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Serious Address Issues please help

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    Yes you got it

    I edited my post, a POC is a claim - I meant to say NoC

    It's sorted now, forget the POC totally as you won't have any of those

    Cheers mate you're a star

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Mistic View Post
    Ok, think I got it. That way, the fact that the CRAs will only all agree on the Flat address will be fine because when I apply and use the PAF address, it will refer and whoever will see everything on my file for both addresses, due to the link, where the automated system could technically see it, but wouldn't because it goes by the address put in at application. Is that right?

    What is a PoC mate, I don't know all the terms yet, should I use that instead of the NoC?
    Yes you got it

    I edited my post, a POC is a claim - I meant to say NoC

    It's sorted now, forget the POC totally as you won't have any of those

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    Right, a NoC in this sense is ideal for you as it stops a computer saying no when it sees the mismatch of data (address) hence adding one means the application cannot be declined electronically and must be sent for manual processing. A human will notice that the address is the same and if this was the ONLY reason for the decline, they would reverse it. Make sense? So in your case it is probably good to have one to stop automatic declines.

    As for reports, you misunderstand - a credit report is generated against a person, NOT an address so basically there could be 50 people and/or historical reports from that address - you won't know as they will only send you info relating to you. So similarly, what you want to happen is for all 3 CRA's to have the address as shown on PAF as this is what will credit score you, but as this differs from what you use as you apply for things means you need the flat address to be manually linked to the PAF version so lenders can see that the address is actually the same and not fraud.

    Make sense, I hope so lol
    Ok, think I got it. That way, the fact that the CRAs will only all agree on the Flat address will be fine because when I apply and use the PAF address, it will refer and whoever will see everything on my file for both addresses, due to the link, where the automated system could technically see it, but wouldn't because it goes by the address put in at application. Is that right?

    What is a PoC mate, I don't know all the terms yet, should I use that instead of the NoC?

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Mistic View Post
    Cheers mate, appreciate it

    I read one of your posts warning against NoCs though, as if I understood correctly it would essentially eliminate the possibility of ever having an application accepted by a system and would always refer, thereby opening the entire history to the human decision maker and affecting the result. It seemed more like something to avoid, did I misunderstand?

    Incidentally, the people I spoke to, of whom there were seven over several phone calls and both CRAs, all but told me straight that I did not have access to the other report, as though it was not really mine and only one could exist. If I could put notes on both versions, does that mean I actually have access to 2 reports per CRA at the moment?
    Right, a NoC in this sense is ideal for you as it stops a computer saying no when it sees the mismatch of data (address) hence adding one means the application cannot be declined electronically and must be sent for manual processing. A human will notice that the address is the same and if this was the ONLY reason for the decline, they would reverse it. Make sense? So in your case it is probably good to have one to stop automatic declines.

    As for reports, you misunderstand - a credit report is generated against a person, NOT an address so basically there could be 50 people and/or historical reports from that address - you won't know as they will only send you info relating to you. So similarly, what you want to happen is for all 3 CRA's to have the address as shown on PAF as this is what will credit score you, but as this differs from what you use as you apply for things means you need the flat address to be manually linked to the PAF version so lenders can see that the address is actually the same and not fraud.

    Make sense, I hope so lol

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    Well yes but a protective cifas registration and/or a Notice of Correction (NoC) could bypass automated systems. Maybe the best approach here is a NoC at both addresses referring to pre-defined text clarifying the issue, for example

    "The customer disputes the data provided and care should therefore be taken when assessing the individual for credit. The addresses are one and the same"

    That would about do it. The CRA will argue that the NoC is defined text that cannot be altered, tell them to get fooked cos they're talking garbage, it is YOUR data and you can say anything you want so long as it is factual and not libellous, so you couldn't say "X bank scammed me and added this default"

    If you get stuck give me a shout (or PM)....

    Cheers mate, appreciate it

    I read one of your posts warning against NoCs though, as if I understood correctly it would essentially eliminate the possibility of ever having an application accepted by a system and would always refer, thereby opening the entire history to the human decision maker and affecting the result. It seemed more like something to avoid, did I misunderstand?

    Incidentally, the people I spoke to, of whom there were seven over several phone calls and both CRAs, all but told me straight that I did not have access to the other report, as though it was not really mine and only one could exist. If I could put notes on both versions, does that mean I actually have access to 2 reports per CRA at the moment?

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Mistic View Post
    1. Do you think the above idea has any chance of working? I know the landlord should handle something like that but knowing my landlord, unless there is something legal to lean on here I will probably have to figure something out

    2. Once updated tonight, Exp will have my address as including the Flat, linked with the address without it. Will that be found by a lender searching without the flat? The woman from Equifax really has me worried now that if I connect them my entire record at the PAF address will disappear.

    Is that different for Equifax or have I received some dodgy info
    1. Don't worry, leave the mail processing side as it is and use the flat version of the address, then request that all 3 CRA's also update their records to reflect that the flat and the PAF address is linked with a NoC stating (use the text above in my last post).

    2. The CRA's will basically link you from the address with a flat number to the main address without the flat number which is correct. Doing so shows lenders that you're linked to the address and a simple PAF search via themselves (done via the CRA) will show the mis-match address from the CRA & PAF to that used by you and/or the ER Register.

    Basically, as things stand you need to get the CRA's sorted and try ringing that contact from Naming & Numbering tomorrow. But in the meantime stop worrying, all this is easy to resolve as technically you're only having address issues not debt issues linking to the address which does cause a big problem.

    So for now try and get all 3 CRA's to show your profile as address with the flat and linked to the same address without the flat.

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  • SA Gold
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Thanks to I2D and Niddy for clearing that up!

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by mgfboy View Post
    I've had this before when trying to sort mortgages out for clients, where they either live or are buying houses in new developments. The post codes sometimes lag behind and when you try to get approval the computer says no!!!!
    Well yes but a protective cifas registration and/or a Notice of Correction (NoC) could bypass automated systems. Maybe the best approach here is a NoC at both addresses referring to pre-defined text clarifying the issue, for example

    "The customer disputes the data provided and care should therefore be taken when assessing the individual for credit. The addresses are one and the same"

    That would about do it. The CRA will argue that the NoC is defined text that cannot be altered, tell them to get fooked cos they're talking garbage, it is YOUR data and you can say anything you want so long as it is factual and not libellous, so you couldn't say "X bank scammed me and added this default"

    If you get stuck give me a shout (or PM)....

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  • Mistic
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Thanks for the replies guys. I have had such a long day trying to go through all of this I really appreciate the help

    Originally posted by missy View Post
    ah, is it a relatively new block of flats by any chance?
    I experienced a similar debacle a few years back when moving in to a "house" (which many authorities including Royal Mail) only knew about as
    The name of the road,

    and knew nothing about the flats within it.
    I am not sure of the process involved (assuming this is the case with you) but it eventually sorted itself out. I would guess its down to the builders/surveyors responsible for the property working with the local planning office but others may be along soon to clarify.
    It sounds like a very similar experience. The thing is, this house has been flats for something like 10 years I think. I have been here for 5 myself and it was flats before I got here. It appears something I will have to do.

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    What you must do is start using the address that tallies with PAF. Go to Royal Mail address finder and search for you. Use THAT address when you apply for credit as that is what lenders aggregate their data from so it must tally with PAF. The cra's will then update their records accordingly.

    However if you're saying PAF identifies it as a house and not flats then you need to speak to the local authority planning dept to have it corrected. In any case you'd probably be best having all the CRA's singing from the same hymnbook so if they're using the flat version but PAF doesn't then ask them to add both and link them as the same address.

    It's a nightmare to resolve. I have it as I'm in a new build and PAF has us in Leeds even though I have a Pontefract phone number and pay council tax to selby council but we're North Yorkshire county council.

    Confused? Yep me too lol
    According to the PAF my address does not include a flat, that's the thing. I figure now the thing is to establish the address, so I thought, if all they need is external mail points, surely I could put some sort of thing at the front door, even if I constructed something temporary myself to get the process through. So I spent the latter part of this afternoon calling through Royal Mail, then my local council and finally was directed to a department called Naming and Numbering, who I was told by Royal Mail would be the ones to speak to and who would then instruct Royal Mail, hoping to find exactly what they need to get this ball rolling.

    Unfortunately the person in the department had a day off.

    So 2 questions

    1. Do you think the above idea has any chance of working? I know the landlord should handle something like that but knowing my landlord, unless there is something legal to lean on here I will probably have to figure something out

    2. Once updated tonight, Exp will have my address as including the Flat, linked with the address without it. Will that be found by a lender searching without the flat? The woman from Equifax really has me worried now that if I connect them my entire record at the PAF address will disappear.

    Is that different for Equifax or have I received some dodgy info

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  • mgfboy
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    I've had this before when trying to sort mortgages out for clients, where they either live or are buying houses in new developments. The post codes sometimes lag behind and when you try to get approval the computer says no!!!!

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Postal Address Finder

    --> Postcode Finder | Royal Mail Ltd

    Then click on find an address tab at the top.....

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  • Deepie
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by missy View Post
    sorry if i am being dull, but what is PAF?
    Postcode Address File

    Last edited by Deepie; 19 November 2012, 17:09. Reason: link

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  • SA Gold
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Never-In-Doubt View Post
    What you must do is start using the address that tallies with PAF.
    sorry if i am being dull, but what is PAF?

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  • Never-In-Doubt
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    What you must do is start using the address that tallies with PAF. Go to Royal Mail address finder and search for you. Use THAT address when you apply for credit as that is what lenders aggregate their data from so it must tally with PAF. The cra's will then update their records accordingly.

    However if you're saying PAF identifies it as a house and not flats then you need to speak to the local authority planning dept to have it corrected. In any case you'd probably be best having all the CRA's singing from the same hymnbook so if they're using the flat version but PAF doesn't then ask them to add both and link them as the same address.

    It's a nightmare to resolve. I have it as I'm in a new build and PAF has us in Leeds even though I have a Pontefract phone number and pay council tax to selby council but we're North Yorkshire county council.

    Confused? Yep me too lol

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  • SA Gold
    Re: Serious Address Issues please help

    Originally posted by Mistic View Post
    Hi Missy thanks for the reply

    Current addresses:

    Equifax: Flat address
    Experian: RM address (to become Flat address overnight, which I am beginning to feel I should stop happening)

    Mail is delivered through a single mail slot then sorted by those of us in the building. My mail almost always has the Flat on it as it as I either write that when giving my address out, or alter it later after applying for something with the RM address.

    The RM address, without the flat, is the only option when searching for a postcode, ie on the RM database. So anything new I apply for or give the address for has to be without the flat til it is accepted and can then be amended.
    ah, is it a relatively new block of flats by any chance?
    I experienced a similar debacle a few years back when moving in to a "house" (which many authorities including Royal Mail) only knew about as
    The name of the road,

    and knew nothing about the flats within it.
    I am not sure of the process involved (assuming this is the case with you) but it eventually sorted itself out. I would guess its down to the builders/surveyors responsible for the property working with the local planning office but others may be along soon to clarify.

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