Sorry, I can't offer any help with your difficult situation.
Affordability is one of the problems, ie you need to know if you could afford the mortgage repayments, on top of your other outgoings. Also the lender will probably want details of your income and liabilities. The 3 accounts which will still be on the CRA will obviously be there whether you are paying or not.
You haven't provided any details of the 3 accounts in question, so we don't know the total amount involved. You may have to decide your priorities (the first, I would have thought, keeping the house). This would take precedence over not paying unenforceable debts. Is there any way you could clear those debts?
EDIT: Also, it's a big ask, but might your ex be willing to give you a time extension for the relevant period?
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Mortgage with defaults
Mortgage with defaults
Quick query re mortgages with defaults.
Bit of background, I split up with my ex husband some years ago and as part of the divorce I have to buy my ex out of our house this year.
I have 6 defaults - 3 of them will be off by the time I apply and 3 are due off 6 months later ( unfortunately I cannot wait the extra 6 months!).
I am going to approach my current lender first and ask if I can borrow his half of the equity to pay him off so would have approx 45% deposit. If they turn me down I guess I will try a broker and take a short mortgage until I have a clear record.
My queries are - has anyone been successful in getting a mortgage with 3 old defaults?
Secondly - how do I explain why I am not paying anything to those 3 lenders? 3 unenforceable debts which will be statute barred next year so I don’t want to make any payments! I assume they will ask the balances outstanding and the payment commitment!
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