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Debt Dairy just starting

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  • Debt Dairy just starting

    Halifax reward current account overdraft
    Opened 01.2011
    Balance default 1,056.99 current 1,481.80
    Last payment date 08.19
    No arrangement last contact from me oct 19 advised I had left home due to domestic abuse and updated address
    Status CCJ no further communication since Feb 23
    Account owner LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l.
    21.09.2019 – Halifax letter ‘we are here to get you back on track’ – please get in touch
    16.10.2019 – Halifax Formal Demand for payment of your overdraft
    21.02.2020 – Bank of Scotland have assigned LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. and have appointed Link financial outsourcing to service your account
    21.02.2020 - Halifax letter Bank of Scotland has assigned all its rights title and interest to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. (‘Lc Asset’) effective 18.02.2020
    28.02.2020 – Halifax letter same as above
    28.02.2020 - LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. confirming Bank of Scotland have assigned account and appointed Link financial out sourcing to service account
    26.03.2020 – Letter Link Let us help you get back on track
    17.05.2020 – Link statement of account
    25.08.2020 – Link we have been unsuccessful in contacting you
    15.02.2021 – Link statement of account
    16.08.2021 – Link statement of account
    17.09.2021 – Link We have previously written to you and attempted to call you regarding account
    21.12.2021 – Link We have previously written to you and attempted to call you regarding account
    14.02.2022 – Link statement of account
    15.05.2022 – Link statement of account
    12.09.2022 – Link we have previously written and attempted to call you
    06.10.2022 – Important do not ignore this letter, contact details etc reply in 14 days
    carer for mum many complex health problems De fib in place pins and plates to both ankles broke back in 2 places previous year email complaint sent to Doctor Re medications inhalers not maintaining shortness of breath was staying there at the time due to this
    24.10.2022 – Kearns solicitors Letter of claim attached statement of account
    07.02.2023 – Judgment for claimant (in default) County court business center increased to 1481.8 attached form for employment details in income and expenditure
    13.02.2023 – Link statement of account detailing extra charges
    14.08.2023 – Link Statement of account
    05-02-2024 - GDPAR (SAR) request sent – nothing received back as yet
    21.05.24 - Data subject access request we cant process your request need copies of passport or driving licence call into branch for copies to be certified and send to above address

    Attached Files
    Last edited by Shell; 21 February 2024, 18:52.

  • #2
    Hi Shell, welcome back.

    I'm sure advice will be along soon but in the meantime can I suggest that your real name is removed from the post above?

    Good luck...
    Last edited by Night Monkey; 17 February 2024, 12:59.


    • #3
      God Damn and Thankyou !!!


      • #4

        Your situation is well beyond my personal experience and ability to help, and as we saw from your original thread, is due to a historical combination of awful personal circumstances and bad debt management and/or bad debt advice.

        In view of this most recent development, it seems you really do need some legal advice.

        The following links may be worth checking out, to see what help might be available to you.
        Last edited by Still Waving; 17 February 2024, 13:50. Reason: Original final link did not link to correct site.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Shell View Post

          16.02.2024 [/FONT]– telephone call to Royal mail Re late post complaint logged and advised to contact Civil Business and centre (sender) [/FONT]

          Did you keep the envelope the order came in, and was it postmarked? This is pertinent as you were given 14 days from the date of service of the order (ie when it was delivered to you), to request it be reconsidered by a District Judge.


          • #6
            Thank you the links still waving
            i have got the envelope it has a white sticker on it, but not track and trace has barcode and some numbers

            I've just realized in the debt diary above the Final Charging order is for another debt duhh as you can see brain not working like it once did i'm realizing the dairy process is going to help so much i'm going to keep going and get every thing documented i'm hoping that some of these CCJ s can be set aside so many mitigating circumstances

            I've never received any debt advice i have genuinely just been in survival mode for about the last 6 years EG when leaving home (had no choice) lived in rented just blow up beds no belongings no access to anything for a whole year i paid the mortgage and rent like WFT mortgage didnt have long left now settled fighting repossession only just remembered going through old bank statements and let CT and other bills accumulate. Its only now that i'm up to date with all priority and felt able to deal with all the unopened mail ect

            thank you so much for your assistance

            im not entitled to any legal aid i have had legal advice from litigation expert and the lovely Mrs Connolly
            Im also seeking Mental Health Support every thing just got 'boxed off' so to speak ive had so many adverse events on the plus side i earn a decent wage nothing is impossible

            just for a laugh ? im also having to do a windrush application so i can work (not got UK passport) only been here 50+ years

            anyway i hope all my ramblings may help someone else
            Last edited by Shell; 18 February 2024, 07:02.


            • #7
              I agree with Still Waving. But now we know you have had no debt advice I would go to someone like CAB or National Debt Line. Just do not be pushed into anything. For example I know o e debt charity recommends IVAs which I think most sane people think are dangerous - for example if it’s based on your current income, that reduces then the IVA might fail at which point they add on ALL the interest from day 1. I hope that is understandable.
              I am guessing the lawyers were largely unable to help.


              • #8

                Apologies i have received advice just recently upon the realization of my situation Id stupidly assumed as they were all unsecured debts that these wouldn't end up as they have. CAB lovely but DMP didn't fill me with any hope as some of my debts will be statue barred very soon also i'm completely certain that there are surely mitigating circumstances? i could be mistaken ?? just feel like i have to at least try esp finding out how this debt buying process works... how do they sleep at night?
                legal advice is to send SAR requests i'm assuming to ensure they are all enforceable so I've everything crossed ?
                thank-you for your kind non judgmental response


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Shell View Post

                  legal advice is to send SAR requests i'm assuming to ensure they are all enforceable so I've everything crossed ?
                  thank-you for your kind non judgmental response
                  Be sure to send the SAR to the original creditor in each case.


                  • #10
                    This is sometimes the problem with debt advice. People do not understand about SB. Check out if they are enforceable before doing anything. Danger is, if they are EN they may issue a claim although not all owners will be able to go to court.

                    No point in judging - we all have baggage and we should just treat everyone with respect, (even the people with odd ideas or understanding ?).


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Still Waving View Post

                      Be sure to send the SAR to the original creditor in each case.
                      hi yes sent to the original and the company that owns the debt


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Shell View Post

                        hi yes sent to the original and the company that owns the debt
                        I don't think you should have sent a SAR to the current owners if they are not the original creditor. Well, if you have, you have. I hope you didn't quote any account numbers.


                        • #13
                          oh lord, of course i did how would they know what is was about ... oh dear


                          • #14
                            2nd debt now updated

                            2. Halifax credit card
                            Opened Oct 2015
                            Balance default 7,06209 current 9,454.83 (8% interest)
                            Last payment date 15.07.19
                            No arrangement last contact from me oct 19 advised I had left due to domestic abuse and updated address
                            Status CCJ charging order on property
                            Account owner LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. Kearns solicitors

                            26.09.2019 – Your credit agreement has ended – please make a payment
                            Recoveries team are now managing your account
                            17.10.2019 – We write to confirm that bank of Scotland plc has assigned your account to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. (“LC Asset”) has appointed Link Financial Outsourcing Limited (“Link”) to service your account on their behalf

                            17.01.2020 – Link we have been unsuccessful in contacting you to discuss this account

                            13.04.2020 – Link statement of account – please retain for your records
                            12.10.2020 – Link statement of account – please retain for your records

                            22.09.2021 - Link we have previously written and attempted to call you regarding your bank of Scotland plc account which was sold to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. 15.10.2019 To date you do not have a payment plan set up

                            29.12.2021 - Link we have previously written and attempted to call you regarding your bank of Scotland plc account which was sold to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. 15.10.2019 To date you do not have a payment plan set up

                            11.04.2022 – Link statement of Account – please retain for your records

                            02.08.2022 - Link we have previously written and attempted to call you regarding your bank of Scotland plc account which was sold to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. 15.10.2019 To date you do not have a payment plan set up

                            10.10.2022 - Link statement of account – please retain for your records

                            06.10.2022 – Important do not ignore this letter - Link we have previously written and attempted to call you regarding your bank of Scotland plc account which was sold to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. 15.10.2019 Despite our efforts we have been unable to agree an appropriate repayment arrangement and we therefore intend to take legal action
                            If you do not contact us within 14 days we will pass your account to Messrs Kearns Solicitors

                            24.10.2022 – Kearns Solicitors Letter of Claim (only recently realised how important this is)
                            We have been instructed by LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l.
                            With statement of account £7062.09
                            And attached information re debt collection agencies
                            And reply form 30 days notice to complete

                            10.04.2023 – statement of account now at £9,454.83 as below
                            • 31.12.2022 Interest charged at 8% from 15.10.19 to 31.12.2022 £1.753.96
                            • 06.01.2023 Recoverable charge SPC summons fees (S101) £ 455.0
                            • 06.01.2023 Recoverable charge solicitors cost summons (K100) £100
                            • 09.01.2023 CHQ HMCTS recoverable charge £ 455.00
                            • 31.01.2023 Interest charged at 8% from 01.01.2023 to 31.02.2023 £46.31
                            • 05.02.2023 Interest charged at 8% from 01.02.2023 to 05.02.2023 £07.47
                            • 06.02.2023 Recoverable charge – solicitors cost (jud) 6_in default AOS
                            • 10.04 2023 Balance caried forward £9,454.83

                            15. 05.2023 – You will be aware that a Judgment Order has been made against you in the County Court on the 07.02.2023 in favour of LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l.
                            We have been instructed to secure the debt by way of a charging order against your property and it is in your interest to clear the balance in full

                            29.09.2023 – Kearns solicitors Re
                            Claimant LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l.
                            Defendant Your self
                            County Court Civil National Business Centre
                            Further to this matter we write to advise you that we have made an application to the court for a charging order on your property to secure the above named company’s judgment against you

                            09.10.2023 – Statement of account
                            Further charges

                            09.01.2023 – Claim form County Court Business Centre
                            Further fees total £9371.05

                            07.02.2023 – Judgement in default

                            09.10.2023 – further to previous correspondence we write to inform you that an interim order has been obtained against you
                            We enclose by way of service the interim Order and a copy of the Application for a charging Order

                            05-02-2024 - GDPAR (SAR) request sent – nothing received back as yet sent to Halifax
                            and LC Asset however think this should be Kearns solicitors

                            Received 15.02.24 – Dated 03.01.2024 (only just noticed the date discrepancy as I have typed this out)

                            Final Charging order
                            On the 3 January 2024 Legal advisor Fox sitting at the Civil National Business Centre St Katherines house 21-27 St Katherines Street Northampton NN1 2LH
                            Considered the interim charging order made on the 1 November 2023
                            And the court orders that
                            1. The charge shall continue
                            2. The interest of the Judgement debtor Miss in the asset described in the schedule below stand charged with payment of the sum of £945.83 the amount now owing under a judgment order or given on the 7 February 2023 by the Civil National Business Center in Claim no together with any further interest becoming due and £252.00 the costs of the application
                            3. The costs are to be added to the Judgement debt
                            Because this order has been made by a legal adviser without a hearing the parties have a right to request the decision of the legal adviser be reconsidered by a District Judge. A party making such a request must send or deliver the application to the court to arrive within 14 days of the service of this order
                            1. The request must include a summary of the issue and an explanation of why the reconsideration is sought
                            2. The reconsideration will take place without a hearing

                            Details of property

                            Generic footer money claim

                            16.02.2024 – telephone call to 23.02.24 – HM Land Registry Notice to a registered proprietor of an application to register a restriction against the land – B136 (CO) Important this is not a circular
                            The Application was lodged by Kearns Legal Services Limited
                            The applicant has therefore applied for the following restriction in the register of your above title;

                            (10.11.23) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that is written notice of the disposition was given to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. …. Being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order charging order on the beneficial interest of …… made by the Civil National Business Centre on 1 November 23
                            Royal mail Re late post complaint logged and advised to contact Civil Business and centre (sender)

                            i do have envelope has a white sticker with barcode Royal Mail complaint were unable to confirm any details

                            Letter received to old address Aware 05.03.24

                            23.02.24 – HM Land Registry Notice to a registered proprietor of an application to register a restriction against the land – B136 (CO) Important this is not a circular
                            The Application was lodged by Kearns Legal Services Limited
                            The applicant has therefore applied for the following restriction in the register of your above title;

                            (10.11.23) RESTRICTION: No disposition of the registered estate, other than a disposition by the proprietor of any registered charge registered before the entry of this restriction, is to be registered without a certificate signed by the applicant for registration or their conveyancer that is written notice of the disposition was given to LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. …. Being the person with the benefit of an interim charging order charging order on the beneficial interest of …… made by the Civil National Business Centre on 1 November 23

                            This notice requires you to do one of the following;
                            1. Object to the application or,
                            2. Consent to it
                            Before 12 noon 15 march 24

                            looking to object to this

                            Last edited by Shell; 6 March 2024, 13:39. Reason: Updated diary


                            • #15
                              Thanks to anyone looking and please feel free to correct anything hope its ok to post debts as i sort through them

                              Post office credit card
                              Opened 06.15
                              Balance 2,534.85
                              Date last paid 09.19
                              No arrangement last contact from me oct 19 advised I had left due to domestic abuse and updated address
                              Status outstanding last contact Orbit 11.23
                              Current owner Cabot
                              17.10.19 - Please call us to talk about your payments
                              17.10.19 - Default notice served under section 87(1) of the consumer credit act 1974
                              17.10.19 – Statement
                              17.11.19 – Statement
                              17.12.19 – Statement
                              17.01.2020 – Statement
                              04.03.2020 – Credit Card Collections
                              We refer to previous correspondence and note that we have been unable to reach a suitable payment plan and as a result we have now passed your file to a debt collection agency Debt Managers (Services) Ltd (DMS) for formal debt recovery
                              19.06.2020 - Debt Managers (Services) Ltd (DMS) our client Post office Money about your outstanding account referred to us please contact
                              03.09.2020 – Post Office Money We are writing to inform you that on the 29th July 2020, the Bank of Ireland (UK) PLC have sold the outstanding balance under account no .. to Cabot Financial (UK) Limited part of the Cabot Credit Management Group
                              03.09.2020 – Cabot Financial Welcome
                              20.09.2020 – Cabot Set up your plan
                              27.10.2020 – Cabot Thankyou for your recent contact with us and an update on your situation (must have spoke to them on the phone)
                              21.01.2023 - Cabot Your overdue Debt requires urgent action! You’ve been selected for legal action to commence by our solicitors. This is because you are not making payments to your account if you continue to ignore this your account will be passed on to our solicitors. Our solicitors will then look to obtain a County court Judgment
                              01.02.2021 - Cabot Avoid legal action You have 21 days remaining before we place your account with our solicitors, so lets talk you through what’s going to happen if legal action starts
                              17.02.2021- Cabot Miss … Your account will be placed with our solicitors in 7 days
                              31.03.2021 – Cabot We will not be pursuing legal action at this time
                              01.07.2021 – Cabot We are giving you control ?
                              04.08.2021 – What’s happening next we are now going to instruct a company called Resolvecall to visit you at your home
                              26.08.2021 – Resolvecall Re Cabot Financial (Europe) we appreciate this may be a difficult time
                              08.01.2022 – Cabot your account is back with Cabot
                              29.01.2022 – Cabot set up a plan that works for you
                              02.03.2022 – Cabot Miss ….. Are you ready to take your first step towards financial recovery
                              19.04.2022 – We’ve passed your account on to BPO collections
                              19.04.2022 - BPO collections Your Cabot Financial account is overdue
                              27.08.2022 – Cabot Miss … Your account is back With Cabot We feel this is the best way to help you (finding this one almost comical now)
                              17.09.2022 – Cabot Set up a payment plan that works for you
                              19.10.2022 – Cabot Take a positive step today Miss …here are the benefits of talking to us once we’ve spoken you’ll notice the no of phone calls reduces letter and e-mails
                              14.11.2022 – Resolvecall contact immediately
                              10.03.2023 – Miss… Your account is back with Cabot
                              31.03.2023 – Cabot Set up a payment plan that works for you
                              04.05.2023 – Cabot Set up your ideal payment plan
                              30.05.2023 – Cabot Miss … interested in clearing your account Here’s 50% off
                              19.05.2023 – Cabot Miss… you still have time to clear 50% off
                              05.07.2023 – Cabot Miss … We need your attention
                              31.07.2023 - Cabot Explore your repayment options with Cabot
                              22.08.2023 – Cabot Miss… Lets chat about your post office
                              12.09.2023 – Cabot Miss We are willing to be flexible
                              02.11.2023 – Orbit home visit on behalf of Cabot
                              14.02.24 – Home visit Orbit home visit on behalf of Cabot tbh didn’t have a clue who this was said I was at work …not sure how to deal with this next time it happens

                              Starting to understand how there are no two debts the same Thankyou

