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My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

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  • Pixie
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    There's a telephone harrassment letter in the AAD+ templates section which you could send. They'll probably write back and say that they don't think it's harrassment but they usually stop.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.

    5/12/16 - text message received today

    5/12/16 - letter received from Cabot (no date on the letter) asking me to contact them.

    6/12/16 approx 10am, another telephone call from Cabot which my mums PA answered and just said I wasn't here.
    another call despite me telling them not to call.

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  • nanna58
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Goodo xx

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Ok. Not scared of this one. Will wait and see what comes next. Thanks Nightwatch and Nanna

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  • nanna58
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Just like them to start the scare tactics near to Christmas , they did that to me .Shows how nice they are .

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  • nightwatch
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Nope not yet, only if it gets threatening xx

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.

    5/12/16 - text message received today

    5/12/16 - letter received from Cabot (no date on the letter) asking me to contact them.
    Letter arrived in the post from Cabot. Should I send a SWID letter?

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  • nanna58
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    I assume thry will probably write, let us know when they do.I seem to recall when they rang I was able to block but that was sometime

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.

    5/12/16 - text message received today
    another text received today from Cabot. I have realised that I can't block it. Will ignore for now, unless anyone has any other suggestions.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.
    text message received today. Persistent buggers. I have no idea how they got hold of my mobile number, though. I'll probably get a letter from them next week.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.
    updated - telephone call from Cabot this evening!

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    My mistake, its Moorgate not moorcroft. Don't know why I put moorcroft!

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  • Pixie
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    I stand corrected JLC. I know they only acted as chasers with the ones they had of mine. Anyway, just wait until Cabot get in touch.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by Pixie View Post
    I think you'll find that Moorcroft were just chasing the debt and didn't own it. I'd wait until you hear from Cabot.
    I have a letter amongst all my paperwork from the debt management company that moorcroft has purchased the debt from britannic recoveries (it originally went to a company called metropolitan).

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  • Pixie
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    Post update. How can Idem Servicing sell my account when it's owned by moorcroft? I know they are the same company, but isnt this a bit of a cock up? Should I send a SWID letter or wait and see what comes next?
    I think you'll find that Moorcroft were just chasing the debt and didn't own it. I'd wait until you hear from Cabot.

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