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Debt Dairy just starting

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Shell View Post
    03.09.2020 – Cabot Financial Welcome
    20.09.2020 – Cabot Set up your plan
    27.10.2020 – Cabot Thankyou for your recent contact with us and an update on your situation (must have spoke to them on the phone)
    21.01.2023 - Cabot Your overdue Debt requires urgent action! You’ve been selected for legal action to commence by our solicitors. This is because you are not making payments to your account if you continue to ignore this your account will be passed on to our solicitors. Our solicitors will then look to obtain a County court Judgment
    01.02.2021 - Cabot Avoid legal action You have 21 days remaining before we place your account with our solicitors, so lets talk you through what’s going to happen if legal action starts

    I've just extracted a small part of your post as there is a date discrepancy. I assume the date is incorrect, or else the entry is in the wrong place. Regarding the "must have spoken to them on the phone", it's best not to do this, as we usually suggest everything should be in writing. That way you have a record of what has occurred.

    The same applies to Orbit. If they contact you by phone or in person, don't admit anything or discuss anything with them. Just tell them if they need to contact you, to put it in writing. They may not call on you again, anyway. They appear to be in the same group of companies as Cabot.

    That apart, Cabot are not being very threatening at present.


    • #17
      Yes your correct wrong date, thank you i don't usually speak to anyone must have slipped up and thanks for the advise RE door step visits that's what ill do in future.


      • #18
        ok next one

        Barclaycard Freedom (ironic)
        Opened 29.04.2013
        Balance default 7,098 current 7,756.05
        Last payment date 04.19
        No arrangement last contact from me oct 19 advised I had left due to domestic abuse and updated address
        Status CCJ attachment of earnings, Replied 03.02.24
        Owner PRA group

        18.03.19 – Your Barclaycard freedom is overdue as you have now missed three payments
        09.05.19 – Thanks for getting in touch to update us about your current situation – attached affordability assessment (not completed)
        09.06.19 – Your account is overdue – we need to speak to you urgently weve been trying to contact you for several months
        18.06.19 – Important you should read this carefully Default notice served under section 87(1) of the consumer credit act 1974 You must make a payment of .. to reach your account before..
        30.07.19 – A default has now been registered on your account -you need to pay your balance in full
        11.08.19 – We’ve sold your Barclaycard account We are getting in touch to let you know that on the 19.08.2019 we sold your account to PRA group
        21.08.19 - PRA group we have purchased your outstanding balance
        23.01.20 – PRA group -Your account has now been transferred to the investigations and litigation department. This is a letter before claim as required by the Practice Direction on Pre – action and Conduct and protocols contained in civil procedure Rules. Attached reply form
        As with all the debts no reply sent, at that time paying rent, that I thought would be a temporary solution (still here now) and also paid the mortgage to prevent repossession on home as only couple of years payments left. To enable this defaulted on all priority bills bank statements to prove this,
        18.03.20 – Claim form county court business centre
        Nursed covid patients, only person able to support mum who was extremely vulnerable and needed daily care, Ex stalking and harassing me daily. Debt least of my worries
        14.09.20 – Judgement for claimant in default attached N244 unreplied
        07.09.23 – Notice of application for attachment of earnings
        24.11.23 – Notice of transfer of proceedings transferred to local court because debtor did not file N56 the receiving court will arrange for the bailiff to serve N61
        02.01.24 – email had loads now keeping track of them Your account will continue to be managed by PRA group (UK) Limited, but the benefits, rights, title, and interest in this account are now owned by PRA Group UK Portfolios Ltd
        Mid-January unsure of date hand delivered local County Court bailiff – complete within 2 days thank god I opened it ! saw court address
        18.12.23 – Order for production of statement of means this must reach the court office within 8 days as above only received mid Jan, hand delivered
        02.02.24 – free legal advise gave me the starting point I needed
        03.02.24 - Replied to Attachment of earnings, broke even, still offered £30 pw meant to be £30 pm will I ever learn?
        05.02.24 – GDPR (SAR) request sent to both Barclay card and PRA group with account details
        13-02-24 – PRA Group (UK) Limited V …. Thanks for the letter dated 05.02.24 I can confirm
        Thanks for your letter dated 05.02.23. I can confirm that SAR request was issued

        14.02.2024 – PRA Thank you for your recent contact regarding privacy concerns. Be assured I have started my review and am to respond by 13th march 23

        Certain bits have been highlighted, not looking for sympathy just identifying reasons why we the claim wasn't answered. I had no idea how important this was. I'm hoping have CCJ s set aside and deal with them from there

        21.02.22 – received General Form of Judgment or Order
        Before Judge sitting at ….. It being apparent that defendant cannot afford to fund any amount on the attachment of earnings and has significant other debt
        It is ordered that
        1. Application adjourned generally with liberty to restore dated 15.02.24

        Last edited by Shell; 22 February 2024, 13:43.


        • #19
          Tesco personal loan
          Dated opened 14.07.17
          Balance at default 6,103 current 6,658
          Date last paid 01.08.19
          No arrangement: 05.10.19 last contact Telephone call from myself 30 day hold stop action 30 days
          Status CCJ charging order on property
          Current owner Intrum uk Lester Aldridge solicitor

          22.08.19 – Tesco, Thanks for getting in touch to change your monthly payment date your next few loan repayments are shown below
          12.09.19 – Your bank has returned our unpaid direct debt request
          04.10.19 – Tesco, We still haven’t received your scheduled loan repayment make this immediately
          05.10.19 – Telephone call made by myself advised I had left due to domestic abuse and updated address
          07.10.19 – Tesco, we are aware that you have already been in contact with us regarding your current situation. However we are sending you the enclosed notice because we are obliged to do so under the Consumer Credit Act
          14.12.19 – Tesco, Important – please read. Legal document enclosed
          Default notice served under Section 87(1) of the consumer Credit Act 1974
          12.01.20 – Tesco, Please read - important notice regarding your loan
          Full balance is now due
          20.01.20 - Tesco your balance is now due
          06.01.20 – Immediate action required
          06.01.20 – Tesco, Pay your outstanding Balance to avoid legal action
          (phone call made put on hold for 30 days was going to get debt help citizens advice)
          08.01.20 – Tesco Letter of authority required. We understand you have asked a third party to deal with your account we need a signed letter from you granting the third party – not done too overwhelming
          08.07.20 – Despite our recent attempts to contact you your account has been passed to our Debt collection agency Moorcroft Debt recovery
          08.07.20 – Tesco further letter with Moorcroft contact details and statement of account
          13.07.20 – Moorcroft your account details have been passed to us by Tesco Bank to act as a collection agent in and we will now be dealing with your account
          22.07.20 – Moorcroft please contact us to discuss your account
          05.08.20 - Moorcroft Monthly installment offer
          22.08.20 – Tesco We are aware you’ve already been in contact with however we are sending the enclosed notice under the consumer credit act notice attached
          03.03.21 – Tesco An important update on your account we’ve decided to transfer, assigning our rights in connection with your account to Intrum (UK) Finance Limited on the 03.03.21
          03.03.21 – Intrum You now owe money to us, not Tesco Personal Finance PLC Intrum became the legal owner of the above account on 27.01.21
          15.03.21 – Intrum get in touch in the next 10 days same letter sent twice
          24.03.21 – Intrum we may take legal action if you don’t get in touch
          13.04.21 – Intrum would you like a discount? If you get in touch in the next 10 days
          14.05.21 - Intrum Legal Department I’m Lily Chan from the legal team at Intrum we’re now in charge of getting a County Court Judgement issued against you, to demand the money back
          24. 05.21 – Intrum Legal Department we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to contact you we have engaged the services of Lester Aldridge and have transferred your account to them
          25.05.21 – Lester Aldridge Letter of claim
          02.07.21 – Intrum latest statement detailing all financial transactions
          23.07.21 - County Court Business Center Claim Form
          18.09.21 – County Court Business Center Judgment for claimant (in default)
          01.12.21 – Intrum Legal Department further to the county court judgment we understand from land registry records that you are the owner of the above property (wrong address) current rented this may mean your balance will increase sent to current rented property
          07.03.22 – Same as above
          08.03.22 – Intrum, sent to previous address Ex received letter same as above 01.12.21
          08.04.22 – sent to previous address Ex received Lester Aldridge we act for the claimant in these proceedings and enclose by way of service a copy of the Interim Charging order
          Statement of charges ect and attached land registry details
          04.07.22 – Lester Aldridge enclose by way of service a final charging order, sent to old address of property identified in charging order
          18.07.22 – Lester Aldridge We write further to letter dated 04.07.22 we have not heard anything from you Sent to previous address

          05.02.24 – Data subject access request sent to Tesco and Intrum

          16.02.24 – Intrum Your right of Access Request Received (to old address despite sending DSAR from this address) and have provided details including information of other charging orders related to separate debt and solicitors not attached to this account. Agreement confirmed by stating amount no of payments ect and total interest this is the same as my agreement completed on line. Credit intermediary is money saving expert

          20.02.24 - Tesco Reply Data Protection Laws unable as they require a copy of my signature

          Last edited by Shell; 22 February 2024, 14:08.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Shell View Post

            05.02.23 – Data subject access request sent to Tesco and Intrum

            16.02.23 – Intrum Your right of Access Request Received (to old address despite sending DSAR from this address) and have provided details including information of other charging orders related to separate debt and solicitors not attached to this account. Agreement confirmed by stating amount no of payments ect and total interest this is the same as my agreement completed on line. Credit intermediary is money saving expert

            20.02.24 - Tesco Reply Data Protection Laws unable as they require a copy of my signature


            I think the year needs amending on two of those entries (for the sake of accuracy).

            I don't fully understand what Intrum are saying here, but it appears the loan was taken out online?

            I don't think Tesco are correct (legally speaking) in saying that they need to have your signature - especially if the loan WAS taken out online and no signature provided (??) what would be the point.

            Subject Access Requests can be made online, and the Information Commissioner's Office helpfully provides an online request which can be forwarded (emailed) to the company concerned from their website.

            The snag is that Tesco do not provide email addresses on their website. However, after a bit of delving, I did manage to find this - Data protection officer Our Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email:
            Therefore I would be inclined to use the ICO service, inserting this email address in the appropriate box on the form.

            I hope this helps.


            • #21
              Thank you for reading it means a lot
              the dates are correct And thank you so much much for the email provided The original terms and agreement were done online and appear to have no signature so im cautious
              nope your are correct dates are wrong will amend them now Thankyou again

