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NatWest admits signature forgery
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Re: NatWest admits signature forgery
Hmm ineresting admission nevertheless. I think deep down we all knew and know that the banks and their hangers on are capable of anything that suits them and I know Barclays will try to hide behind "admin error" or "its a mistake" when the CEO is caught with a metaphorical pair of his secretary's knickers around his black seam stockinged ankles.
But it is everywhere in this corrupt criminal sector. Before No1 son went to OZ he worked on the trading floor of a large commodities bank. ALL banks empty their client accounts when the markets close here and go off gambling with the loot elsewhere and when it all goes wrong some scapegoat is found as in the Barings debacle. Never believe the City is straight and its a "free" market ---- it isn't. As a software engineer, No 1 son used to have to stop behind late after markets had closed and "patch through" multiple deals overnight on the SAME goods which never left the warehouses on the continent to ensure a certain price when the markets opened the next day. You and I, here in Britain are the victims of the biggest confidence trick in human history, aided and abetted by weak kneed lily-livered wasters in Westminster and Whitehall.
It was common knowledge in the "City" at the time that banks had been allowed to destroy whole archives of documents having been told by the FSA that should the mucky stuff hit the fan (like AAD ), then the FSA would back them to the hilt and when necessary turn a blind eye to their excesses and what we view as their unlawful behaviour.
(another rant from Garlok ?????)
regardsLast edited by garlok; 11 December 2011, 12:23.