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  • #31

    Absolutely no need to apologise to me. I doubt you'll get your silence though, last word and all that. I'm afraid that things have gone rather downhill here since Niddy ran the show. He was a real master - very concise, knowledgeable and a brilliant communicator. Many people have a lot to thank him for.


    • #32
      Originally posted by MisterK View Post

      Absolutely no need to apologise to me. I doubt you'll get your silence though, last word and all that. I'm afraid that things have gone rather downhill here since Niddy ran the show. He was a real master - very concise, knowledgeable and a brilliant communicator. Many people have a lot to thank him for.

      "déjà vu" previously posted but edited.

      Are we all to expect that any thread is a now just an opportunity individuals to air their differences with this appalling demonstration of who's right and who's wrong, if we were that brilliant and clever with all the answers we wouldn't have been on this site at all which brings me to think that at some point we got it all wrong regardless of circumstance. As below I WILL NOT engage in any individual dialogue with anyone but it's becoming increasing difficult to come on here and read peoples diaries and comments seeing individuals taking it to the next level of confrontation, appalling.

      Recently it feels that the energy either collective or individual has been lost and it doesn't matter what thread I read it would seem there is an egotistical battle between some that is absolutely needless, boring and most of all unhelpful to those of us who are still seeking ongoing guidance when needed, we are all here for the same reason, we all have the same goal and each of us should be looking out for each other with content that will be valuable moving forward either given or received regardless of status.

      This is not a criticism but an observation with a sincerity that used to exist on this site, my apologies if anyone feels I have spoken out of turn but for the last 4 plus years I have found diaries, comments, replies and even personal phone calls all extremely helpful and long may this continue for all of us, as I said, I WILL NOT engage in any individual dialogue with anyone, it's positivity that's needed in these difficult times for those of us here that are still not out of the woods, anything negative, written or otherwise I'm sure would be better channelled elsewhere.

      I hope there are still a lot of people using this site who have in the past been able to help guide some of us in making very important decisions and hugely benefiting from those decisions but are remaining silent because of, in my opinion a demise in recent content, if you're still there please get involved again and help bring back the quality that has been missing.


      • #33
        Absolutely agree Stevo62. I have found this site incredibly helpful on my journey and have been very dispirited with the way the site has lost it's sparkle. I will continue to be a member here and will be updating my diary in due course. If the DCA's do indeed read here, they would love nothing more than to see the site wither and die.


        • #34
          Absolutely agree Stevo62. I have found this site incredibly helpful on my journey and have been very dispirited with the way the site has lost it's sparkle. I will continue to be a member here and will be updating my diary in due course. If the DCA's do indeed read here, they would love nothing more than to see the site wither and die.
          I concur. I suspect like many here I've been lurking and reading any diary updates while wading through the continuous spam and despairing when threads deteriorate into snipefests.

          I've continued to update my diary in the hope for a return to the 'good old days' but have tended to avoid commenting on other threads to avoid what seemed an inevitable pile-on - I don't come here for a row. Thankfully the worst offenders are no longer around but I would dearly like to see the 'sparkle' return.


          • #35
            Good Morning, or whatever time of day you read this.

            Sadly I have to say that the light no longer gets in to make the sparkles glow so bright.
            The mods had their own backroom chat site, where we could discuss how we could help site users, or tell each other to back off, At this moment in time I would be talking to myself, so I don't go there.
            I am still in touch with a couple of the old, as in site term, Mods.

            Thanks to Life, Illnesses, Covid and some other problem, they are not returning to the site. Some have left this world and are greatly missed, even though we never met in person.
            One or two check in from time to time, but are unable to comment, or stay around to help due to site issues.

            I have popped in from time to time, but Hubby had a massive Stroke 3 years ago, so life changed for both of us.
            I now spend most of my time beating myself up for him having to go into a nursing home, or explaining to said home that he is not old and gaga. He doesn't want mash with every meal or every day, or extra mash on cottage pie!! And a change from sponge and custard would be fantastic, as he can remember he had it yesterday. So can I, as I fed it to him.
            He also has seizures so I often find myself Sat for a couple of hours on the bus to hospital, or spending £40 for a taxi in the middle of the night, so that he isn't being asked questions that can't be answered with "Yes or no" as that is all he can say.

            Sorry for the long ramble.
            I will say the mods I speak to also miss the sparkle when they check in.
            They hope the site can still help, even in a tiny way,

            I am always happy to reply to PM's if you wish to contact me.

            Best wishes to you all Kay xxx
            I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

            If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


            • #36
              Hello Kay
              Firstly I am so sorry to hear about your husband. It must be awful for you.

              I hope knowing you were not the only one to be harassed by Intrum will help. If I get anywhere ( or not) with the FOS I will be back or at least contact you privately.

              Let’s hope people will still post their experiences on here - got to say I can buy viagra more cheaply at the local chemist ?. Knowing someone else is going through something similar can be a great help .

              it is a real shame the depth of knowledge there used to be is no longer here. Wasn’t it the ‘fabulous’ Clevercloggs who used to call the FOS the fobbing off service. I even miss some of the slightly more erratic posters such as , I think it was Labman
              or David. ,


              • #37
                yes Cloggy was a star at naming and shaming, or like me the obvious letter we want to send, instead of the one we had to.
                I miss that bloke. but I am sure which ever place he passed to is a riot, with his sarcastic wit and sharp retort.

                look forward to hearing what happens to you next,

                I had a few more calls from RC, but have blocked them.

                K x
                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by MisterK View Post

                  Absolutely no need to apologise to me. I doubt you'll get your silence though, last word and all that. I'm afraid that things have gone rather downhill here since Niddy ran the show. He was a real master - very concise, knowledgeable and a brilliant communicator. Many people have a lot to thank him for.
                  Also @Di and those who openly shared their experiences in AAD through their Diaries warts and all.
                  What about those who clearly have not and will not reveal their Diaries and whose motives are very questionable.

                  AAD is being BOMBED and swamped with spurious blogs by avatars of very doubtful intent and origins.
                  When did all of this start? For what purpose if not to actually destroy AAD and its values.

                  Be very careful and never press the links on these Blogs because of the very real dangers of downloading RANSOMWARE.


                  • #39
                    the reason for a lot of the SPAM post is because there is only one of me, we used to cut them off before they could do much damage, or I could, the ammount of times Nid had to reinstate a thread because it was posted ibn the middle of 100+ spam post and we( I ) block soft deleted them.

                    appologies to all those I did that to.

                    on my "puter" i cannot read notifications, so I have to use my phone, but my phone can make it difficult to delete or edit things so, if I am at the hospital, I have to wait till I am home to ammend things, which could be day's later.
                    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                    • #40
                      I'd be happy to help out with the SPAM posts if that would help nightwatch


                      • #41
                        Very grateful nightwatch for all you do and have done!
                        I am concerned with this SPAM and if this can be delegated so much the better.
                        The danger is the same with spam emails clicking onto links etc can led to nasty results RANSOMWARE for one.


                        • #42
                          Ransom ware! They have come to the wrong place for that!


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Roger View Post

                            Also @Di and those who openly shared their experiences in AAD through their Diaries warts and all.
                            What about those who clearly have not and will not reveal their Diaries and whose motives are very questionable.

                            AAD is being BOMBED and swamped with spurious blogs by avatars of very doubtful intent and origins.
                            When did all of this start? For what purpose if not to actually destroy AAD and its values.

                            Be very careful and never press the links on these Blogs because of the very real dangers of downloading RANSOMWARE.
                            This discussion has been had before. If Di has had a diary please provide a link. I think in fact in one post they said they had not had a diary.

                            We are all grateful to NW for her help under very difficult circumstances. As an old hand (sorry NW) she has explained that some people do not want to provide a diary. Your constant insistence just makes you look- well doing a very good job at scaring people off.

                            Spam, sadly is spam and appears all over the internet. NW explained why it was happening. It is not to destroy AAD .

                            With regards to security, make sure you always have updated your browser, your defender if with MS and have the latest OS possible. Something like Malwarebytes is also highly recommended. However, if a hacker wants to get in they will. Just look at the British Library.

                            Now back to this thread- there is a final response from Intrum and it is now with the FOS


                            • #44
                              @Di worked for JCS before retiring
                              @Niddy agreed terms with JCS and also prior another firm. Very proactive.
                              RANSOMWARE is especially destructive attacking files accessible from a computer including drives, usb's and in the cloud. Sadly it is possible to infect a machine through simply clicking on a link.
                              This was brought up by nightwatch and ca71 Sadly within the last few days we see that a Microsoft update caused a global system breakdown. Obviously the OS and Malwarebytes etc. didn't prevent this.
                              The Blog is headed up LESSON


                              • #45

                                Bombed and swamped as never before. You just can't get away from it I'm afraid.

