Re: Much needed advise and help needed
Reading this post I can see that you've made up your mind to get rid of the problem by letting go of the property and attempt to salvage what you can from the situation. The best thing to do is to break this down into bite-sized chunks and tackle each one separately. The lender is not responsible for your rip-off tenants. The tenants aren't responsible for the solicitor's attitude. Attack the person who can committed the crime and dish out the relevant punishment. You need to aim at the right target.
So I'll ask you questions in separate posts and hopefully offer up solutions for the different elements depending on your answers. Once you start to tackle this you will start to feel more in control of not only the situation but also your whole life. You are young compared to me (I've checked your profile page) so if I managed to re-build my life (twice!) when the chips were down so can you
Originally posted by Shadowfax
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So I'll ask you questions in separate posts and hopefully offer up solutions for the different elements depending on your answers. Once you start to tackle this you will start to feel more in control of not only the situation but also your whole life. You are young compared to me (I've checked your profile page) so if I managed to re-build my life (twice!) when the chips were down so can you
