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Bailiffs enforcing debts for as low as £50

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  • Bailiffs enforcing debts for as low as £50

    Bailiffs enforcing debts for as low as £50

    This is a duplicate of the Blog Entry made on: 23rd September 2016 16:51
    Councils are acting too quickly to use bailiffs when pursuing council tax debt, a report has claimed. The Citizens Advice Cymru said council tax debt was the biggest debt problem it saw last year and it’s witnessing a growing problem with tax debt enforcement. The report also found that attempts to pursue enforcement action were sometimes for debts as low as £50. The charity wants the Welsh Government and the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) to help tackle the issue. A third of the charity’s clients dealing with council tax debt reported an issue with bailiff enforcement between the second half of 2015 and the same period this year. Those contacting the Citizens Advice Cymru for help with council tax problems in the second half of 2016 increased seven percent year-on-year. In the past 12 months almost 6,000 people asked the charity for help with a total of 16,000 council tax problems. For the previous 12 months recorded, the same figure for problems reported was about 10,000.....Read more here

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