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CIFAS marker. Please Help!!

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  • CIFAS marker. Please Help!!

    Hi everyone,

    I have come accross your website and have been reading about several cases where you have been able to assist in the removal of CIFAS markers.

    So basically I found an arbitrage opportunity in which i was able to buy and sell bitcoin from different retails clients and make a 5% or so spread. This was done completly legally where both parties were aware of the purchase and sale and were volutary participants. No fraud was committed by anyone. Someone would contact me to buy or sell some crypto and I would facilitate.

    Barclays asked me about the transactions every so often and I would explain to them that I was making a bitcoin purchase or sale and provided any verifiable proof they requested. However one day out of the blue, Barclays closed my account and seized the fund in it (around £4,000). since then they have hung up on me numerous times while im trying to understand the reason that they've done this. They simply told me to wait till the middle of September while I wait for the 'investigation' to conclude. And stuff you and your money till then.

    They have also given me a CIFAS marker. The accussations are of misuse of facilities, and receiving funds and unexplained conduct even though I explained clearly where the money was coming from at every request they made.

    The are also acusations about insurance fraud, misuse of insurance policy documentation. However I have never had or used any insurance policies with Barclays in the 20 years of being with then. These seem to be invented claims with no substance whatsoever.

    Since this has happened a lot of my other accounts have been closed, one after they flagged an £80 transfer then abruptly closed my account with no explanation.

    Please help!



  • #2
    send details to refer to this thread who may be able to advise.
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