Barclays worst bank for blocking fraud claims
This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 25th May 2017 05:20
This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 25th May 2017 05:20
Bank wrongly rejecting around a third of complaints
Barclays has the worst record for unfairly rejecting fraud claims, a study found. Its customers made around 5,800 complaints to the Financial Omdbusman about card fraud and disputed payments from April 2015 to February 2017. In more than a third of cases involving Barclays, the Ombudsman found the bank had wrongly rejected the customer’s complaint. Santander was next worst with 33 per cent, while Nationwide Building Society was third, with 28 per cent, according to consumer group Which? Card fraud victims should be refunded unless the bank proves the customer acted negligently — by sharing card details, for example. But not all banks do this. A Barclays spokeswoman says: ‘We are working hard to tackle the root causes of complaints.’
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Barclays has the worst record for unfairly rejecting fraud claims, a study found. Its customers made around 5,800 complaints to the Financial Omdbusman about card fraud and disputed payments from April 2015 to February 2017. In more than a third of cases involving Barclays, the Ombudsman found the bank had wrongly rejected the customer’s complaint. Santander was next worst with 33 per cent, while Nationwide Building Society was third, with 28 per cent, according to consumer group Which? Card fraud victims should be refunded unless the bank proves the customer acted negligently — by sharing card details, for example. But not all banks do this. A Barclays spokeswoman says: ‘We are working hard to tackle the root causes of complaints.’
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