Ruling expected after the Office of Fair Trading warns fitness centres for a second time within a year over unfair agreements
A crackdown on gym contracts that customers cannot cancel is expected next week after the Office of Fair Trading warned fitness centres for a second time within a year not to sign people up to unfair agreements. The OFT is likely to focus on long-term contracts that do not allow members to cancel if their circumstances change. The move comes after a story about LA Fitness published by the Guardian caused a outrage on the social networking website Twitter. The chain had refused to drop fees owed by Hannah, a heavily pregnant woman and her unemployed husband.

The couple, who have a young child, were about to be made homeless and could not afford to pay the remainder of their two-year deal with LA Fitness. Hannah wrote to the Guardian's consumer champions' column for help, but despite repeated arguments by the...Read more here--: Gyms face crackdown on long-term contracts | Money | The Guardian