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HFC offer

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  • #16
    Re: HFC offer

    I have a good mind to put that in my letter

    I could have understood it if I wanted a cheque or the money sent somewhere else but when no details have changed and its the same account you just have to wonder.

    Thanks again Di



    • #17
      Re: HFC offer

      Okay here is the letter I have ready to go to HFC:

      Any comments or changes welcomed

      Dear Sirs,
      With reference to your letter dated 20th July 2012.
      I am a little confused to read that my signature did not match the one on your records, it is a well-known fact that a signature will not always be an exact match especially if those two signatures are years apart.
      The funds are to be repaid to the account from where the payments were taken originally; it also stands that this should be good enough for refunds also, there is no change in my bank account.
      You used my account to take payments without issue and therefore vice versa should happen without problem.
      As for meeting with regulation it seems that you were not bothered about meeting with regulation when this PPI was mis-sold to me so what is different now? Also this is my money and not yours; this is re-payment for wrongful trading.
      I am also a little disturbed that on your list of people for a “certified signature” you have included ‘BANKER’, frankly I am a little disgusted by this, and you also omit Policeman which is also disturbing.
      I would further add that if you are not forthcoming with MY money to MY bank account that is THE SAME BANK ACCOUNT as from WHERE PAYMENTS WERE TAKEN a complaint WILL be made to the regulators without further notice to you.
      I feel that these are merely stalling tactics to avoid any repayments. As you have already taken far more time than would be deemed necessary to deal with this I am giving you 14 days in which to repay my money to my bank account, after this time a complaint will be forwarded to the regulator.

      Yours faithfully,


      Oh yeah - GITS
      Last edited by vossy; 23 July 2012, 17:57.


      • #18
        Re: HFC offer


        Not to be the bearer of bad news or anything ,BUT..... this lot will go to ANY length to avoid accepting wrong doing / paying you back.

        You have a fight on your hands.

        I have been fighting them for 18 months and have today found out that it is likely I will have to wait another 18 months before my case is sorted.

        Prepare for the long game.

        Good luck



        • #19
          Re: HFC offer

          HI Matty, I have already accepted their offer, they are just being bloody minded now, I am prepared to wait it out though.


          • #20
            Re: HFC offer

            Well done mate


            • #21
              Re: HFC offer

              PPI such a confusing state for any claimants and made worse by the financial sector, it has been to court and the JR won with billions set aside for payouts so it should be easy no wonder there are CMC's being set up everywhere when there is no need for such.

              It appears the financial sector is creating there own problems.


              • #22
                Re: HFC offer

                Great letter Vossy, well done and the best of luck.


                • #23
                  Re: HFC offer

                  Thanks Di,

                  Just thought I would run it past first


                  • #24
                    Re: HFC offer

                    I have an update on this now, no letter or email back from HFC, in fact no contact at all following my nice letter to them, however I checked my bank last night and lo and behold there is the repayment but a couple of quid more than the offer, I am guessing it is probably interest that had accumulated, I am happy with the result. Sorted and closed!!

                    HFC are still though


                    • #25
                      Re: HFC offer

                      Originally posted by vossy View Post
                      I have an update on this now, no letter or email back from HFC, in fact no contact at all following my nice letter to them, however I checked my bank last night and lo and behold there is the repayment but a couple of quid more than the offer, I am guessing it is probably interest that had accumulated, I am happy with the result. Sorted and closed!!

                      HFC are still though
                      Great news Vossy! yes that what it's more likely to be, as it continues to grow. Well done!


                      • #26
                        Re: HFC offer

                        Thanks Di

