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  • #31
    Hello All,
    I can’t really believe this has happened but all of what I’ve said in the last 3 days was a false alarm

    I’m very happy to report that when the letter from Wescot arrived today it wasn’t for the Barclaycard debts at all but a Tesco loan of my husbands which has already been covered by his bankruptcy and therefore not enforceable.

    Sorry if this wasted everyone’s time but as the only unpaid debts left in the household were these Barclaycard ones it seemed like a natural assumption to make.

    Equally unbelievably another letter that also arrived in the post today was from Barclaycard but like the last letter I received from them (see post No #16 above) was offering me money rather than demanding it! They obviously felt I was so entitled to get the £75 offered that they have sent me a reminder letter, I have extracted the relevant part and linked below this post.

    Although it may seem to everyone that this is the end of the story for now until Barclaycard action something on the these accounts, I would appreciate it very much if you would read and consider the following for me.

    The amount of stress I have felt since receiving the texts from Wescot has been nothing short of mind boggling, not only have I hardly slept but had it continued I believe I would have become very unwell through it, unfortunately even though this seems like a success I’m now going to be back to waiting once again for the phone to ring or the door to be knocked every day.

    For those who didn’t read my original posts, or as a reminder to those who did, I basically concealed money my husband borrowed from family to pay off these cards as I don’t agree with him that we should be settling it so readily and would prefer the 30 odd grand to contribute to our children’s futures. Unfortunately although they are in my name we both open post, answer the phone and even share mobile phones The only form of contact we have separately from one another are email addresses.

    I have been seriously wondering if these letters from Barclaycard offering their silly inconvenience payment could be used to my own advantage.

    As far as Barclaycard are concerned we still live at the same address we have for almost 20 years, so since before the accounts started, not realising our post is being diverted to our new address we moved to in July.

    I have read everybody on here say “be reactive not proactive” but what does everyone think might be the result if Barclaycard were to receive these letters back with a note saying ‘This person is no longer at this address, their details (contact address and phone number) are as follows? But of course the address would be that of a friend of mine and phone number a cheap PAYG one I can buy.

    Yes I would still be deceiving my husband but unless I pay this in full I don’t have any option but to do that currently anyway but at least this way (assuming it would work) I might get to sleep a little better at night.

    Thanks again for any advice.

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    • #32
      Morning,Not to worry about time we spent, just shows you what help is here if needed.
      can I just ask what information they were asking for, for you to claim the repayment.

      You could give your friends address ,but point out it is a forwarding address only, no need to give a phone number.
      The other thing is Barclays may think it strange that the person returning the letters hasn't forwarded them on themselves, as they have the address.

      If you are on the electoral roll, you can be found that way if they search for you.
      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Shower_Queen View Post
        another letter that also arrived in the post today was from Barclaycard but like the last letter I received from them (see post No #16 above) was offering me money rather than demanding it! They obviously felt I was so entitled to get the £75 offered that they have sent me a reminder letter, I have extracted the relevant part and linked below this post.

        Although it may seem to everyone that this is the end of the story for now until Barclaycard action something on the these accounts, I would appreciate it very much if you would read and consider the following for me.

        . . . . . what does everyone think might be the result if Barclaycard were to receive these letters back with a note saying ‘This person is no longer at this address, their details (contact address and phone number) are as follows? But of course the address would be that of a friend of mine and phone number a cheap PAYG one I can buy.

        Yes I would still be deceiving my husband but unless I pay this in full I don’t have any option but to do that currently

        I personally feel this would be a very bad idea. You wouldn't just be deceiving your husband, you would be deceiving Barclaycard by telling them a lie which could backfire on you if matters ever escalated to court (hopefully not!).

        I've also read the Barclaycard letter offering an "Inconvenience Payment" especially Paragraph 3. Have you quantified your losses due to their admitted below standard service, because it seems that by accepting their offer of £75 you will be signing away your legal right to "further deserved redress" if any would be due?

        What issues did you have with Barclaycard and did this involve them adding any extra interest and charges to the three accounts?



        • #34
          Hubby has today also received a letter from, Barclaycard, saying that they miscalculated his payments so they owe him £2.70. must of cost them that in paper, ink , postage to send it out to him, but unlike you they have used it to reduce the balance,
          I am tempted to ask them to send it to us as the account is UE ( never found his CCA) also SB,

          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • #35
            Thanks once again for the input both of you.

            It hadn’t occurred to me at all that a new occupant of a property would just forward the post to an address they were already aware of. I must be stressed I suppose as I didn’t know I could be that STUPID!!

            For the questions Barclaycard wanted answered to claim the £75 please see page 2 of the attachment, there is a form.

            Due to a more than understanding landlord who knew about our difficulties (friend of my mum) at the moment we are currently not officially living here. So she is covering utility bills etc and we pay her back. Also we are not yet back on the electoral roll but I can’t see that can last very much longer. None of this was done for any specific reasons other than I wondered if it might be wise to start with, bearing in mind this was before my husband was advised to go bankrupt by his solicitor which he has now done.

            Deceiving anyone doesn’t come easy to me. With my husband the only other choice seemed to be to pay the cards as it wasn’t only our opinions differing but with the amount of stress he was under at the time, it just wasn’t fair to argue the toss about it. So far as the banks are concerned unless it definitely can’t come back and bite me/us on the bum then I’m not happy with it.

            My suggestion of their offer being returned was only to get my address and other contact details changed. I was never intending to claim the money at all as I felt in my case it might have been sent to provoke contact or admitting liability. Di you have made me realise this idea would probably have been a foolish one.

            There have never been issues with Barclaycard (other than obviously not being able to pay!) and no further charges or interest were ever added.

            Given your comments on my diary I wonder if I would be better sending the s77-79 CCA requests even though I’m currently not being chased at all and include change of contact details with the forms. Or perhaps just write myself saying new contact details for myself attached please take note and leave it at that.

            By the way the property I can use as a correspondence address (which is how I would refer to it if I write) is also owned by the lady we are renting from but nobody currently lives in it.


            • #36
              Hello All,

              Just to recap on this. What I was hoping for is a way to protect myself from my husband finding out these cards haven't been cleared in full until such a time that they chase them. even if he ends up needing to know when the inevitable does happen I would prefer this be done by me rather than a phone call or letter from Barclays or worse a debt collector!

              Thanks for any help you can offer


              • #37
                -If you feel it best then give another address but please keep us informed of any comunication so we can try and help. have a great Christmas,

                NW xx
                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.

