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  • #46
    Originally posted by MisterK View Post
    Bombed and swamped as never before. You just can't get away from it I'm afraid.
    The person(s) behind this respond to the AAD Bloggs In other words like certain others their latent intent is to undermine and destroy this site!
    Patronising and pushy but i see no evidence of their DEBTS

    But MisterK this BLOG is headed A LESSON

    @Niddy negotiated on Our Behalf with JCS AND Tactics have changed!!!!
    Read and understand and digest the following

    Originally posted by Gerry Jemitus View Post
    I appreciate that the objective of most people on AAD is to avoid legal action, which is entirely understandable, but some of the posts referred to go back many years and so may not be as relevant today.

    As a solicitors firm that specialises in defending consumer credit claims, our position is somewhat different. First of all, we are happy to advise clients, and we do not restrict this to one 30 minute phone call.

    Of the many claims that come to us to defend, some have been started by the defendant before they come to us. They may file an acknowledgment of service and defence, but then decide to get professional help as directions questionnaires become due, or as a hearing looms. From our perspective, these cases are more difficult and generally more expensive to defend.

    We invariably have to file an application to amend the defence which now costs £303. In some instances, errors in documentation may have already been brought to the attention of the claimant, giving them the opportunity to correct issues such as illegible copies etc.

    Responding to the LBC may help the defendant in cases where the claimant cannot obtain or produce the relevant paperwork, but if the claimant can put together documentation it puts them in a stronger position, and thus more likely to proceed to issue, as they have a better case prepared.

    Hence it is a double-edged sword, and there is no simple answer. If interaction stops the claimant from issuing, that is a great result, but if it doesn't, it can make the job of defending the claim more difficult, it can be more expensive and it generally takes longer.

    A word of caution, do not assume that lack of documentation means a claimant will not issue proceedings, We have had a number of cases where claimants have employed high level barristers to argue that they do not need to provide complaint s 77-79 documentation on a closed account. We have successfully defended these on each occasion, but there is no decided case law on this so each case will be determined by a DJ based on the missions put forward.


    • #47

      Did I read that correctly?

      That I am "patronising and pushy and have a latent intent to undermine and destroy this site"?

      What on earth are you talking about?

      You see no evidence of my debts because you have evidently taken not the slightest trouble to verify what you are saying.

      I think you owe me an apology.


      • #48
        Bombed and swamped as never before.
        And MisterK rests his case.


        • #49
          Thank you Night Monkey.


          • #50
            May I suggest that this stupid " I know better than you do" contest is halted here and now.
            It is of no use to you, me or anyone else.

            Plus I have run out of popcorn while watching it continue, and the paracetamol isn't working.
            ?????? Now keyboard down and go for a walk.

            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


            • #51
              Originally posted by MisterK View Post

              Did I read that correctly?

              That I am "patronising and pushy and have a latent intent to undermine and destroy this site"?

              What on earth are you talking about?

              You see no evidence of my debts because you have evidently taken not the slightest trouble to verify what you are saying.

              I think you owe me an apology.
              No not you MisterK nor Night Monkey quite the reverse

              I was refering to the Deluge of Non Debt Blogs Daily generated by avatars. Sometimes 6 or more a day and with links to be clicked!
              Because there are those with grudges against AAD

              Please read what Gerry Jemitus says

              Be cautious when engaging with DCA's even the regulators at times because you many be poking a hornets nest! That will later come back to bite you!

              Gerry Jemitus tells us there are no simple answers.
              What worked in the Past is no longer relevant.

              As for guidance you should be very grateful to @Niddy and what he negotiated with JCS
              As a solicitors firm that specialises in defending consumer credit claims, our position is somewhat different. First of all, we are happy to advise clients, and we do not restrict this to one 30 minute phone call.

              What really helps for good advice , if needed, is a framework of information around and about a Debt! Thats the AAD Diary

              A word of caution, do not assume that lack of documentation means a claimant will not issue proceedings, We have had a number of cases where claimants have employed high level barristers to argue that they do not need to provide complaint s 77-79 documentation on a closed account. We have successfully defended these on each occasion, but there is no decided case law on this so each case will be determined by a DJ based on the missions put forward.

              Caution and a good AAD Diary

              And if users come on here saying I don't need a Diary. Well I wish them well

              BUT you can't really comment without knowing much more information can you, or indeed whether its true or not their story might be a pack of lies mightn't it?


              • #52
                Just wanted to clarify

                What Gerry said was what worked in the past may not necessarily work now. Massive difference.

                As you say Roger things change. A few years ago it was all about Cabot not having a licence - we never hear that now. Now we know a recon DN can be produced.

                We have always known that head in the sand is a pretty good indication of a claim- just look at the data on default judgements - look at debt camel’s blog.

                Finally this was never a blog it was a thread saying keep records. Without records you may struggle if a claimant says something.

                Sadly it seems many of the diaries from this forum have been lost, maybe due change is servers, who knows. So people may pop up and have no diary because it is in the ether.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Dottir View Post
                  You may not have noticed that for months not a single person signed up, then Niddy popped up and suddenly people were banned, people started to sign up and spammers appeared. Do you think that is a coincidence. You suggest the spammers are due to the people who were banned, you seem to lack the necessary acumen to see the correlation.
                  This so called deal with JCS seems redundant as how often does anyone post? When Di was here they were all over people’s questions with sympathetic and pertinent questions.
                  Remarkable easy to get a one off email address create an AVATAR and copy a website.
                  At any one time visits to the site are known off course.

                  However we will simply use this to get THE AAD message across.


                  • #54

                    Been away from here for quite a while and I must say the advice and help I received a few years ago was spot on, all debts vanquished.

                    Not sure what happened in the interim but I see the owner MIA, the AAD Ltd Company under a strike off order at Companies House, most of the helpful posters gone, the mods reduced to one and deluge of daily uncontrollable spam. What a shame.

                    If I can offer a small piece of advice, it's possible to put newly signed up users under moderation to prevent the spam.



                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Grassy_K View Post

                      Been away from here for quite a while and I must say the advice and help I received a few years ago was spot on, all debts vanquished.

                      Not sure what happened in the interim but I see the owner MIA, the AAD Ltd Company under a strike off order at Companies House, most of the helpful posters gone, the mods reduced to one and deluge of daily uncontrollable spam. What a shame.

                      If I can offer a small piece of advice, it's possible to put newly signed up users under moderation to prevent the spam.

                      I think the problem with that is you have to then have someone to approve or otherwise every post. Currently this would fall on NW who is probably the only person here who could do it without ‘fear or favour’


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Roger View Post

                        Remarkable easy to get a one off email address create an AVATAR and copy a website.
                        At any one time visits to the site are known off course.

                        However we will simply use this to get THE AAD message across.
                        Not sure what you mean. I was asking why no one had signed up for months until the appearance of Niddy.

                        I am not entirely sure what you mean by AVATAR, in fact I’m not sure you fully know what you mean.


                        • #57


                          • #58
                            An incarnation, embodiment, or manifestation of a person or idea


                            • #59
                              ROGER. ENOUGH.

                              Just all stop now.
                              This is not the place for this argument.
                              why not start a new discussion post away from this page,

                              Let's get a few facts sorted and I can get banned like others before me.
                              I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                              If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                                ROGER. ENOUGH.

                                Just all stop now.
                                This is not the place for this argument.
                                why not start a new discussion post away from this page,

                                Let's get a few facts sorted and I can get banned like others before me.
                                I was referring to these Junk Posts that have plagued and BOMBED AAD how easy it is to get a one time email (there are sites where you can get such an address for 24 hours) and copy a few websites and POST on here. Really easy to do! Dottir pointed out, as have others before the correlation between the bans and the BOMBS.

                                Having made a series of mistakes myself when I found AAD and created my Diary I included Diaries of those mistakes.
                                As for @Di and @Niddy and JCS they were incredibly helpful.
                                The backbone here is the wider whole picture hence the AAD Diary.
                                But tactics have changed and especially after the Letter Before Claim was introduced.
                                Case Law has pegged away at the interpretation of CCA 74.
                                Which means the oppurtunity (negotiated by @Niddy) to be able to ask for Legal advice backed by a Diary has become increasingly more important in these last few years.
                                Its about helping and if needed getting the most uptodate advice.

                                Those that were banned were arguing against the AAD Diary insisting on sending out the LBC template

                                BUT as Gerry Jemitus points out Advice should be sought before doing anything at this point and the AAD Diary becomes every important with the wider picture.
                                Responding to the LBC may help the defendant in cases where the claimant cannot obtain or produce the relevant paperwork, but if the claimant can put together documentation it puts them in a stronger position, and thus more likely to proceed to issue, as they have a better case prepared.

                                Hence it is a double-edged sword, and there is no simple answer. If interaction stops the claimant from issuing, that is a great result, but if it doesn't, it can make the job of defending the claim more difficult, it can be more expensive and it generally takes longer.

                                Go back and read and look all I have done is defend the proven AAD Diary approach and the @Niddy negotiated agreement with JCS for that free consultation.
                                This has grown more and more important.

