescribed Terms I sent to Santander in March 2012
                      July 2013 - Letter from Moorcroft stating the control of the account has been returned to our clients
                      July 2013 - Letter from Santander - Account passed to Wescot for collection
                      July 2013 - Letter today from Wescot. We have been instructed to collect the outstanding balance. To avoid Wescot taking further action either 1. pay up or 2. phone us........Replied with account sold in dispute letter
                      Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescot - Final Notice - Pay up to prevent further action......reminded them still awaiting response to Account sold in dispute letter
                      Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescot -Opportunity to take control of your balance.......ignored
                      Aug 2013 - Letter from Wescot -We are in communications with Santander.....filed
                      Sept 2013 - Letter from Wescot - Not yet in a position to issue a final response.......filed
                      Oct 2013 - Letter from Wescot. We've been in touch with Santander and they have confirmed they have fully complied with the previous CCA requests you have raised and all of the relevant documentation has been sent to you. We are unable to uphold your complaint as Santander has fully complied with your CCA request and there is no evidence to support your claim that Wescott has harassed you in this matter. Santander has confirmed they will send you another copy of the documentation. Account now on hold for 30 days for you to recieve aforementioned documentation from Santander and to contact us with your proposals for repayment. If you have a valid dispute please provide full details and we will investigate this matter with our client. If we do not hear from you, account will revert to normal collection activity. We believe complaint has been resolved and if we hear no more regarding this matter we will consider complaint closed..........leave it a few days then will reply with creditor refusal to accept UE
                      Nov 2013 - Letter from Wescot - Will contact client for required documentation and this may take several weeks. We will not contact you in the meantime......filed
                      Nov 2013 - Letter from Wescot - Pay up and please find enclosed the required docs (copy of what Santander sent me in March 2012)
                      Letter from Wescot
                      Complete the Income / Expenditure form attached in preparation for a doorstep visit from Scotcall. Alternatively ring us and take this final opportunity to prevent this account being sent to a doorstep collector.
                      Shall send them a threat of doorstep visit letter
                      Cheers and a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all


                      • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                        I would agree. If it was me, I would be ignoring the income / expenditure form and send the "threat of door step" visit template letter.

                        Happy new year to you too Davey


                        • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                          Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

                          Commenced December 2005
                          Balance outstanding £7,000
                          Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
                          Been on DMP since Jan 2007
                          Default Feb 2007
                          Owner Now Apex Credit Management

                          Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
                          12+2 days passes and no reply
                          Mar 2012 - Stopped Paying DMP
                          Mar 2012 - Letter from Apex acknowledging me making regular payments and offering a reduced settlement with a discount of up to 50% off the remaining balance. Still no CCA...............Ignored
                          May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours. Still no CCA.............Ignored
                          May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me account still in arrears. Contact them to discuss to avoid escalation of account. Still no CCA..............Ignored
                          May 2012 - Letter from Apex confirming "at present we are unable to obtain suitable copies of the required documentation from the original creditor in order to comply with your request" and "in light of this we will be removing your account from our normal collection activity." They go on to state "Although at this time your account is UE, we must advise you that the debt still remains, the balance is due and suitable collection activity may continue despite the unenforceability. We recommend payments are made to reduce outstanding liability and advise that at any time we may produce a recon copy of your agreement which would restore the enforceability." They have also sent me a cheque for £1.00 refunding the fee paid for this service........FILED
                          March 2013 - Phone call from Apex asking me to 'ring them and discuss this matter'........Ignored
                          March 2013 - Letter from Apex 'my chosen DMP provider has not made a payment for 60 days. Due to non payment the account will now be passed to collections within 7 days in order to commence the recovery of the outstanding balance........Will wait till collections write
                          April 2013 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours.......Ignored like I did the last time I received this letter (May 2012)
                          April 2013 - Another letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears........Ignored
                          April 2013 - Letter from Apex - My account continues to be in arrears despite requests to bring these up to date. Should it remain this we will have to consider escalating your account to be reviewed for further action. Call us today, it is our intention to resolve this matter collaboratively.........replied with Final Response - UE (No CCA Received) & Harassment by Telephone
                          April 2013 - 6 Monthly statement received.
                          May 2013 - Letter from Apex - Account referred to Apex Purchased Portfolios for their consideration
                          May 2013 - CCA received from Canada Square via Apex.........Replied with MPT
                          Nov 2013 - as per post 198 Transaction summary report received from Canada Square via Apex and now Apex would like me to contact them to discuss account............will await the next move
                          Dec 2013 - Letter from Apex - they wrote to me recently to tell me my account formerly with Egg had been assigned to them (got that letter 3 years ago) they go on to say my instalment has not been received (they've not had a penny from me in nearly 2 years) if you paid directly to Egg (That last happened 3 years ago) the money will be transferred. Please pay us in future......filed
                          Dec 2013 - Letter from Apex - disappointed I never responded to letter above. Your account is now at risk of falling into default and possibly incurring further costs and interest. We were informed by Egg that you had a payment arrangement in place to clear the balance, we have not received any contact or payment from you
                          Letter from Apex

                          Your account is now in a default status as you have failed to commit to a payment arrangement to discharge your liability under the terms of this account.
                          We are now making arrangements to profile your account for possible litigation activity. Should we confirm you are a homeowner and/or employed your account may be passed to our legal recovery team for their consideration. Please be aware that this form of activity may well result in further costs and charges being debited to your account.
                          You need to telephone today to agree payment terms and to ensure no further action is taken by our legal recovery team.

                          Reply with this Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action?

                          Also can these clowns stick a default on my credit file even though Egg originally defaulted over 6 years ago and therefore it no longer shows. Wanting a mortgage imminent so dont want that screwing things up.

                          Cheers as always
                          Last edited by DaveyBoy; 30 December 2013, 13:00. Reason: wrong template


                          • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                            nope they can't stick another default on

                            I'd reply with a one liner referring them to your last letter and suggesting politely that they read it

                            pile of eejits


                            • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                              Originally posted by DaveyBoy View Post

                              Commenced December 2005
                              Balance outstanding £7,000
                              Last Full Payment Oct 2006 i think
                              Been on DMP since Jan 2007
                              Default Feb 2007
                              Owner Now Apex Credit Management

                              Feb 2012 - CCA Request Sent
                              12+2 days passes and no reply
                              Mar 2012 - Stopped Paying DMP
                              Mar 2012 - Letter from Apex acknowledging me making regular payments and offering a reduced settlement with a discount of up to 50% off the remaining balance. Still no CCA...............Ignored
                              May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours. Still no CCA.............Ignored
                              May 2012 - Letter from Apex telling me account still in arrears. Contact them to discuss to avoid escalation of account. Still no CCA..............Ignored
                              May 2012 - Letter from Apex confirming "at present we are unable to obtain suitable copies of the required documentation from the original creditor in order to comply with your request" and "in light of this we will be removing your account from our normal collection activity." They go on to state "Although at this time your account is UE, we must advise you that the debt still remains, the balance is due and suitable collection activity may continue despite the unenforceability. We recommend payments are made to reduce outstanding liability and advise that at any time we may produce a recon copy of your agreement which would restore the enforceability." They have also sent me a cheque for £1.00 refunding the fee paid for this service........FILED
                              March 2013 - Phone call from Apex asking me to 'ring them and discuss this matter'........Ignored
                              March 2013 - Letter from Apex 'my chosen DMP provider has not made a payment for 60 days. Due to non payment the account will now be passed to collections within 7 days in order to commence the recovery of the outstanding balance........Will wait till collections write
                              April 2013 - Letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears and is now in a state of default. Payment of arrears required within 72 hours.......Ignored like I did the last time I received this letter (May 2012)
                              April 2013 - Another letter from Apex telling me payment plan in arrears........Ignored
                              April 2013 - Letter from Apex - My account continues to be in arrears despite requests to bring these up to date. Should it remain this we will have to consider escalating your account to be reviewed for further action. Call us today, it is our intention to resolve this matter collaboratively.........replied with Final Response - UE (No CCA Received) & Harassment by Telephone
                              April 2013 - 6 Monthly statement received.
                              May 2013 - Letter from Apex - Account referred to Apex Purchased Portfolios for their consideration
                              May 2013 - CCA received from Canada Square via Apex.........Replied with MPT
                              Nov 2013 - as per post 198 Transaction summary report received from Canada Square via Apex and now Apex would like me to contact them to discuss account............will await the next move
                              Dec 2013 - Letter from Apex - they wrote to me recently to tell me my account formerly with Egg had been assigned to them (got that letter 3 years ago) they go on to say my instalment has not been received (they've not had a penny from me in nearly 2 years) if you paid directly to Egg (That last happened 3 years ago) the money will be transferred. Please pay us in future......filed
                              Dec 2013 - Letter from Apex - disappointed I never responded to letter above. Your account is now at risk of falling into default and possibly incurring further costs and interest. We were informed by Egg that you had a payment arrangement in place to clear the balance, we have not received any contact or payment from you......filed
                              Dec 2013 - Letter from Apex - Account is now in a default status as you have failed to commit to a payment arrangement to discharge your liability under the terms of this account. We are now making arrangements to profile your account for possible litigation activity. Should we confirm you are a homeowner and/or employed your account may be passed to our legal recovery team for their consideration. Please be aware that this form of activity may well result in further costs and charges being debited to your account.......replied with awaiting reply to MPT
                              2 Letters from Apex

                              1) A duplicate of the letter I received from them in December 2013 about my account being assigned to them............shall ignore this one

                              2) Letter advising me they have fulfilled my CCA request (have had a recon off Canada Square and in response to my MPT they sent transaction summary report). They now want an up to date financial statement and an offer of payment......any response to this one? Don't know if this is En or not (not sent this to Niddy due to it being an old Egg agreement)

                              Cheers all


                              • Re: DaveyBoys UE enquiry

                                wait for Niddy to come back, a wee nudge will do him no harm

