As Still Waving points out and you acknowledge there are dangerous gaps in this information. The problem is it is difficult to really give advice where the actually Debt/Creditor/Current Creditor is uncertain with respect to your Diary entries.
The starting point here is
I would be reluctant to advise in these circumstances without clarity.
The starting point here is
8th February 2016, 22:27 #1
Idem Servicing £4138 (already paid £3115)
Moorgate (HSBC) £5167 (already paid £3845)
Moorgate (HSBC) £5167 (already paid £3845)
22/2/16 - received a letter from Idem servicing dated 19th Feb which refers to my HSBC account
22/2/16 - another letter received same day different envelope referencing M&S account
.. The balance on your account is £4077.80
(*note added 14/12/16 - The letters/phone calls/text messages that I have been receiving in relation to the HSBC debt in post #8 actually refer to this debt. I wanted to put this note in as I have been going through my paperwork and all cabots and rob ways paperwork refer to HSBC but it's actually this account)
Letter above received today from Cabot. Hopefully this is progress. They still have another two of my debts, but it has all been quiet from cabot.
Your entry is confusing because it seems there are or were three Cabot Debts?
It seems that one debt has been handed back to M&S? or Idem . Does this refers to the following Debt?
22/2/16 - another letter received same day different envelope referencing M&S account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced.
I would be reluctant to advise in these circumstances without clarity.