As promised debt history given below
25/01/18-statement received from Santander
27/11/18-letter received from Santander appointing Moorcroft as their agent to collect
3/12/18-letter received from Moorcroft requesting payment .letter draws attention to there being a default applied from Santander to credit file but no date given when applied
17/12/18-letter received from Moorcroft citing possible further action
01/01/19-letter received from Moorcroft offering monthly instalment plan
15/01/19-letter receoved from Moorcroft confirming no payment yet in place, further action may be recommended. Now citing there may be a default registered by their client.
25/01/19-statement received from Santander
01/02/19-letter received from Moorcroft threatening doorstep visit
04/03/19-discount offer received from Moorcroft
03/04/19-letter received from Moorcroft outlining payment options
18/06/19-letter received from Santander appointing Robinson Way to manage account
29/06/19-introduction letter received from Robinson Way
24/07/19-letter from Robway wanting to help
25/07/19statement received from Santander
23/09/19-balance reduction letter received from Robway
03/10/19-letter from Robway confirming Financial help available
21/01/20-letter recievd from drydenfairfax solicitors requesting contact by 4th Feb 2020.letter confirms not to underestimate seriousness of current circumstances.
25/01/20-annual statement received from Santander
27/01/20 CCA sent to Santander (copied to DrydensFairfax) 1st class signed for.
04/02/20-letter received from Drydens confirming receipt
27/2/20-CCA and income and expenditure form received directly from Drydens rather than Santander. Does this make any difference as the request was addressed to Santander with drydens only copied in?
17/3/20-CCA request issued again to Santander
24/04/20-so further letter received from Drydens today regarding Santander account stating I haven't replied or proposed a repayment and to do so to prevent further collection action.
12/05/20 letter received from Santander they are unable to provide response due to COVID situation but will get CCA to me asap
13/05/20 letter received from Drydens their client is offering a substantial discount or instalments please contact us before 25/5/20.
15/05/20 letter and CCA received from Santander with transaction log . From their correspondence it looks like they think I have requested a SAR, which I didn’t. The CCA they have sent has an account number but no reference to myself and isn’t signed or dated. Their covering letter states they can comply with legal requirements by sending a copy of the agreement in the same form as the one I would have signed under consumer credit regs 1983. I also note from the activity log that they don’t appear to have issued a Default notice.
Awaiting CCA directly from request to Santander therefore currently U/E
As promised debt history given below
- Credit Card
- Date commenced -not known
- Approx balance £198.96
- Date last paid -Sept 2015
- Are you on arrangement or not paying-DMP but no payment since Feb 2017
- Status -not sure no longer on Credit report and no default notice in my paperwork
- Account owner-Santander
25/01/18-statement received from Santander
27/11/18-letter received from Santander appointing Moorcroft as their agent to collect
3/12/18-letter received from Moorcroft requesting payment .letter draws attention to there being a default applied from Santander to credit file but no date given when applied
17/12/18-letter received from Moorcroft citing possible further action
01/01/19-letter received from Moorcroft offering monthly instalment plan
15/01/19-letter receoved from Moorcroft confirming no payment yet in place, further action may be recommended. Now citing there may be a default registered by their client.
25/01/19-statement received from Santander
01/02/19-letter received from Moorcroft threatening doorstep visit
04/03/19-discount offer received from Moorcroft
03/04/19-letter received from Moorcroft outlining payment options
18/06/19-letter received from Santander appointing Robinson Way to manage account
29/06/19-introduction letter received from Robinson Way
24/07/19-letter from Robway wanting to help
25/07/19statement received from Santander
23/09/19-balance reduction letter received from Robway
03/10/19-letter from Robway confirming Financial help available
21/01/20-letter recievd from drydenfairfax solicitors requesting contact by 4th Feb 2020.letter confirms not to underestimate seriousness of current circumstances.
25/01/20-annual statement received from Santander
27/01/20 CCA sent to Santander (copied to DrydensFairfax) 1st class signed for.
04/02/20-letter received from Drydens confirming receipt
27/2/20-CCA and income and expenditure form received directly from Drydens rather than Santander. Does this make any difference as the request was addressed to Santander with drydens only copied in?
17/3/20-CCA request issued again to Santander
24/04/20-so further letter received from Drydens today regarding Santander account stating I haven't replied or proposed a repayment and to do so to prevent further collection action.
12/05/20 letter received from Santander they are unable to provide response due to COVID situation but will get CCA to me asap
13/05/20 letter received from Drydens their client is offering a substantial discount or instalments please contact us before 25/5/20.
15/05/20 letter and CCA received from Santander with transaction log . From their correspondence it looks like they think I have requested a SAR, which I didn’t. The CCA they have sent has an account number but no reference to myself and isn’t signed or dated. Their covering letter states they can comply with legal requirements by sending a copy of the agreement in the same form as the one I would have signed under consumer credit regs 1983. I also note from the activity log that they don’t appear to have issued a Default notice.
Awaiting CCA directly from request to Santander therefore currently U/E