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Bobthebuilder's diary

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  • #16
    Re: Bobthebuilder's diary

    Hi again folks.

    About a week ago I received a letter from MacKenzie Hall, saying they were chasing on behalf of 1st credit. Now I've received a letter from an outfit called Meritforce threatening a doorstep visit.

    What do you think I should do now, letter wise, another CCA request to Mac. Hall, or to Meritforce?

    Thanks in advance



    • #17
      Re: Bobthebuilder's diary

      Originally posted by bobthebuilder View Post
      Hi again folks.

      About a week ago I received a letter from MacKenzie Hall, saying they were chasing on behalf of 1st credit. Now I've received a letter from an outfit called Meritforce threatening a doorstep visit.

      What do you think I should do now, letter wise, another CCA request to Mac. Hall, or to Meritforce?

      Thanks in advance

      No, I wouldn't do that. One request per alleged account is the rule, unless there are exceptional circumstances.

      I would send this to Muck Hall -

      Our Templates | Unenforceability Templates | Account Sold whilst in Dispute

      only I would put Worst Crudit's name in the third line instead of the original creditor, as they were the recipient of the request.

      Send this to Meritfarce -

      Our Templates | Harassment & Intimidation Templates | Harassment & Threat of Doorstep-Visit

      It will need amending slightly at the start if you have not been receiving telephone harassment.

      Muck Hall and Meritfarce are at the absolute bottom of the DCA dung heap. They operate using extremely aggressive telephone bullying, and are utterly impotent if you take their favourite toy away from them.


