Re: Government lose Bedroom Tax challenge decision
Nah, that glossary is not factual mate - the new statesman and facts belong together like elvis shagging a fish on the moon and the sunday sport

This for example
Utter bollocks 
Try visiting some depraved areas, Seacroft, harehills, dewsbury road etc in leeds. St Pauls etc in Bristol - they exist all over. Generations of unemployment is factual - hell I know a dozen families myself,....
Originally posted by cardiac arrest
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This for example
In the real world, it’s pretty hard to find families that have never worked, let alone generations of people on the dole.

Try visiting some depraved areas, Seacroft, harehills, dewsbury road etc in leeds. St Pauls etc in Bristol - they exist all over. Generations of unemployment is factual - hell I know a dozen families myself,....