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Previous forum user under new ID forum name, need urgent help!!

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  • Previous forum user under new ID forum name, need urgent help!!

    Hi all i originally posted here back in 2010 under the name of jinjoe, i lost my previouse login details hence the reason in creating a new login, my original thread is here

    So what brings me back here is in November 2023 i had a letter from Intrum stating my credit card debt of £7195.06 is now being handeled by Resolvecall Limited.
    By late November 2023 i received a letter from Resolvecall informing me they have been instructed to collect the outstanding balance. To be honest i didn't really pay much attention to it until today the 12th January 2024 when i found a hand wriiten letter had been put through my letter box. Inside was a Resolvecall calling card that a collection agent has visited the house to speak to me in person to arrange payment of said debt. Thankfully i was not in but it has left me kind of shocked that even after all these years there still chasing the money. What should i do next as i fear another visit and i had to quit my job in November 2023 due to victimisation and now awaiting to find out if i can claim Job Seekers Allowance

    thanks in advance

  • #2

    First of all, try not to stress. It's doubtful that Resolvecall will visit you again.

    Can you please provide updated diary details of what has been happening since 2014.

    Any payments made ? Any letters sent by you? Assignments of the account? Letters received by you?

    This is very important to establish.


    • #3
      Click image for larger version

Views:	290
Size:	170.2 KB
ID:	1549102
      Click image for larger version

Name:	INTRUM.jpg
Views:	291
Size:	133.5 KB
ID:	1549103


      • #4
        Hi, from what i recall absolutely nothing and i mean no contact from any collection agency has happened until i received a letter from Intrum and then Resolvecall both in November 2023, see attached letters.

        - I've paid no money to any bank or collection agency
        - No letters sent since November 2011 and that's when Moorcroft Debt Agency were handling the Account at that time


        • #5
          Originally posted by Jules71 View Post

          - I've paid no money to any bank or collection agency
          - No letters sent since November 2011 and that's when Moorcroft Debt Agency were handling the Account at that time
          If what you say is correct, then this debt is Statute Barred and has been for some time.

          For now, I would ignore the letter, just file it. If they become persistent there is a SB template letter you could send. That should shut them up.


          • #6
            It would be helpful if you could quote the relevant diary entry from your previous thread, that way anyone popping by to comment can easily see the all the information.

            There's no need to worry about Resolvecall, they aren't bailiffs and have no power to do anything at all, you can just ask them to leave and shut the door like you would with anyone else you didn't want to talk to. The only way a bailiff could be sent is if a ccj haf been made against you and Intrum had gone back to the court to instruct a bailiff. If the debt is statute barred then you have a simple defence so a CCJ can never been issued.

            It sounds like they are trying to rattle your cage, some people don't realise that they aren't bailiffs and they play on that to try and scare people into paying.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Sparkles View Post
              If the debt is statute barred then you have a simple defence so a CCJ can never been issued.

              It sounds like they are trying to rattle your cage, some people don't realise that they aren't bailiffs and they play on that to try and scare people into paying.
              If the debt is statute barred, it need never get to court.


              • #8
                Can we all remember that while the Limitations Act provides an absolute defence it doesn’t stop a ccj if you don’t contest it. Then you have to go through the aggro and possible expense trying to get it set aside.

                As SW says, if a letter of claim arrives you would tell them that any alleged debt was SB . That should stop it in its tracks


                • #9
                  Thanks all, how long does a debt have to go on for before it becomes Statue Barred?


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Jules71 View Post
                    Thanks all, how long does a debt have to go on for before it becomes Statue Barred?
                    Usually 6 years, (or 5 in Scotland) from the date of the last action, which could be last payment, or date account defaulted, or date of last acknowledgment of the debt. The latter is why is was important to know whether you had written to the creditors.

