.......'linked to rise in depression'

Originally posted by 5corpio
Money woes 'linked to rise in depression'

Economic problems may be fuelling a rise in depression in England, it has been suggested.

Prescriptions for anti-depressant drugs such as Prozac rose by more than 40% over the past four years, data obtained by the BBC shows.
GPs and charities said they were being contacted increasingly by people struggling with debt and job worries.

They said financial woe could often act as a "trigger", but added other factors may also be playing a role in the rise.

The rise has happened at a time when the government has been increasing access to talking therapies, which should in theory curb the demand for anti-depressants.

In the last year alone referrals for talking therapies rose four-fold to nearly 600,000, Department of Health figures showed.

'Toxic combination' Dr Clare Gerada, head of the Royal College of GPs, said some of the rise in prescribing was also likely to be due to increased awareness about the condition and.....Read more HERE