Sadly for the second time in 3 months I have had my bike stolen. First time the insurance was quite smooth. This time the agents ( are being a pain. The bike cost £675 brand new in May and there was a £25 lock stolen as well. The excess is £100 so I would expect a payment of £599. the agents have offered my £519 which I refused and have gone back to admiral with a copy of my CC statement, a screenshot of the bike that was stolen which is also what I want to buy and a link.
If they refuse to increase the offer can I accept but escalate to the ombudsman or do I have to refuse and escalate.
I have a crime number and the bike was insured away from home etc etc
If they refuse to increase the offer can I accept but escalate to the ombudsman or do I have to refuse and escalate.
I have a crime number and the bike was insured away from home etc etc