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My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Do you think that Moorgate and idem are about to disappear?

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  • nightwatch
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    I would wait for the next missive on both accounts xx

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.

    5/12/16 - text message received today

    5/12/16 - letter received from Cabot (no date on the letter) asking me to contact them.

    6/12/16 approx 10am, another telephone call from Cabot which my mums PA answered and just said I wasn't here.

    7/12/16 approx 9.20am - another telephone call. Harrassment letter sent today.

    7/12/16 approx 2pm - another text message from Cabot received.

    8/12/16 - letter received from Cabot dated 2/12/16 telling me they have confirmed that I live at my address. It then goes on. There is another sheet with the title "important information about your account" it goes in to say that this letter is the notice of assignment and it is important to me.

    8/12/16 - SWID letter sent

    10/12/16 - letter received dated 6/12/16 the same as the one received on 8th December.

    19/12/16 - Letter received from Cabot (dated 15/12/16) regarding my request for information under sections 77-79 of the CCA 1974 (I sent SWID letter). It states that they will be unable to provide the information under the 12 days agreement as it has to come from the original creditor (good luck with that as you have the wrong account!) and may take 40 days. If they don't get a response they will contact me and update me.

    19/12/16 - letter dated 15/12/16 received from Cabot in relation to my complaint. They have removed my phone numbers and will only contact me in writing. They also enclose and I & E form and would like me to contact them to make a payment arrangement.

    7/12/17 - letter from Moorgate dated 4th January 2017 advising me that idem had purchased my account which they (Moorgate) had been administering on behalf of britannica recoveries acting in the name of Britannia mortlake before being sold to Cabot credit management. My account was transferred on 16th November 2016.

    should I send anything regarding this latest letter? Any template relating to maladministration of an account? SWID? Or should I wait? They have obviously sent this letter to cover their cock up.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    Virgin MBNA

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Feb 07
    • Approx balance £1859.47 (I have paid £1396.38)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paying since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    CCA's on 1st Feb to DCA and PPI to MBNA on same date. No response yet.

    22/2/16 - response from Moorgate dated 19/2/16. Lots of crappy paperwork. Looking at it, I don't think its enforceable (not sure I should say why on here), but have uploaded it to get it checked in the private area.
    23/2/16 - Niddy confirms irredeemably as all MBNA Virgin cards pre 04/07 are. Just snuck in with this one! Sit tight and wait for next letter then use missing PT's letter.

    14/3/16 letter dated 9/3/16 received from Moorgate (pretty much the same as Saturdays ones)

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA
    3) our litigation department may instigate court proceedings

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact Idem, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter from Moorgate informing me that they still haven't received my income and expenditure form.

    21/10/17 - letter received from Moorgate telling me they still haven't heard from me.

    31/10/16 - letter received from moorgate dated 27th October 2016.

    Despite our numerous attempts to contact you we have not had a response from you or an indication of willingness from you to resolve this matter.
    Further to our last correspondence we have reviewed your account and determined that further action is necessary. Therefore, we are instructing our litigation department to begin legal proceedings, to obtain a monetary judgement.
    This course of action could also lead to the following enforcement options being initiated
    *obtaining and attachment/arrestment of earnings order
    *obtaining a charging/inhibition order against your property (where you are a homeowner)
    The litigation department will be in with you in due course to advise you of the next steps. All costs incurred following the commencement of successful litigation action will be payable by you.
    We can withdraw this instruction if you contact our offices within five days of the date of this letter and make satisfactory arrangements regarding your account.
    Blah blah blah

    12/11/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/11/16
    You were recently issued a letter advising that we will be instructing our litigation department to commence legal proceedings in order to obtain a monetary judgement.

    upon further review of your account we have decided that this action will not be undertaken at this time, however we would encourage you to contact us to agree an ongoing solution.

    10/12/16 - statement of account received.

    7/12/17 - letter from Moorgate dated 4th January 2017 advising me that idem had purchased my account which they (Moorgate) had been administering on behalf of britannica recoveries acting in the name of Britannia mortlake before being sold to Cabot credit management. My account was transferred on 16th November 2016.
    should I send a SWID or wait till I hear from Cabot?

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) 2006
    • Approx balance £3268.75 (I have paid £2440.78)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying - not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Barclaycard

    I haven't CCA'd Barclaycard yet. I PPI's them, but have no PPI with them.

    10/2/16 - CCA request posted.

    29/3/16 - CCA received, sent to Niddy to look at.

    Letter received from Barclaycard dated 29/3/16. We have been trying to contact you for several months, but haven't been able to reach a suitable repayment arrangement with you. As your account it still overdue, we need to let you know what will happen if you don't make a payment or get in touch with us. It then goes on about issuing a default notice.

    Spoke to Plan B today about this account and there are a few discrepancies on both the forms supplied and credit file. Still waiting for Niddy to return, but pretty much look unenforceable. Also missing Conditions.

    22/4/16 - statement received from barclaycard. £45.60 interest and £12 'other charge' added.

    11/5/16 - default notice received from barclaycard dated 5 May 2016.

    23/5/16 - statement received from barclaycard. £42.04 interest added.

    8/6/16 - letter received from barclaycard dated 2/6/16.

    A default has been registered on your account - you now need to pay your balance in full (it's basically telling me that my account is with the recoveries team and may be passed to a DCA - it's a side and a half of a page)!

    15/9/16 - letter received from barclaycard dated 10/9/16. I am writing to notify you that the above account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited (HPH2 LTD) on 22/8/16. This means that the effective owners of the above account are now Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Ltd. HPH2 Ltd has appointed Robinson Way Limited as their servicing agent to manage your account on their behalf. All contact regarding this account should now be directed to Robinson Way. With effect from the date of receipt of this notice all payments due to barclaycard shall be paid to HPH2 Ltd via Robinson Way.

    16/9/16 - two letters received in the same envelope from HPH2 ltd and Robinson Way

    28/9/16 - letter from Robinson way dated 22/9/16 offering me four payment options with a weekly payment

    10/10/16 - letter received from Robinson way.

    it is important that you get in touch with us to tell us about your situation. If we don't hear from you, we will have to make a decision on what happens next to the balance you owe.

    options we have to consider are

    * whether to advise our client to instruct Howard Cohen & Co solicitors to commence legal action against you; or
    * further collection activity, letters and calls

    We would prefer to agree an affordable arrangement and it's not too late for this.

    alternatively, our client has confirmed they are willing to accept a single payment of £2,490.63 to clear this balance in one payment

    please contact us .................blah

    4/11/16 - letter received from Robinson Way dated 31/10/16

    Pre-Legal Assessment
    your account remains unpaid despite previous attempts to contact you.
    we have assessed your account and established that it meets our initial criteria to be considered for legal action. We now need to understand your individual circumstances to determine the most appropriate action to be taken for your account.
    The best way for us to understand your circumstances is for you to contact us. If you do not contact us we will be forced to assess your account for litigation based on the information we currently hold for you.

    what this means for you

    *Your account may be transferred to Howard Cohen & Co Solicitors in 10 days without further notice.
    *If your account is transferred to Howard Cohen & Co Solicitors and court action is taken they will ask the court for an order adding legal costs and interest to the amount you owe. If the court grants their request then the amount you owe will increase.

    its not too late to agree and affordable payment plan:

    *if you would rather agree and affordable payment plan directly with us to prevent us considering passing your account to Howard Cohen & Co or if you believe you have a valid dispute relating to this account please call us before 11/11/16.

    *if you prefer you can deal with your account online ......blah

    24/11/16 - letter received from Robinson Way dated 19/11/16 - Another Pre Legal Assessment letter the same as the one above giving me until 30/1/16 to contact them.

    14/12/16 - notice of Pending Legal Action received from Howard Cohen & Co Solicitors threatening court action.

    14/12/16 - SWID sent to Robinson Way and LBA sent to Howard Cohen.

    30/12/16 - letter from Robinson Way noting my complaint/dispute. Collection activities ceased until its investigated.
    Letter from Robinson Way, filed! 👏

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  • Pixie
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Merry Christmas to you too JLC X

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Nothing to report - just wanted to thank the AAD community for all their help so far. Merry Christmas to you all.

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  • nanna58
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    They just want to keep in touch xxxx

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    HSBC credit card

    • Type of account Credit Card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) Dec 04
    • Approx balance £5167.36 (I have paid £3845.66)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not paid since Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Moorgate

    Requested CCA 1st Feb 16 - Response on 8th Feb 16 (date 4th Feb) saying they will get one withing 12 working days. Again letter signed for on the 2nd Feb 2016

    22/2/16 - letter received dated 19/2/16 from Idem Servicing (though this is a Moorgate debt) relating to this account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced
    . However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £5092.21 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    The above letter came from Idem, but this account is supposed to be managed by Moorgate. I think Ian has got himself a bit confused!

    12/3/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 9/3/16

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    Letter dated 29th March 2016 received from Moorgate stating they have been instructed to make contact with me to agree a solution regarding 'my' outstanding balance.

    4/5/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Moorgate dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    27/6/16 - letter received from Moorcroft in response to my CCA request. It's a reconstituted copy of my CCA. It's 46 pages of illegible credit card terms (10 pages taken from a leaflet), important changes to your agreement (16 pages), HSBC bank credit card agreement terms (12 pages - dated 18/4/2011), computer printout and a pre approved credit card form signed by me dated 20/10/2004), another printout with my details on then two statement for May and June 2016 which I have not received.

    niddy confirmed its

    16/7/2016 - letter from Moorgate dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact moorgate, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    7/10/16 - letter received from Moorgate informing me that I haven't returned an income and expenditure form.

    7/11/16 - letter from Moorgate received dated 2/11/16. The letter is offering me 25% of the current balance.

    28/11/16 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 22/11/16 informing me my account has been sold to Cabot Credit Management Group

    2/12/16 (7.40pm) - telephone call from Cabot. Asked them not to call my number again.

    3/12/16 - text message received today. Number now blocked.

    5/12/16 - text message received today

    5/12/16 - letter received from Cabot (no date on the letter) asking me to contact them.

    6/12/16 approx 10am, another telephone call from Cabot which my mums PA answered and just said I wasn't here.

    7/12/16 approx 9.20am - another telephone call. Harrassment letter sent today.

    7/12/16 approx 2pm - another text message from Cabot received.

    8/12/16 - letter received from Cabot dated 2/12/16 telling me they have confirmed that I live at my address. It then goes on. There is another sheet with the title "important information about your account" it goes in to say that this letter is the notice of assignment and it is important to me.

    8/12/16 - SWID letter sent

    10/12/16 - letter received dated 6/12/16 the same as the one received on 8th December.

    19/12/16 - Letter received from Cabot (dated 15/12/16) regarding my request for information under sections 77-79 of the CCA 1974 (I sent SWID letter). It states that they will be unable to provide the information under the 12 days agreement as it has to come from the original creditor (good luck with that as you have the wrong account!) and may take 40 days. If they don't get a response they will contact me and update me.

    19/12/16 - letter dated 15/12/16 received from Cabot in relation to my complaint. They have removed my phone numbers and will only contact me in writing. They also enclose and I & E form and would like me to contact them to make a payment arrangement.

    Another couple of letters from Cabot. This is about the HSBC account (but all references and balance amounts refer to the M&S card above). My income in £0 and my expenditure is none of their bloody business, so I'll just file both letters and look forward to receiving something from them in February! Hopefully, they will close the account!

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    I've sent Cabot a SWID (a few days ago), so will see what happens next.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by Spud View Post
    So has this now been assigned to Cabot / Robbo way for collection? Your last update on 30/07/16 was that it was with Fidelite?

    Are you saying Cabot are chasing this debt ( M&S) but are referring to it as a being a HSBC debt? If so, That could get interesting but do double check first as to be fair to them ( As much as I hate to say it) They are usually quite good at identifying the correct account - And it can be very confusing with so many DCA's bombarding you with half a rainforest a week
    Idem were managing the M&S account. The letters from Cabot refer to the HSBC account (which is managed by Moorgate and about £1k more than the M&S card) but the amount is for the amount on the M&S account. Back in February, I received some letters and they were muddled up. It's confused me, which is why I checked back. I'm still a bit confused but certain I'm right!

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  • Spud
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    I have added a note in relation to the letters I have received from Cabot and rob way in relation to this 'debt' but they are referring to the wrong one.
    So has this now been assigned to Cabot / Robbo way for collection? Your last update on 30/07/16 was that it was with Fidelite?

    Are you saying Cabot are chasing this debt ( M&S) but are referring to it as a being a HSBC debt? If so, That could get interesting but do double check first as to be fair to them ( As much as I hate to say it) They are usually quite good at identifying the correct account - And it can be very confusing with so many DCA's bombarding you with half a rainforest a week

    I can see that your HSBC account is with them ( Cabot) after previously being with Fidelite.

    If they have got it wrong and are cross refering the accounts for whatever reason - Whatever you do - Say nothing. That might just be your ticket out of this

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  • Spud
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    No, was advised to wait, nothing threatening came so didn't bother. Will update when I get a response.
    That is the way forward now, Let them do the running around and chasing all they want........Stretch things out where you can

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by JLC View Post
    Marks & Spencer Card (started off as a chargecard)

    • Type of account Credit Card/charge card
    • Date commenced (ideally before Apr 2007) 8th April 1998
    • Approx balance £4138.01 (I have paid £3115)
    • Date last paid (approximate date you last made a FULL payment) last Full payment made in 2011,
    • Are you on arrangement or not paying not anymore sin Jan 16
    • Status (default/in arrears/up-to-date) in default since 2011
    • Account owner (who is writing to you, a DCA or the lender) Idem Servicing

    8/2/16 - received a letter telling me they are looking at my complaint for PPI (from M&S)
    8/2/16 - received a letter from Idem telling me they were looking to get my CCA and I should hear from them in 12 working days from the date of the letter (4th Feb, although they signed for it on the 2nd Feb)

    22/2/16 - received a letter from Idem servicing dated 19th Feb which refers to my HSBC account but includes my application form for a store card from M&S. Account ref refers to M&S.

    22/2/16 - another letter received same day different envelope referencing M&S account stating that they are unable to supply a copy of the credit agreement and acknowledge that until they do the agreement cannot be enforced. However, the balance of the account is still outstanding and we will continue to persue this debt which will include registering any arrears and defaults with the CRAs. The balance on your account is £4077.80 remains due and payable and we will continue to contact you to discuss your repayment proposals. You are free to take whatever action you consider appropriate, but we will not be releasing you from any obligation under the agreement. Yours sincerely Ian Folley Case Handler/Conciliator

    23/2/16 - Niddy confirms . Sit tight and wait for next letter then use missing PT's letter

    12/3/16 - letter received from Idem Servicing:

    There is currently no agreed payment arrangement in place for your account. Unless we are able to rectify this within the next seven days, your account will be reviewed for further action, which could result in either:

    a) Your account being placed with our internal Recoveries Department, or

    b) Your account being placed with an external debt collection agency for recovery activity.

    We want to work with you to secure a long term, mutually acceptable payment arrangement, therefore please contact our office on blah blah blah

    the letter goes on, but its just a load of crap

    14/5/16 - letter received from Idem servicing dated 11 May 2016.
    We recently wrote to you to advise that your account is being managed within our recoveries department and that it was important for you to make contact with our office. As yet we still have not been able to speak with you to discuss your circumstances and establish an ongoing arrangement for your account. This matter is now urgent. Please contact our office on 0800375797 and our experienced staff will be happy to discuss this with you. Blah blah blah

    9/6/16 - letter received from Idem Servicing dated 6th June 2016
    We are increasingly concerned that we have not been able to speak to you about your account.

    We are keen to speak to you in order to understand your situation, so that we can place you on the most appropriate payment arrangement.

    Failure to make contact with us may result in the following;
    1) a representative may be instructed to visit your property
    2) your account may be placed with an external DCA
    3) our litigation department may instigate court proceedings

    Please contact us as a matter of urgency on 0800 375 796 and our experienced team will be happy to help you. blah blah blah

    16/7/2016 - letter from Idem Servicing dated 13 July 2016

    We have attempted to contact you on a number of occasions to discuss the outstanding balance on your account. Please contact us on 0800 375 797 within seven days of the date of this letter. Our office hours are (blah blah). In the event that we do not receive contact from you we will appoint and external company, fidelite credit management ltd, to visit your property. The purpose of the visit is to regain contact with you so we can discuss your current financial situation and agree and appropriate payment plan, in accordance with your ability to pay. IF you are experiencing any difficulties there are a number of organisations who can help you (blah blah).

    30/7/16 - letter from Fidelite Credit Management dated 27/7/16. Account been passed to them. If I do not contact Idem, it may result in a visit. Blah Blah Blah

    (*note added 14/12/16 - The letters/phone calls/text messages that I have been receiving in relation to the HSBC debt in post #8 actually refer to this debt. I wanted to put this note in as I have been going through my paperwork and all cabots and rob ways paperwork refer to HSBC but it's actually this account)
    I have added a note in relation to the letters I have received from Cabot and rob way in relation to this 'debt' but they are referring to the wrong one.

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  • JLC
    Re: My Journey with DMP's CCA's and PPI's

    Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
    Did you ever send a missing t&c to Barclays? If not RW may write back saying you need to do another cca request. Let us know what you get back x
    No, was advised to wait, nothing threatening came so didn't bother. Will update when I get a response.

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