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Zero-hours workers 'face £1,000 pay penalty'

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  • Zero-hours workers 'face £1,000 pay penalty'

    Zero-hours workers 'face £1,000 pay penalty'

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 30th December 2016 09:43
    Workers on zero-hours contracts typically earn £1,000 a year less than permanent employees, according to Resolution Foundation research.

    People on the controversial contracts face a "precarious pay penalty" of 6.6%, or 93p an hour, the think tank has estimated. For those who earn the least, the size of the gap is even greater, at 9.5%. The foundation backed the government's decision, announced last month, to hold a review into modern working practices. "Understanding the reasons behind this pay penalty will be crucial in order to tackle some of the challenges raised by new forms of employment, without jeopardising the success of the UK's flexible jobs market," it said in a statement.
    Laura Gardiner, senior policy analyst at the Resolution Foundation, added that the "pay penalty" of zero-hours contracts was "a big price to pay for work that too often lacks the security workers desire". She said: "Zero-hours contracts have hit the headlines in recent months for their widespread use in Sports Direct and JD Sports. "But concern about the use and abuse of zero-hours contracts goes far wider than a few notorious firms. There is mounting evidence that their use is associated with a holding down of wages.....Read more here

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