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  • #16
    Originally posted by Still Waving View Post
    You've already mentioned that. Now just stop.
    Status CC J charging order on property *please see notes below re property
    Account owner LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. Kearns solicitors

    Needs to understand that this Charging order is increasing by 8% it won't go away just keep increasing.
    LC Asset 1 S.a.r.l. the l is for Luxemburg which is where this Company is registered!
    This is why he needs to talk to @JCS
    It won't stop at the value of property it will just continue to grow @ 8% !!


    • #17
      There is also the question of ownership/possession of the property, and TOLATA.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Still Waving View Post
        There is also the question of ownership/possession of the property, and TOLATA.
        Absolutely this charge on the property (ownership/possession? ? ) is however a debt that is growing by 8% the rest are fixed as far as I can see. Shell IMO needs urgently legal advice!


        • #19
          By all means see legal advice to see if the charging order can be overturned or challenged but it is debt advice that is needed. There might be some hard decisions that need to me made.

          Remember, hard as it is, you are not responsible for your ex. It is their mess and they won’t seek help until they are ready. I’m not saying total abandonment but you do need to think about yourself as well.


          • #20
            Originally posted by SteveB View Post
            By all means see legal advice to see if the charging order can be overturned or challenged but it is debt advice that is needed. There might be some hard decisions that need to me made.

            Remember, hard as it is, you are not responsible for your ex. It is their mess and they won’t seek help until they are ready. I’m not saying total abandonment but you do need to think about yourself as well.
            AAD has a excellent track record on Debt Advice!
            In this CASE it looks as if the advice , if any, from elsewhere has created if NOT compounded His problems.

            He has been sued by a Luxemburg registered Company and has a Charging Order on a Property AND and Debt rising now by 8%
            ".. There is also the question of ownership/possession of the property, and TOLATA. .."

            Meaning He can't actually categorically know His total Debt because of this Charging Order plus Interest at %8.

            Please ".. You've already mentioned all this. Now just stop .." !!!!


            • #21
              Have you lost your mind?
              Shell has not mentioned that they have received debt advice, so do not try to score points by saying it may have been bad.
              I have no idea if Shell is a he or a she, not that it matters but you have called them both!

              Maybe you could explain to Shell what TOLATA is- if, as is possible they are an EU citizen (Mum in Croatia) they might not know.

              As SW has said, it is quite possible that Shell can not afford legal advice as they are on benefits

              But more importantly
              You can not give debt advice
              The Forum can not and does not give debt advice
              JCS can not (except in very limited circumstances) give debt advice

              Non of the above are FCA regsitered - I sure hope the FCA are not watching this. Debt advice is a regulated activity for which we are not regulated.

              I do not think it is SteveB who is sounding like a warped broken record, I think it is you with your obsession with telling people to go to a solicitor- is that legal advice, Is that another regulated activity?

              Shell- if you are on means tested benefits you may qualify for help should you decide to take drastic action such as Bankruptcy - there is no shame although it does preclude you from doing some jobs such as financial services.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Shell View Post
                Thank you for your reply Still waving, feel like should have called myself still standing lol, I'm in a much better place now.

                All debt is in my name

                Thanks for the links helps to not beat my self up so much so thank you again, currently the first one is the only one causing concern Barclaycard by local court bailiff, with highlighted 14 day prison (I'm aware that's not likely, although if it contributed towards writing debt off id happy go attachment of earnings realistically impossible to complete due to other debts involved and I'd completely put everything away in a box mentality and physically

                Plan of attack
                1. write to CCJ debtors with unenforceable letter template
                would this put on hold any potential action with regard the Barclaycard?

                2. Accurate budget, intend to use MSE for this

                Is this likley to trigger other debts chasing me? ive literally had 2 collection agency's outside my door when leaving for work Moorcroft have been particularity obnoxious

                thank-you for looking *apologies so many edits i can only take baby steps
                Hi Shell

                I believe,the only way you could go to prison is if a judge ordered you to attend court and provide details which you refused to do. That would be contempt of court which is nothin to do with the debt.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Pat View Post

                  Maybe you could explain to Shell what TOLATA is- if, as is possible they are an EU citizen (Mum in Croatia) they might not know.
                  If you weren't more interested in point-scoring, you would notice that Shell mentioned TOLATA in post #1.

                  Originally posted by Pat View Post
                  I do not think it is SteveB who is sounding like a warped broken record,
                  Well, you wouldn't, would you?


                  • #24
                    Sorry I did miss the part about TOLATA

                    Is it point scoring to try and maintain the integrity of the forum.

                    The forum can not give debt advice as it is not regulated

                    You yourself noted that Shell may not be in a position to pay for legal advice.

                    Roger’s answer to everything is to pass people on to JCS which I do not think is always the best option.

                    The whole basis of the forum was self help and community, that seems to be lost.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Pat View Post
                      Sorry I did miss the part about TOLATA
                      Is it point scoring to try and maintain the integrity of the forum.
                      The forum can not give debt advice as it is not regulated
                      You yourself noted that Shell may not be in a position to pay for legal advice.
                      Roger’s answer to everything is to pass people on to JCS which I do not think is always the best option.
                      The whole basis of the forum was self help and community, that seems to be lost.
                      All I am seeing is a Deliberate and calculated attempt to destroy the very successful AAD Diary format!
                      If you don't like it GO elsewhere!
                      I wonder whose payroll is paying for this attack?

                      My own personal experience and many others is to become Debt Free BECAUSE of AAD and the Diary format with wonderful helpful comments and observations from selfless AAD members backed by their own experiences.

                      FACT time and again we see AAD members who frankly have been ripped off by the so called regulated DEBT advisors who it turns out are sponsored by and from the DEBT industry.

                      WHO isn't a DEBT regulated Debt Advisor is not a Lawyer never created a Diary yet claims to know the BEST Options!!

                      " .. to pass people on to JCS which I do not think is always the best option .."


                      • #26
                        Oh Roger you poor soul

                        Are you paranoid? It certainly sounds like you are.
                        I am not trying to destroy the format, what I say is that people do not have to spill their guts before we offer support.

                        The whole point of a forum is to provide from personal experience - not every poster has a diary and it is not obligatory. It never was and never has been apart from in your mind.

                        I do not think it is a good idea to always refer people to JCS, are you on their payroll? Maybe I have had a bad experience with them or maybe I believe in the manta of AAD which is to keep people out of court.

                        I do not know the best options but I want people to make informed choices- informed consent is paramount. Some people by the very nature of being in debt, are vulnerable and you being bossy and frankly ridiculous with your bad quotes and capitalisations do not help. This is not your fiefdom, you are not Niddy, you are not a Mod. You say that AAD has special rates with JCS- I see no evidence of that - the rates on on their website £600 for initial review of the documents.

                        Way back when someone called Di who I am guessing worked for the firm seemed to be all over every case- now that maybe a special service but where are those posts now?

                        Yes of course some of the debt advice sector are less than reputable which is why I suggest NDL and CAB

                        However, can you support some of your so called facts about people being ripped off by debt advisors?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Pat View Post
                          Oh Roger you poor soul

                          Are you paranoid? It certainly sounds like you are.
                          I am not trying to destroy the format, what I say is that people do not have to spill their guts before we offer support.

                          The whole point of a forum is to provide from personal experience - not every poster has a diary and it is not obligatory. It never was and never has been apart from in your mind.

                          I do not think it is a good idea to always refer people to JCS, are you on their payroll? Maybe I have had a bad experience with them or maybe I believe in the manta of AAD which is to keep people out of court.

                          I do not know the best options but I want people to make informed choices- informed consent is paramount. Some people by the very nature of being in debt, are vulnerable and you being bossy and frankly ridiculous with your bad quotes and capitalisations do not help. This is not your fiefdom, you are not Niddy, you are not a Mod. You say that AAD has special rates with JCS- I see no evidence of that - the rates on on their website £600 for initial review of the documents.

                          Way back when someone called Di who I am guessing worked for the firm seemed to be all over every case- now that maybe a special service but where are those posts now?

                          Yes of course some of the debt advice sector are less than reputable which is why I suggest NDL and CAB

                          However, can you support some of your so called facts about people being ripped off by debt advisors?
                          The Mantra of AAD is about taking back control of ones Life after DEBT and NO TWO DEBTS ARE THE SAME are they!
                          So Diaries work NOBODY AT AAD CLAIMS THAT IT STOPS CLAIMS BEING ISSUED!
                          But shared experience matched with others Diaries give access to a growing and extensive pool of real Cases and experiences.
                          The History of AAD and Niddy is all there and you will find the answer to all your questions.

                          Lets just look at Personal Global Debt. Accounts are brought for pennies in the pound and the alleged Debt is a Book Entry on the Account.
                          The actually Debt being written off for Tax Purposes. In other words the debts nolonger exist.

                          The Penalty for such Debts is 5-6 years of Wreaked Credit which is devastating.

                          Now these written off Debts are purchased in BULK by these Global Companies. The Account book Debt is pursued plus if possible a charge on property.
                          Now this is Shell Diary .
                          Balance default 7,062.09 current 9,454.83 (8% interest)
                          DCA paid pennies in the pound could be £70 that default Judgement from a Luxemburg Company has turned that £70 into £9,454.83 and growing @ 8%.
                          This is Shell Diary and he clearly needs legal advice.
                          His Diary plus a free initial consulation is a constructive starting place!!!


                          • #28
                            This thread has nothing to do with debt purchasers and the buying and selling of debts. To say the debt no longer exists simply shows a massive misunderstanding of capitalism and the buying and selling of commodities. It also smacks of the get out of debt free mantra which is just rubbish as you know.

                            As for finding all the answers, is that because you don’t know where they are? Like most people I don’t have the time to go through thousands of old diaries that are often many pages long.

                            I was wondering how your case went because it is hidden - did you win easily? I can’t see any diary for you?

                            Shell is vulnerable in that they have debt and are neurodivergent.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Pat View Post
                              This thread has nothing to do with debt purchasers and the buying and selling of debts. To say the debt no longer exists simply shows a massive misunderstanding of capitalism and the buying and selling of commodities. It also smacks of the get out of debt free mantra which is just rubbish as you know.

                              As for finding all the answers, is that because you don’t know where they are? Like most people I don’t have the time to go through thousands of old diaries that are often many pages long.

                              I was wondering how your case went because it is hidden - did you win easily? I can’t see any diary for you?

                              Shell is vulnerable in that they have debt and are neurodivergent.
                              ".. As for finding all the answers, is that because you don’t know where they are? Like most people I don’t have the time to go through thousands of old diaries that are often many pages long. .."

                              So you know absolutely NOTHING about AAD.

                              Well here is areal treat for you AAD well there are entries available from 2010 so you only need to look back what 14 years?
                              That should keep you and SteveB well occupied for a few months

                              Nothing like a good informed knowledge through reading!

                              Capitalism where did that come from?
                              Banking Bad Debtors are written off against Tax so these nolonger appear on their Books. Nor BoE, nor the Treasury, hence the economy because they have been written off!

                              Please explain Oh fount of all knowledge why the Debtor isn't offered their Account Balance at pennies in the pound by The Banks.

                              Whats so special about these Corporate buying Bulk Accounts then being able to demand Face value for Debts that actually nolonger exist?

                              You will need to know what a Chose in Action is by the way! Fascinating reading for you!

                              The Consumer Credit Act is only from 1974 so what just 50 years or so to look at. Actually there are still existing working accounts and Credit Cards from 1960's just to add spice to your reading list.

                              In the mean time THIS IS NOT YOUR DIARY!


                              • #30
                                Paranoid? What has SteveB got to do with this?

                                You clearly do not understand how commodities are traded and debt is after all just a commodity. We live in a capitalist world and that is how it works- more ways to make money. You do actually sound like a conspiracy nut here.

                                I know this is not my thread but neither is it yours or indeed your forum- you are not Niddy and you are not a Mod.

                                By the way, credit card accounts from pre 1985 (1983 act) are not covered in the same way as newer ones. The first credit card was 1967 but I suspect there are very few if any left running so probably pretty irrelevant to us.

                                You complain I do not have a diary but I can not see yours either :-)

                                Sorry odd search functionality so I have now found it.
                                Last edited by Pat; 27 January 2024, 18:04.

