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ohmygosh Diary

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  • #31
    Yeah that’s what I meant.

    This all sounds like more stress and risk than I need and that I’d be better off just paying and drawing a line under it.


    • #32
      Why would you pay if it unenforceable? I would engage Jo Connelly's team to see off their silliness.


      • #33
        Originally posted by ohmygosh View Post
        Yeah that’s what I meant.

        This all sounds like more stress and risk than I need and that I’d be better off just paying and drawing a line under it.
        Originally posted by ca71 View Post
        Why would you pay if it unenforceable? I would engage Jo Connelly's team to see off their silliness.
        I have recently received a quotation for energy supply (Gas & Elec) at a fixed rate for 12 months!
        WELL THE MONTHLY OUTGOING HAS DOUBLED with every likely hood of further increases in FOOD Travel in short ESSENTIAL LIVING COSTS

        STRESS and RISK!!! Paper tigers! Legalised SCAMMERS would be a better word!

        Consider this with rising Cost of Living including known extra Costs of Fuel in October
        In these Circumstances YOUR ESSENTIAL Living COSTS take first priority and WE CAN SEE THESE ESSENTIAL COSTS INCREASING month by month!

        PUT yourself FIRST as for drawing a line NO MONEY CAN'T PAY end of argument!


        • #34
          This all sounds like more stress and risk than I need and that I’d be better off just paying and drawing a line under it.
          This is the feeling that debt buyers rely on, that just paying up to make it all go away can seem the quickest and easiest way out.

          That's bullying in my book, and while we must all make decisions in our own best interests everyone on this forum will be around to support you, whatever you decide.


          • #35

            Still the occasional email from PRA offering a 65% discount to settle. I haven’t made a payment since I started this process.

            Intrum never followed up with their threat of legal action and have now sold the debt. It was assigned to LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. on 05/01/2023.

            Does anyone know anything about LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. / Link Financial? Does this affect anything with regard to enforceability?

            Thanks as always


            • #36
              Originally posted by ohmygosh View Post

              Still the occasional email from PRA offering a 65% discount to settle. I haven’t made a payment since I started this process.

              Intrum never followed up with their threat of legal action and have now sold the debt. It was assigned to LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. on 05/01/2023.

              Does anyone know anything about LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. / Link Financial? Does this affect anything with regard to enforceability?

              Thanks as always
              Read Colins entry here


              • #37
                Originally posted by ohmygosh View Post

                Still the occasional email from PRA offering a 65% discount to settle. I haven’t made a payment since I started this process.

                Intrum never followed up with their threat of legal action and have now sold the debt. It was assigned to LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. on 05/01/2023.

                Does anyone know anything about LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. / Link Financial? Does this affect anything with regard to enforceability?

                Thanks as always

                It would be useful if you were to put these updates into the relevant individual account diary as part of their history. Just looking at this post I (and probably others) have no idea what you are talking about. Keeping a good diary history updated for each account makes for getting better answers to your queries.


                • #38
                  Still Waving Thanks for the tip, I’ve updated the diary entries now for the most recent events.

                  I’m quite concerned about the hard search that has just appeared on my credit file from Link Financial. Is there anything I can do about this? I’ve worked very hard to improve my credit rating over the last 8 years and it’s quite anxiety inducing to think it could get trashed again.

                  Since the assignment to Link Financial am I back to square one with having to send letters about enforceability? Does the fact the debt is no longer with Intrum mean it is now enforceable?


                  • #39
                    I take it that you are still paying the £25 per month?

                    I don't think there is anything you can do about the search appearing on your credit file. You say the account was defaulted in 2014, in which case it shouldn't still be on your credit file. Link cannot re-register it.

                    Link may be happy to continue to receive your monthly payments, but they will likely try to get more from you. You can only wait to see what they say.

                    The fact that the account has been sold on does not, in itself, affect unenforceability. Your diary entry (post#3) makes no mention of any opinion that the account is unenforceable. Do you think it is, and why?


                    • #40
                      I’ve updated the diary some more. Cancelled the DD in May 2021. Was advised by Niddy 17 June 2022 that the Intrum debt looks unenforceable.

                      So they are at liberty to enter as many searches as they like? This is a real problem as they stay on there for 2 years.

                      Can Link try to go the CCJ route whereas Intrum could not?


                      • #41
                        When you say Hard search does it say why? I think it probably should. All my hard searches are for credit applications.


                        • #42
                          It’s a debt collection search


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ohmygosh View Post
                            It’s a debt collection search
                            They are probably trying to assess your situation, ie to see if there are other creditors after your money, before deciding how to engage with you. Are there other debts on your file currently?

                            The account was sold on as non-performing as you had discontinued payments 2 years ago (a properly maintained and brought forward diary would have shown this, and saved others here time). Link will be hoping to get money from you where Intrum were not.


                            • #44
                              ".. I’ve worked very hard to improve my credit rating over the last 8 years and it’s quite anxiety inducing to think it could get trashed again. .."
                              It is clearly to put a 2 year marker against your CREDIT

                              Link are abusing the Credit Agencies with Hard searchs which stay on record for 2 years!
                              Because you SEE they are NOT lending money which is the purpose of Hard searches!

                              Still Waving correctly points to the Diary entry because this helps you and AAD.

                              Now you need to look back into your records
                              Niddy's view on UE
                              And also the Assignment chain!

                              30/01/23 - Email received that debt has been assigned to LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. by Intrum Finance Limited on 05/01/23
                              06/07/23 - hard debt collection search appeared on credit file by Link Financial Outsourcing Ltd

                              When was this assigned to Intrum and specifically was the this Intrum UK Finance Limited? if Not who?

                              Colin G Quinn explains the status of these separate companies
                              Link Financial is not a trading name of LC Asset 2 S.A.R.L. They are separate companies. One is an offshore unauthorised debt purchaser and the other is a UK based debt servicer.


                              • #45

                                I have successfully had the hard debt collector search removed from my credit file.

                                Prior to being purchased by LC Asset 2 S.a.r.l on 05/01/2023 the debt was with Intrum UK Finance Limited, purchased on 28/11/2018.

                                Understood re Link Financial and LC Asset 2 SARL structure/relationship, thanks for clarifying.

                                I have just been away from home for a couple of weeks and returned to a letter from Link saying they are going to pass my account to Kearns Solicitors if they don't hear from me by 27/09 ie Friday of this week.

                                So my question now is what to do about this proposed legal action? My guess is to submit a CCA request to LC Asset 2 SARL? Any thoughts on trying to get them to accept a part settlement and getting a friend to make the payment? I know paying anything goes against the general consensus of this forum but I'd really like to not have to deal with this problem anymore.

                                Updated diary below for ease.

                                Debt 2 - Moorcroft Debt Recovery / Intrum UK Finance Limited -> Now Link Financial (LC Asset 2 S.a.r.l)

                                Type of account: Halifax Credit Card
                                Date commenced: 2010
                                Defaulted balance: £6.5k
                                Current balance: £4,561.09
                                Status: Default Issued 2014, sold to Intrum UK Finance Limited on 28/11/2018
                                Current status: No payments since May 2021 (previously £25 per month by standing order since date of default)
                                Purchased by Intrum: 20/11/2018
                                Account Owner: LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. (acquired from Intrum 05/01/2023, who acquired from HBOS 28/11/2018)

                                2010 - Opened Halifax credit card
                                2014 - Defaulted on credit card
                                28/11/2018 - Debt purchased by Intrum UK Finance Limited, being chased by Moorcroft
                                24/08/2020 - Settlement offered by Moorcroft
                                27/10/2020 - Settlement offered by Moorcroft (£3,297 / 70%)
                                09/12/2020 - Settlement offered by Moorcroft
                                22/01/2021 - Settlement offered by Moorcroft
                                May 2021 - Cancelled direct debit payment
                                17/06/2022 - Niddy advised debt looks UE
                                30/01/23 - Email received that debt has been assigned to LC Asset 2 S.a r.l. by Intrum UK Finance Limited on 05/01/23
                                06/07/23 - hard debt collection search appeared on credit file by Link Financial Outsourcing Ltd
                                Daily telephone calls - I don't answer
                                I have succesfully had the hard debt collector search removed from my credit file
                                13/09/24 - Letter advising that account to be passed to Messrs Kearns Solicitors to start the legal process if no reply by 27/09/24

