Scores of DCAs line up for HMRC tender
Originally posted by 5corpio
Scores of DCAs line up for HMRC tender

Over 40 debt collection companies are said to have registered for HM Revenue & Customs’ (HMRC’s) epic £1.5bn debt tender, with the government body now facing a race to process the bids before its April deadline.

The bidding, which closed on 3 March, attracted great interest from the market with between 40 and 50 companies said to have entered the competition. The contract, which could be worth a total of £70m in fees, is for up to 10 agencies to enter a two-year arrangement.

HMRC now faces a tight deadline following the heavy response. The government has earmarked 12 April as having a shortlist bidders in place although market observers think the volume of interest may put pressure on that deadline.

HMRC currently has a contract with four debt collection agencies, Commercial Collections Services, Credit Solutions, iQor and Fairfax Solicitors, to collect £140m of debt as part of a deal that runs until this year.