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Mortgage question

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by fedupwiththeworry View Post
    Just wish they would capitalize again
    There's no reason why they shouldn't capitalize your arrears for a second time if they want to.

    Most lenders like to see a six month ATP (Arrangement To Pay) being honoured before they'll consider capitalization. So if you can get this £26 accepted and if you can stick to it then I think you should ask them to add the arrears to the loan after six payments have successfully gone through.

    The only down side of that is your monthly payment will increase because when arrears are added to the loan they will start to attract interest on them since they will be "capital borrowed" and not "arrears owed" where interest is not charged.

    If you can tidy up your file by getting shot of the extinct SPO and perform well for six months then you'll stand a good chance of capitalization because it'll be over five years since they last did this.

    If they do agree to your £26 per month offer then I'd be inclined to pay them £27 (if you can manage that) so you can honestly say that you have overpaid your agreement. That always looks good.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Thank you, will send out. Just wish they would capitalize again

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    All good

    Maybe add to Point 3 the reason why you have chosen £26 as the monthly arrears payment. You could say you have taken advice and have been told that this would be sufficient to pay off the arrears by the end of the term of the loan. If it was me I would say that you've been given case law to support this.

    On Point 5 you could ask them to refund the arrears monitoring charge as you don't think it's fair considering you have remained in touch throughout the period (if you have). They'll probably say No, but if you end up going to the FOS they (the FOS) will only investigate issues you have raised with your lender first, so raise it now.

    When you've done your letter send it in the post with proof of posting and also email them a copy.

    From what you say maybe your lender won't go for an Eviction Warrant based on that SPO but you need this paper trail to show to a court in case they do. Once that SPO has been cancelled or they admit to you in writing that it's extinguished then you can relax a bit more. Quite frankly I think bullying your other half over the phone into believing something which is not true, deserves a complaint to the FOS and some token compensation. If nothing else that will stop them doing it again.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Hi and thanks,

    Paid £20.00 extra last time and could go to £26.00 as suggested. Just to confirm at the moment there is no threat to ressurect the possession order just the comment made at the end of the phone call made me query it.
    So to re-cap what needs doing:-
    1} Get a letter off headed "Complaint" with the same I & E as we gave over the phone
    2} Put in the letter that we are upset that the home is still subject to a SPO even though the arrears that the SPO was subject to were capitalized in 2009. Ask for confirmation that the SPO cannot be ressurected and enclose the capitalization with zero arrears letter from 2009
    3} Tell them we are aware arrears have built up and we have been paying by way of arrangements which have been reviewed at regular intervals and we are now going to pay £26.00 per month extra.
    4} Tell them that we are now going to do communicate in writing only as we feel we were being bullied into increasing what was affordable in the last phone call.
    5} Regarding the arrears monitoring charge, this is applied and reversed as long as an arrangement is in place however if there is not then it is added to the mortgage amount, not the arrears. So I'm not sure what to say about that so advice welcome..

    Due to the time a letter would have to go out tomorrow but I could email as you suggested but does that have the sufficient paper trail ?


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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    I've got your PM and that all makes sense

    According to the figures you have given me you would be able to clear your arrears by the end of the mortgage term if you pay £25.61 per month on top of your contractual payment. If you went to court to get that suspended possession order varied then that is what I would expect a DJ to order. This is because there's a legal precedent which says courts must use their discretion on spreading arrears over the life of the loan.

    It's called Cheltenham & Gloucester vs Norgan here Don't bother reading it today but we'll make sure that your lender gets to read it soon.

    I'll go back through your thread later but in the meantime get that letter off to the lender with the same I & E figures which you gave them over the phone.

    What did you offer to pay towards those arrears when you last spoke to them (sorry I know I should check back)? I think you said you were paying £15 per month and now they want more. The I & E you gave them over the phone showed £40 surplus per month. If you were to offer to pay £30 (only if that's affordable) then you start paying it you will have set yourself up nicely for any argument to vary that SPO in court. If they went for an Eviction Warrant you would bung in an application to vary which should frustrate it. Both applications would probably be heard at the same time.

    Get that letter to them today by fax/email or whatever means you can. You need to keep them talking (so to speak). If you lose contact they may pounce. Always give them deadlines so that you are in control of the situation. Tell them you are seeking advice and you will get back to them again by Friday 11th April. Then nag me to suggest what should be in your next letter if I haven't posted by Thursday night.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by PlanB View Post
    Send the lender the exact same I & E information as you gave them on the phone. Don't let them bully you into revising it. What you told them is the truth. Stick to the truth.

    The lender's approach seems to be to establish how much money you've got leftover each month so they can take all of it. They are trying to get you to reduce your actual 'needs' so they can take more from you. Bugger that.

    I need to know how much are your arrears, how long have you got left on the term of the loan, and how much equity you have in the property (or is it in negative equity?). You have the right to ask for those arrears to be paid off over the remaining life of the loan. We'll do that once you've heard back from your letter telling them that you want to re-instate your agreement to pay £15 per month extra.

    I think it may be wise to tell them that you wish to re-establish the £15 payment but intend to overpay as and when you can. Then pay £20 each month or whatever is affordable.
    Thanks will do. Mrs said for example when she gave elec/gas bills he said they seemed high, she explained they included an element for arrears to which he said reduce the amount, the mortgage arrears is your priority the worst the utilities can do is take you to court/pre payment meters etc. We've been trying to stop meters because the tarriff is higher so we'd actually end up with less money. I do get the point about the mortgage being the priority but don't know what to do about that scenario, for example I can reduce the gas DD by about a tenner a month via their website but it won't let me put a smaller amount.

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Send the lender the exact same I & E information as you gave them on the phone. Don't let them bully you into revising it. What you told them is the truth. Stick to the truth.

    The lender's approach seems to be to establish how much money you've got leftover each month so they can take all of it. They are trying to get you to reduce your actual 'needs' so they can take more from you. Bugger that.

    I need to know how much are your arrears, how long have you got left on the term of the loan, and how much equity you have in the property (or is it in negative equity?). You have the right to ask for those arrears to be paid off over the remaining life of the loan. We'll do that once you've heard back from your letter telling them that you want to re-instate your agreement to pay £15 per month extra.

    I think it may be wise to tell them that you wish to re-establish the £15 payment but intend to overpay as and when you can. Then pay £20 each month or whatever is affordable.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Do you know of any places that give guidance on what are acceptable figures to put on a I & E sheet ?
    The man on the phone was in Scotland and was comparing things like his council tax and household bills with what we'd said when the 2 are comparable at all IMO. plus as I said he was a formula x13 divided by 12 which is fine for say Wkg Tax Credits because they are paid 4 weekly but he said that it also was used on other areas of the form which makes it hard for us to both get the same surplus figure. So when we write in we want to make sure we are using good information

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by PlanB View Post
    If you have seven months mortgage arrears then it's fair to say that Mortgages plc have been very lenient but don't count on that going on forever. Six months' arrears is the turning point when they can go for repossession under Pre-Action Protocol. I think the bloke she spoke to last night was not trained in housing law so probably didn't know that you can't (or shouldn't) revive an old court order. He probably saw a SPO in the history and assumed it was still 'live' so used that to pile on the pressure.

    Please don't ring them again. Write a letter seeking clarification on a few things while at the same time making an offer. I would head the letter "Complaint" to get it taken seriously.

    1. Express your upset at being told that your home is still subject to a Suspended Possession Order when the arrears in that Order were either paid or capitalized in 2009. Ask them to confirm that the original order cannot be resurrected (you need his in writing in case they try for a court hearing). If you've got a letter stating the arrears were paid off and the balance was zero enclose a copy of it.

    2. Tell them you are aware of arrears which have built up since then and you had been paying these by way of an arrangement (ATP) at the rate of £15 (?) on top of your monthly payment. Your circumstances have not changed and you would like to continue with this ATP. Enclose an I & E which shows you can manage that amount. Express your upset that despite knowing your financial situation (they had your I & E) you felt you were being bullied on the phone to pay more than was previously acceptable using the threat of repossession.

    3. Explain to them that the arrears figure has only increased due to their excessive charges of £54 per month to "monitor" the account. Ask them to stop these charges immediately and refund the ones they've already added to the account. Make it clear that if they don't then you will refer your complaint to the FOS. As you will see from this link the FOS take a hard line on lenders who charge excessive fees on people with mortgage arrears:

    If your wife can afford to make an extra £15 payment then it may be wise to do that on the phone auto-payment system today so she can add a final line to her letter which says she has done this. In other words she's re-instating the original ATP even if they aren't. Time to take control of the situation instead of the lender trying to control you by bullying.
    Thank you that's brilliant. Will get her to do that and yes she paid an extra £20.00 on top of the contractual amount so no £54.00 this month.

    re your points:

    1 - will do, yes we got a letter stating arrears were £0
    2 - She was paying with an arrangement but they are very short lived, something like 3 months IIRC so the arrangement officially ended in Jan I believe. Regarding the I&E I actually did this for her but the surplus figure didn't match up to what the man on the phone had even though she'd read them all out. Something about the way the work the figures out, very hard for her to comprehend on the phone but also then hard for us to give them a figure, we had a surplus of £40 odd they said we had £100 odd ?? I think part of it was WTC figures we put a monthly amount but as paid 4 weekly they x13 and divided by 12 ?? they did this with some other too.
    We also put in £500 for food/household which he said was excessive, there's us plus a 16 & 21 year old so they eat a lot. He was comparing his outgoings when he only has a newborn.
    Is there a set way to do an I &E ?
    3 - He said these weren't increasing the arrears, in which case they must be increasing the main loan and as we're on interest only at the moment that's not good at all.


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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by fedupwiththeworry View Post
    They add an arrears monitoring charge of £54.00 each month . . . . .

    . . . their way of working out what we have spare works out different to what we had worked out somehow. This meant they wanted more overpayment than we had allowed for so she paid the full mortgage amount and has said she will ring back the middle of next month to sort out a new arrangement when we've looked at the figures again.

    She's around 7 months in arrears so they have been pretty good it has to be said (Mortgages PLC) . It built up over several months a while back but she hasn't missed the full payment in ages now, however we can only pay off something like £50 towards the arrears now. The last arrangement was for something like £15 p/m off but because they give her such a hard time on the phone with figures she put off making a new arrangement so instead of the £54 charge not being applied it has been.

    As it stands I get the feeling that she could phone and offer the mortgage plus £50.00 and they will be quite happy so don't need to worry too much at the moment but would be grateful of advice going forward to keep us out of court if possible
    If you have seven months mortgage arrears then it's fair to say that Mortgages plc have been very lenient but don't count on that going on forever. Six months' arrears is the turning point when they can go for repossession under Pre-Action Protocol. I think the bloke she spoke to last night was not trained in housing law so probably didn't know that you can't (or shouldn't) revive an old court order. He probably saw a SPO in the history and assumed it was still 'live' so used that to pile on the pressure.

    Please don't ring them again. Write a letter seeking clarification on a few things while at the same time making an offer. I would head the letter "Complaint" to get it taken seriously.

    1. Express your upset at being told that your home is still subject to a Suspended Possession Order when the arrears in that Order were either paid or capitalized in 2009. Ask them to confirm that the original order cannot be resurrected (you need his in writing in case they try for a court hearing). If you've got a letter stating the arrears were paid off and the balance was zero enclose a copy of it.

    2. Tell them you are aware of arrears which have built up since then and you had been paying these by way of an arrangement (ATP) at the rate of £15 (?) on top of your monthly payment. Your circumstances have not changed and you would like to continue with this ATP. Enclose an I & E which shows you can manage that amount. Express your upset that despite knowing your financial situation (they had your I & E) you felt you were being bullied on the phone to pay more than was previously acceptable using the threat of repossession.

    3. Explain to them that the arrears figure has only increased due to their excessive charges of £54 per month to "monitor" the account. Ask them to stop these charges immediately and refund the ones they've already added to the account. Make it clear that if they don't then you will refer your complaint to the FOS. As you will see from this link the FOS take a hard line on lenders who charge excessive fees on people with mortgage arrears:

    If your wife can afford to make an extra £15 payment then it may be wise to do that on the phone auto-payment system today so she can add a final line to her letter which says she has done this. In other words she's re-instating the original ATP even if they aren't. Time to take control of the situation instead of the lender trying to control you by bullying.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by PlanB View Post
    Step away from the phone. Everything must be done in writing from now on. You are laying a paper trail for the court in case you find yourselves back there again.

    How many months are you in arrears?

    I'll go into the nitty gritty tomorrow but I want to make sure that your lender can't issue new proceedings imminently using the PCOL system. I'm guessing your Mrs made the call tonight because it's the end of the month and you weren't able to meet your contractual payment.

    Your lender must follow Pre-Action Protocol. This is a new set of circumstances so the new CPRs should apply. It's not 2009 now. Who is your lender?

    I need to peek at your UE Diary (if you have one) to see the overall picture. Your mortgage is a priority never mind DCAs.

    I'll be back tomorrow
    Hi and thanks.

    Yes she had to phone to make the normal monthly mortgage payment. The previous arrangement to pay back arrears ended a few months back and because things were tight she's been using the automated telephone payment system to pay the full mortgage amount up until now. They add an arrears monitoring charge of £54.00 each month so I've been pestering her to phone and sort out a new arrangement ASAP. She tried to do this tonight but their way of working out what we have spare works out different to what we had worked out somehow. This meant they wanted more overpayment than we had allowed for so she paid the full mortgage amount and has said she will ring back the middle of next month to sort out a new arrangement when we've looked at the figures again.

    They didn't say they were going to go to court again she said, it seemed more a case of he had to read a script, however the wording wasn't the normal "if you don't keep up with your payments" stuff, it was about the prev case.

    She's around 7 months in arrears so they have been pretty good it has to be said (Mortgages PLC) . It built up over several months a while back but she hasn't missed the full payment in ages now, however we can only pay off something like £50 towards the arrears now. The last arrangement was for something like £15 p/m off but because they give her such a hard time on the phone with figures she put off making a new arrangement so instead of the £54 charge not being applied it has been.

    Not paying anything to creditors at the mo so nothing to see in the diary.

    As it stands I get the feeling that she could phone and offer the mortgage plus £50.00 and they will be quite happy so don't need to worry too much at the moment but would be grateful of advice going forward to keep us out of court if possible
    Last edited by lookingforward; 31 March 2014, 21:46.

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  • lookingforward
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by PlanB View Post
    Okay, so you had a Suspended Possession Order (what year was the order?) and the arrears stated in that Order were either paid off or capitalized five years ago (April 2009). I would say that court order is as extinct as a dodo.
    2008 was the year

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by fedupwiththeworry View Post
    Fast forward to taday and we again find ourselves in arrears and the Mrs had to phone to make a suitable repayment plan with them this evening.
    Step away from the phone. Everything must be done in writing from now on. You are laying a paper trail for the court in case you find yourselves back there again.

    How many months are you in arrears?

    I'll go into the nitty gritty tomorrow but I want to make sure that your lender can't issue new proceedings imminently using the PCOL system. I'm guessing your Mrs made the call tonight because it's the end of the month and you weren't able to meet your contractual payment.

    Your lender must follow Pre-Action Protocol. This is a new set of circumstances so the new CPRs should apply. It's not 2009 now. Who is your lender?

    I need to peek at your UE Diary (if you have one) to see the overall picture. Your mortgage is a priority never mind DCAs.

    I'll be back tomorrow

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by fedupwiththeworry View Post
    the chap had to re-cap all that had been said and part of the spiel was that she was reminded that a repossesion order (or words to that effect) was in place that could be activated at any time.

    Is that right ?

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  • PlanB
    Re: Mortgage question

    Originally posted by fedupwiththeworry View Post
    The arrears were capitalised in apr 09 and the letter states that the arrears balance has been reduced to zero
    Okay, so you had a Suspended Possession Order (what year was the order?) and the arrears stated in that Order were either paid off or capitalized five years ago (April 2009). I would say that court order is as extinct as a dodo.

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