Payday lenders will receive more up to date information about individuals' borrowing habits when they apply for a loan. Concerns have been raised about how easy it is for borrowers to overextend themselves by signing up for multiple loans from different lenders. But from April, credit reference agency Callcredit will offer daily information about other loans held by an applicant. At present this information is only updated every month. Borrowers would still be able to apply for several loans on the same day but people finding themselves in a debt spiral should find it much more difficult to secure multiple loans.
Callcredit said that the move would have "a major positive impact for both lenders and consumers". The industry has come under pressure from MPs to improve sharing of up-to-date information among payday lenders. A number have signed up to the latest initiative, which will provide them with information about any missed repayments, rollovers or extensions to loans.......Read more here