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Serious Address Issues please help

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  • ken100464
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    Or move to a normal address
    That just made me laugh spat my tea out

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Ok so if everything points to the flat other than PAF just leave things alone, not much you can do. Obviously that will mean when you get searched you may encounter refusals in which case you'd need to manually appeal each application that was declined....

    Or move to a normal address

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help


    ER shows flat

    PAF shows house

    Exp and Eq both show Flat but no links to the house address. Exp essentially refuse to create a link, either saying it is not possible or that it does not matter depending on who I talk to there. Equifax say they can bring all the house information over to the flat but there will not be a link, it will mean no information will show for house searches.

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help


    So can you clarify - what address does the ER data show? Is it the house or flat?

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Mistic View Post

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help


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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Ok actual update

    Royal Mail have officially recorded my address as a multi occupancy property. From what they told me that means they have my flat address on their advanced database, but the normal database, which appears to be the one companies bother to pay for, does not have anything more than the house address, due to the one mail point. So I waited a week but they have gone in a circle.

    So lets go back now. Next step was to get all the CRAs showing my flat address, ie the Elec Roll address, then getting them to put a manual link to the PAF address.

    I have spoken with Exp and Equifax. Equifax say they cannot link the addresses and that they have to choose one and pull all information to that. So the flat address would then have all information and there would be no link to the PAF.

    Exp tell me they cannot create a manual link, that it must be done by the lenders who send them the information.

    Unless I have confused myself again, without a link even a NoC would not matter as the person would not see the address to which it was referring. Not sure what to do about Equifax and Exp people merely start arguing links are not necessary every time the conversation hints at anything to do with one. Any advice would be appreciated

    Incidentally, Call Credit are using the Flat Address and have all information for some reason with no mention of a link on the report. Not that anyone will search that anyway

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Hi mate

    Nothing so far. Decided to leave it the week in case it was going to go through smoothly. Tried checking in with them today to query it but did not get through so will try again in the morning.

    No more issues with CRAs or anything, nothing has been touched, all sitting ready for this now

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    anything happen in the last week mate?

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    yea good idea..... then leave the CRA's alone - any damage can be sorted and undone later

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Yeah mate you're right. Got worried about the bank having no information at the PAF address in the mean time and freezing me or something so I've messed it up I think. They only send those feeds every month anyway don't they? Is that something that won't happen either anyway?

    Will get them to change it back without the previous address in the morning then leave it, sounds good.

    The ER address is correct, btw, complete with the flat in the format they are changing it to, so all good news on that front.
    Last edited by Mistic; 20 November 2012, 23:16.

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help


    Ok the ultimate aim here was to technically have the address updated and the fact the council will notify RM is a good thing therefore you DO NOT want the house, without flat, showing as a previous address as this will create problems at N Hunter which is a fraud prevention agency, especially as it was NOT a previous address.

    therefore leave everything with the CRA's well alone and do not apply for any credit right now, lets get the address sorted cos after that you then need to get in touch with the Electoral Department at the council and check they are using the correct version and not omitting the flat but this is verified on your credit report, it'll show you on the ER from X date to X date - does the address shown actually match the correct version or is it omitting the flat?

    But basically, as a result of todays actions ignore my messages of yesterday and await a reply from RM regards the correct address updating.

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Ok Update

    I contacted the person from the council and they have my Flat address on their system now and have done for years by what they told me. So they have fired off an email to Royal Mail to change it, which apparently could go through no problems or could require more information, depending on who gets the email I suppose. So that sounds positive.

    Way away from all that, the guy at Exp apparently decided he didn't want to do what he was telling me he was doing and instead deleted all information regarding my PAF address from my file, making it Flat X, etc with no connection at all to the address without the flat.

    So called them back. First guy told me there was no link to the PAF address, confirmed that again when I asked something else in a tone that suggested he wanted to go home, then told me that it was not possible to link an address to my current address. I asked why not and he told me it was not possible for it to be done. So I challenged him to explain why and he told me even more loudly it was not possible to link an address at all, that lenders have to do that. This repeated itself a few more times. So I hung up.

    The next guy told me again that a link was not possible, as anyone searching without the flat would not find me unless both addresses were on my profile, so he has put it as a previous address. I queried this and he became snooty and started telling me it would be fine and it would be the same as me living at the address now, which is not even logical, but then I had something like a minute of credit left so decided to leave it like that til I get more credit in the morning as at least the address is back on my credit file in some form.

    Now, aside from the... well there are so many words that could fit in there... if I leave that as is, are all the companies I have products with, including my bank, going to get updated feeds from what is happening there and suddenly panic and take back all their products? I am thinking I should simply return it to the PAF address for safety, give Royal Mail time to respond to that email

    Any thoughts?

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    1. . Speak to that person at Council tomorrow and see what they say;
    2. . Request all 3 CRA's add the current address as shown by PAF and the version you use with the flat number included and have them link them;
    3. . Then add NoC text to all three CRA's.

    Should sort it....
    Much appreciated! Will let you know how I get on.

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    1. . Speak to that person at Council tomorrow and see what they say;
    2. . Request all 3 CRA's add the current address as shown by PAF and the version you use with the flat number included and have them link them;
    3. . Then add NoC text to all three CRA's.

    Should sort it....

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