OAP conned out of £1,000 by cold callers
Originally posted by 5corpio
An elderly man in Workington was conned out of more than £1,000 after he was cold-called four times. Police said the 75-year-old man was contacted by two men claiming he was owed £5,000 in mortgage protection payments but he needed to pay an admin fee to release the cash. The victim was told to get a UKASH voucher worth £400 then contact them with the voucher number so they could check the money was there.

A force spokesman said UKASH was a genuine internet money transfer system and the voucher number is needed to claim the cash, not the voucher itself. He said the conmen made two further attempts to get more cash from the man, and he lost a total of £1,100. Yesterday, the man was contacted by them for a fourth time and they asked for another...Read more on this story----> News & Star | News | Cumbrian OAP conned out of £1,000 by cold callers