The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has taken enforcement action against two firms for making nuisance telephone calls - Our Vault Limited in Chorley, Lancashire, and Swansea-based Horizon Windows Limited. Enforcement Notices have been issued to both companies ordering the firms to stop their illegal marketing activity. As well as the notice, Our Vault was also fined £70,000 for making 55,534 unsolicited marketing calls to people who had registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS) and had not consented to being contacted by the company.

Despite claiming that all their personal data was checked against the register, the investigation found that Our Vault have never held or requested a TPS licence. The calls were designed to sell the financial products of a sister company - ST&R Limited – under the guise of market research. In a separate ICO investigation, Horizon Windows received the Enforcement Notice for making 104 unsolicited marketing calls to people registered with the TPS between January 2016 and January 2017.
