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Failed promises by holiday company

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  • Failed promises by holiday company


    So I booked and holiday over the phone, a cruise to the Caribbean, on the call I asked for premium economy seats, which I was told was available. So I booked the holiday, if they were not available I would of never of booked.

    So p&o took my deposit etc and then a few weeks ago I got an email saying the flight in questions will no longer have premium economy, no inflight entertainment. The flight time is nearly 9 hours.

    If I was told this at point of sale I would never have booked the holiday and feel like I have been lied to.

    Disputed this with p&o Cruises, abbta and basically been told tough sh1t.

    So what are my options, I placed a claim in with my credit card company and they are dragging their heals.

    I just don't think it is right that a company can sell you one thing over the phone then change it and you either have to accept it or lose 600 pounds.

    I know it's a first world problem but I really don't know where to turn, if I issue a claim against them what is the worst case scenario for me, will I have to pay all there costs if I lose my claim or could somebody put me in touch with a legal professional who deals with this.



  • #2
    I know this may sound really obvious but did the travel agent send you email confirmation of your booking?


    • #3
      Yes , sorry and it stated premium economy


      • #4
        To avoid such problems and to have the holiday go the way you want, you just need to contact trusted companies. For example, if you are planning a children's party, then the reliable company Daddy's Home helps me. With their help you can always trampoline rental . You can really rely on them and there have never been any problems.

