If you've been one of the *fortunate* people that was 'upgraded' from a storecard to a credit card a few years ago, from say GE Money as an example, for stores such as M&S, Harrods, Debenhams etc etc well the following judgment from one of our forum users should make you all weep with happiness as this judgment will change things as we know it...
In a nutshell, the judge agreed that the store card to credit card WAS unsolicited and thus a whole new agreement/terms should have been provided - they weren't. She also confirmed that she agreed that the lender changed the basis of the agreement from restricted to unrestricted use and the result?
We won - the consumer gets another spanking UE victory.
Well done to all involved especially our mod Paul. who played a huge part in this (and other) judgments. Special thanks though go to Gwyn from Watsons - top bloke!
Normally we restrict such judgments to a specific private members section however now we're making them public for all to see based on the impact this sole judgment will have on millions of store to credit cards.
allaboutDEBT has now helped win 15+ cases with the help of our preferred solicitor so remember if in doubt speak to us!