Debt #2 Original Creditor
August 23rd
February 22nd
July 7th
- RBS AA Credit card.
Date of Agreement -August 2005.
Current Owner - RBS (Managed by Moorcroft)
Debt Balance - £1987
August 23rd
- CCA request sent to MDR who were collecting the debt.
December 27th – Correspondence from Wescot, who were managing the debt, acknowledging the account is in dispute and returning £1.00 PO and an attached sheet with a Halifax log and the Lloyds Banking Group, Manchester Credit Card Operation address, that I have not provided a credit card number and they cannot locate the account with details provided.
2018February 22nd
Account statement provided by RBS.
March 5th -
Letter from RBS stating debt collection is transferred from Wescot to Moorcroft
March 9th –
Introductory letter from Moorcroft.
April 4th –
Monthly instalment offer.
April 18TH –
Letter requesting contact is made.
June 26th -
Letter stating that their local representative will be making a doorstep visit to establish contact on July7th
June 29th – Letter sent to Moorcroft stating, “
that under the FCA CONC rules, you can only visit me at my home if you make an appointment and I have no wish to make such an appointment with you or any representative of yours”.July 7th
Doorstep visit carried out, letter left with I & E form.
July 13th –
Letter received from Moorcroft, explaining reason for home visit.
September 10th –
Letter received with a CCA enclosed, will send to Niddy opinion