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What2donext / UE Diary

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  • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

    Originally posted by what2donext View Post
    Good afternoon everyone hope everyone is doing well quick update for the above account received Notice of Assignment from Hoist Portfolio Holding 2 Limited saying Robinson Way has been appointed to manage account we will send SWID to Robinson Way unless anyone has any other suggestions thanks
    I'd wait until you hear from them first .......If it were me ..
    I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

    If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


    • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

      Originally posted by Deepie View Post
      I'd wait until you hear from them first .......If it were me ..
      Thanks Deepie will do


      • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

        Mkdp are passing a lot of UE debts to Hoist/ Robsonway,
        I am expecting one any time xx
        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


        • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

          niddy has suggested you see this link
          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


          • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

            Originally posted by what2donext View Post
            MBNA Credit Card 1 (Mrs)
            Date Commenced - 19/6/97
            Approx. Balance - £7030
            Last Full Payment paid - 26/5/07
            DMP payment paid - 28/6/11 (no more payments being made)

            07/07/11 CCA request sent
            27/07/11 CCA received
            27/07/11 Email sent to Niddy
            29/07 11 Niddy Says
            29/07/11 Sent CCA Query - Missing Prescribed Terms by recorded delivery
            11/10/11 Received letter stating - You have missed 4 monthly payments please contact us to prevent termination of this agreement, registration of a default with the credit reference agencies and commencement of action to recover the debt.etc etc

            02/11/11 Received letter stating - We have enclosed an income and expenditure form. We wrote to you on 6th October 2011 regarding your arrrears,and offered to provide you with assistance upon completion of an I/E form. we understand this form may not have been attached to our letter. We'd like to appologise for any inconvenience caused and we've enclosed an I/E form with this letter should you need to complete it.

            07/11/11Received letter stating - Thank you for your letter dated 29th July 2011 in res[ect pf the agreement referred to above. In your letter you claim that we have not supplied a true copy of your original credit agreement. To confirm, the document enclosed with our recent letter is a copy of the executed agreement that you signed when you decided to take out a credit card with MBNA Europe Bank. You have been provided with a true copy of your credit agreement. Furthermore the "Financial and Related Conditions" set out on the credit agreement are the key terms which, under Schedule 6 of the Consumer Credit (Agreements) Regulations 1983, were prescribed to be included int he credit agreement that you signed. These key terms set out how your credit limit is decided, your minimum payment obligation and your interest rates. When you were sent your credit agreement for signature, these key terms were also repeated in a full set of the Terms and Conditions of your credit agreement which were conveniently set out separately in a document for you to keep. A copy of these terms was enclosed in our previous response. In your letter you also request that we provide a legible copy of the agreement. We have enclosed a true copy of the original agreement and a copy which has been reconstituted from our records for legibility purposes in our previous response. MBNA are satisfied that the regulated credit agreement into which we entered with you satisfies all relevant legal and regulatory requirements. As such, we shall continue to administer this account as normal. We also expect you to continue to make payments to us as they fall due, if you fail to do so, please note that any arrears will be reported to the Credit Reference Agency.
            12/12/11 Received Default Notice
            15/02/12 Received letter - Your credit agreement has been terminated you will no longer receive statements and we have registered a default at the CRA .It then goes on to what recovery action they may take -Sale of Debt - Placement of Debt -Litigation You will be kept informed of any further action.
            15/03/12 Received letter from MBNA - We are taking further action to recover your debt.We have decided that we will take the action of selling your debt to another company.We will be transfering ownership to Varde Invesments (Ireland) Limited .
            11/04/12 Received a letter from Experto Credite - We are concerned that you have failed to respond to our previous letter and the above ammount remains out standing. To consider the most appropriate way to recover your debt, it is important that we agree a repayment plan with you today. etc etc
            05/05/12 Received a letter from Experto Credite- We are concerned that you have failed to respond to our previous letters etc etc.
            16/07/12 Received a letter from Experto Credite : FINAL DEMAND You have previously ignored all our attempts to contact you to resolve the above outstanding balance. From our investigations we are aware that you are ;
            Residing at the above adress
            Ignoring our attempts to contact you to resolve this matter.It then goes on to the usual threats: Doorstep collection etc etc
            16/07/12 Account Sold Whilst in Dispute & Harrasment & Threat of Doorstep Visit sent to Experto Credite.
            01/08/12 Received a letter from Experto Credite: basically saying they have taken our telephone number off their dialer and will deal with the account in writing as long as we respond to their letters they also state they have noted our request not have any doorstep counselling visits(I didnt know our doosrstep had any problems ) and that they have contacted MBNA regarding the account being in dispute .
            06/03/13 Received from Experto Credite: Further to our previous letter MBNA have confirmed that they fullfilled a section 78 in July 2011 ans also responded to your letter challengeing the validity of the agreement. MBNA have confirmed their belief that the agreement provided to you was a legible, true copy of the agreement which also contained all the prescribed terms.
            Based on the information provided to us by MBNA , we have no reason to believe this debt is not enforceable and do not believe there is any outstanding dispute. The enforedeability of the account can only be decided by a court.
            Your belief that this debt may not be enforceable does not stop collections activity from continuing and we believe that the above debt remains due.
            21/03/14 Received from Experto Credite: Arrears notice
            05/04/14 Received from HL Solicitors:We have been instructed by our client Experto Credite Limited who ar asset managers for Varde Investments the legal owners of the above outstanding account.
            Our client has been unable to obtain a satisfactory settlement from you and as as your account is in default, the full amount outstanding is payable immediately. etc etc
            Should payment nor be made, then we may recommend to our client that legal proceedings are issued against you in the County Court claiming the full amount
            outstanding together with interest and costs etc
            12/12/14 Received from Experto Credite : 50% reduction offer

            27/06/15 Received from Experto Credite Matched payment offer
            15/08/15 Received rom Expeto Credite - Notice of Assignment
            16/02/16 Received from Experto Credite - Matched payment offer16/02/16 Received from Experto Credite - We are writing to you about the above account which has been under the ownership of Experto Credite Ltd.
            Please note that your account has now been sold to PRA Group (UK) and they are the new owners of this debt with effect from 26th of Jan 2016.
            Also enclosed is a letter from PRA Group telling us who they are and payment options etc.

            Good morning everyone hope all is well with everyone a quick update on the above account it has now been sold to the PRA Group(UK) we will wait until we hear from them before deciding next course of action unless anyone has any other thoughts on the matter thanks


            • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

              Originally posted by what2donext View Post
              Barclaycard Credit Card (Mrs)
              Dated Commenced - 14.6.99
              Approx. Balance - �3138
              Last Full Payment Paid - 19.5.11
              DMP Payment Paid - 22.6.11 (no more payments being made)

              07/07/11 CCA request sent
              25/08/11 Letter received stating "We are concerned you are still behind with your payments etc also we may have no alternative but to instruct Mercers Debt Collection Ltd to send you a default notice etc"

              26/08/11 Letter from Mercers stating - IMPORTANT - YOU SHOULD READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY Default Notice served under section 87(i) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974
              We act as agents for Barclays PLC trading as Barclaycard
              Despite a recent letter from Barclaycard you are still behind with your payments etc etc.
              06/09/11 Received letter from Mercers see below
              07/09/11 Account Sold whilst in Dispute letter sent via recorded delivery
              14/09/11 Received letter from Barclaycard customer relations stating - "sorry you had to contact us regarding your Section 78 request. Thank you for taking time and trouble to do so. I am looking into your concerns and will let you have a response or update as quickly as I can but no later than 07 October 2011. In the meantime if you need to speak to me please call on the above number. I have enclosed a leaflet explaining how Barclaycard works to resolve complaints. I hope you find this helpful. Thankyou for bringing this to my attention".
              01/10/11 Received another letter from Mercers - Fantastic Offer to help you . Make 2 of the missing payments & we will credit your account with the other 2 payments .

              31/10/11 Received letter from Mercers stating you must contact us etcetc.
              24/11/11 Received Default Notice from Mercers
              01/12/11 Received letter from CALDER FINANCIAL headed A FINAL OFFER OF HELP - Your account with Barclaycard has been referred to us for collection for continued non payment of your account arrears.
              However,Barclaycard have agreed we may offer you a repayment opportunity to avoid the need for further recovery action.
              1-Our clients are prepared to accept 60% of your outstanding balance in full & final settlement
              2-Our clients will allow us to offer you arrange of reduced payment options please call us etc etc.
              05/01/12 Received letter - Formal Demand for payment As you have not complied with the recent Default Notice the outstanding balance is now due in full,Your balance will continue to acrue interest until we receive this payment .We will no longer send statements to you.It is our policy to let Credit Reference Agencies know etc etc.If a payment is not made by the 8th January 2012,a Debt Collector may call upon you or legal proceedings taken against you in the County Court.
              06/01/12 CCA Reminder sent
              13/02/12 Received a letter from Barclaycard - I am writing to inform you that the above account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on January 16th.Thia means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP etc etc .
              18/02/12 Received a letter from MK Rapid Recoveries- Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.We want to help you,Please call us,until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you by telephone or letter etc etc.
              21/08/12 Received a letter from MKRR: Further to our letter offering you help to clear this balance we have not received your offer of payment etc etc .
              21/08/12 Account Sold Whilst in Dispute sent to MKRR
              01/09/12 Received a letter from MKDP:We are in receipt of your recent correspondence, at this time we are unable to resolve your query, we will be liaising with the original creditor and will contact you within 8 weeks.
              9/11/12 Received another letter from MKDP: At this time as we are still unable to resolve your query . We are however currently liasing with the Barclaycard , and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response etc etc.
              22/02/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent communication, please find enclosed the documents you requested. Reconstituted Credit agreement and statements of account enclosed, please contact us etc etc
              25/02/13 Missing prescribed terms letter sent to MKDP
              06/03/13 Received a letter in reply to above letter: will upload
              12/04/13 Received from KEYNES COLLECTIONS: NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION : It is with regret that owing to you not responding to our client's request for payment MK Rapid Recoveries have instructed us to collect the outstanding balance you have with them.
              Unless full payment, or a suitable repayment plan is agreed, within 14 days from the date of this letter, legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without any further notice.
              15/04/13 SH special sent to MKDP & CPUTR sent to KEYNES COLLECTIONS.
              15/05/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent correspondence regarding the above account. I can confirm that a Final Response was issued to you on the 4th of March 2013. As no new information has been passed to us regarding this matter I must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence rearding this matter.
              Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the Financial Ombudsmans Service this must be done within 6 months of the Final Response dated 4th March 2013 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this.
              17/05/13 Received a letter from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Owing to you not having a payment arrangement in place with MK Rapid Recoveries they have instructed us to collect the outstanding balance you have with them etc etc.
              Failure to make contact with us within 7 days of this lettter being issued will leave us no further option than to asses your account for alternative action to recover this balance.
              21/06/13 Received from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Despite numerous previous letters you have not paid the outstanding balance on this account payment of the full balance should be made upon receipt of this letter unless you can provide us with a reason for not being able to make full payment etc etc.
              23/07/13 Received from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Despite previous communication from us, in which we have made offers to agree payment solutions that suit your financial circumstances, you have not made full payment or arranged a payment plan.
              Owing to this we have no option but for your account to now be reffered to to Keynes Collection for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf. Any further actions that are taken may result in additional fees and charges being applied to your account.
              You need to contact without delay, as in 7 days time the escalation team may take appropriate action.
              24/07/13 Account Sold whilst in Dispute letter sent to Raven
              15/08/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent correspondence dated 24th July 2013. I can confirm that a Final Response was issued to you on the 10th May 2013. As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter I must advise you that our complaints procedure has now been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
              I can confirm that aa Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement has previously been sent to you; this is copliant under section 78; therfore your reqest has been fully complied with.
              Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to to refer your concerns to the Financial Ombudsmans Service. Thismust be done within six months of the Final Response.
              21/03/14 Received from Raven Recoveries: Despite previous communication from us in which we have made offers to agree payment solutions that suit your financial circumstances you have not made full payment or arranged a payment plan.
              Owing to this we have no option but for your account to now be reffered to Keynes Colletions for litigation consideration etc etc.
              28/03/14 Received from KEYNES Collections: Notice of Intended Legal Action -As you failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance In accordance with your agreement etc etc. This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment and is made in accordance with the Practice Direction- Pre - Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules.Your attention is drawn to Paragraph 4 of Annex A of the Practice Direction conscerning the Court's power to impose sanctions for failure to comply with the Practice Direction.This letter requires your immediate attention etc etc.
              28/03/14 sent to Keynes collections: Letter Before Action
              17/04/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
              Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
              12/05/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent communication please find documents enclosed you have requested
              Copy of Signed Application
              Copy of Default Notice
              I can confirm your Notice of Assignment will be forwarded to you shortly
              Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
              Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
              03/07/14 As Above
              12/08/14 As Above
              10/09/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
              Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
              10/09/14 Received from MKDP: Copy of Notice of Assignment
              8/10/15 Received from Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2 Limited - Notice of Assignment
              24/10/15 Received from Robinson Way - asking for payment plan
              30/10/15 Received from Robinson Way - what are you able to pay and agree to reduction
              7/1/16 Received from Robinson Way - offering 50% settlement
              26/4/16 Received from Robinson Way - the above account remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls your account now due to be transferred to Howard Cohen and Co Solicitors in the next 10 days who will consider court action if court action is taken our clients will ask the court for an order adding legal costs etc etc .
              If you would rather agree an affordable repayment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to Howard Cohen or you believe you have a valid dispute relating to this account please contact us without delay.

              Good afternoon everyone a quick update on the above account would it be wise to send letter before action template or has anyone any better ideas any help will be very much appreciated


              • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                I would send the LBA asap then if they continue you also have the help of our VERY successful legal team xx
                I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                  Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                  I would send the LBA asap then if they continue you also have the help of our VERY successful legal team xx
                  Thanks a lot will get it in todays post


                  • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                    Originally posted by what2donext View Post
                    Barclaycard Credit Card (Mrs)
                    Dated Commenced - 14.6.99
                    Approx. Balance - �3138
                    Last Full Payment Paid - 19.5.11
                    DMP Payment Paid - 22.6.11 (no more payments being made)

                    07/07/11 CCA request sent
                    25/08/11 Letter received stating "We are concerned you are still behind with your payments etc also we may have no alternative but to instruct Mercers Debt Collection Ltd to send you a default notice etc"

                    26/08/11 Letter from Mercers stating - IMPORTANT - YOU SHOULD READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY Default Notice served under section 87(i) of the Consumer Credit Act 1974
                    We act as agents for Barclays PLC trading as Barclaycard
                    Despite a recent letter from Barclaycard you are still behind with your payments etc etc.
                    06/09/11 Received letter from Mercers see below
                    07/09/11 Account Sold whilst in Dispute letter sent via recorded delivery
                    14/09/11 Received letter from Barclaycard customer relations stating - "sorry you had to contact us regarding your Section 78 request. Thank you for taking time and trouble to do so. I am looking into your concerns and will let you have a response or update as quickly as I can but no later than 07 October 2011. In the meantime if you need to speak to me please call on the above number. I have enclosed a leaflet explaining how Barclaycard works to resolve complaints. I hope you find this helpful. Thankyou for bringing this to my attention".
                    01/10/11 Received another letter from Mercers - Fantastic Offer to help you . Make 2 of the missing payments & we will credit your account with the other 2 payments .

                    31/10/11 Received letter from Mercers stating you must contact us etcetc.
                    24/11/11 Received Default Notice from Mercers
                    01/12/11 Received letter from CALDER FINANCIAL headed A FINAL OFFER OF HELP - Your account with Barclaycard has been referred to us for collection for continued non payment of your account arrears.
                    However,Barclaycard have agreed we may offer you a repayment opportunity to avoid the need for further recovery action.
                    1-Our clients are prepared to accept 60% of your outstanding balance in full & final settlement
                    2-Our clients will allow us to offer you arrange of reduced payment options please call us etc etc.
                    05/01/12 Received letter - Formal Demand for payment As you have not complied with the recent Default Notice the outstanding balance is now due in full,Your balance will continue to acrue interest until we receive this payment .We will no longer send statements to you.It is our policy to let Credit Reference Agencies know etc etc.If a payment is not made by the 8th January 2012,a Debt Collector may call upon you or legal proceedings taken against you in the County Court.
                    06/01/12 CCA Reminder sent
                    13/02/12 Received a letter from Barclaycard - I am writing to inform you that the above account was assigned and transferred by Barclaycard to MKDP LLP on January 16th.Thia means that the effective owners of the above account are now MKDP LLP etc etc .
                    18/02/12 Received a letter from MK Rapid Recoveries- Further to our recent communication regarding transfer of ownership of your balance we have not received your offer of payment.We want to help you,Please call us,until we reach an agreement to clear this balance we will continue to contact you by telephone or letter etc etc.
                    21/08/12 Received a letter from MKRR: Further to our letter offering you help to clear this balance we have not received your offer of payment etc etc .
                    21/08/12 Account Sold Whilst in Dispute sent to MKRR
                    01/09/12 Received a letter from MKDP:We are in receipt of your recent correspondence, at this time we are unable to resolve your query, we will be liaising with the original creditor and will contact you within 8 weeks.
                    9/11/12 Received another letter from MKDP: At this time as we are still unable to resolve your query . We are however currently liasing with the Barclaycard , and we will contact you as soon as we receive a response etc etc.
                    22/02/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent communication, please find enclosed the documents you requested. Reconstituted Credit agreement and statements of account enclosed, please contact us etc etc
                    25/02/13 Missing prescribed terms letter sent to MKDP
                    06/03/13 Received a letter in reply to above letter: will upload
                    12/04/13 Received from KEYNES COLLECTIONS: NOTICE OF INTENDED LEGAL ACTION : It is with regret that owing to you not responding to our client's request for payment MK Rapid Recoveries have instructed us to collect the outstanding balance you have with them.
                    Unless full payment, or a suitable repayment plan is agreed, within 14 days from the date of this letter, legal action to recover the debt may be taken against you without any further notice.
                    15/04/13 SH special sent to MKDP & CPUTR sent to KEYNES COLLECTIONS.
                    15/05/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent correspondence regarding the above account. I can confirm that a Final Response was issued to you on the 4th of March 2013. As no new information has been passed to us regarding this matter I must advise you that our complaints procedure has been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence rearding this matter.
                    Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to refer your concerns to the Financial Ombudsmans Service this must be done within 6 months of the Final Response dated 4th March 2013 where a leaflet was previously enclosed which explains how to do this.
                    17/05/13 Received a letter from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Owing to you not having a payment arrangement in place with MK Rapid Recoveries they have instructed us to collect the outstanding balance you have with them etc etc.
                    Failure to make contact with us within 7 days of this lettter being issued will leave us no further option than to asses your account for alternative action to recover this balance.
                    21/06/13 Received from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Despite numerous previous letters you have not paid the outstanding balance on this account payment of the full balance should be made upon receipt of this letter unless you can provide us with a reason for not being able to make full payment etc etc.
                    23/07/13 Received from RAVEN RECOVERIES: Despite previous communication from us, in which we have made offers to agree payment solutions that suit your financial circumstances, you have not made full payment or arranged a payment plan.
                    Owing to this we have no option but for your account to now be reffered to to Keynes Collection for litigation consideration to resolve this on our behalf. Any further actions that are taken may result in additional fees and charges being applied to your account.
                    You need to contact without delay, as in 7 days time the escalation team may take appropriate action.
                    24/07/13 Account Sold whilst in Dispute letter sent to Raven
                    15/08/13 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent correspondence dated 24th July 2013. I can confirm that a Final Response was issued to you on the 10th May 2013. As no new information has been provided to us regarding this matter I must advise you that our complaints procedure has now been exhausted and we are unable to enter in to any further correspondence regarding this matter.
                    I can confirm that aa Reconstituted Copy of your Credit Agreement has previously been sent to you; this is copliant under section 78; therfore your reqest has been fully complied with.
                    Should you remain unhappy with our response, you do have the right to to refer your concerns to the Financial Ombudsmans Service. Thismust be done within six months of the Final Response.
                    21/03/14 Received from Raven Recoveries: Despite previous communication from us in which we have made offers to agree payment solutions that suit your financial circumstances you have not made full payment or arranged a payment plan.
                    Owing to this we have no option but for your account to now be reffered to Keynes Colletions for litigation consideration etc etc.
                    28/03/14 Received from KEYNES Collections: Notice of Intended Legal Action -As you failed to respond to previous correspondence or agree a payment plan we have been instructed by MKDP LLP to collect the outstanding balance In accordance with your agreement etc etc. This letter constitutes a formal demand for payment and is made in accordance with the Practice Direction- Pre - Action Conduct of the Civil Procedure Rules.Your attention is drawn to Paragraph 4 of Annex A of the Practice Direction conscerning the Court's power to impose sanctions for failure to comply with the Practice Direction.This letter requires your immediate attention etc etc.
                    28/03/14 sent to Keynes collections: Letter Before Action
                    17/04/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
                    Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
                    12/05/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent communication please find documents enclosed you have requested
                    Copy of Signed Application
                    Copy of Default Notice
                    I can confirm your Notice of Assignment will be forwarded to you shortly
                    Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
                    Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
                    03/07/14 As Above
                    12/08/14 As Above
                    10/09/14 Received from MKDP: Further to your recent request for documents relating to the outstanding balance stated above
                    Unfortunately, at this time we are unable to fulfil your request etc etc.
                    10/09/14 Received from MKDP: Copy of Notice of Assignment
                    8/10/15 Received from Hoist Portfolio Holdings 2 Limited - Notice of Assignment
                    24/10/15 Received from Robinson Way - asking for payment plan
                    30/10/15 Received from Robinson Way - what are you able to pay and agree to reduction
                    7/1/16 Received from Robinson Way - offering 50% settlement
                    26/4/16 Received from Robinson Way - the above account remains unpaid despite previous letters and calls your account now due to be transferred to Howard Cohen and Co Solicitors in the next 10 days who will consider court action if court action is taken our clients will ask the court for an order adding legal costs etc etc .
                    If you would rather agree an affordable repayment plan directly with us to prevent this account being passed to Howard Cohen or you believe you have a valid dispute relating to this account please contact us without delay.
                    29.4.16 sent LBA Letter to Robinson Way
                    16.5.16 received from Robinson Way - Thank you for your recent contact please forward fee of £1 made payable to Customer Accountin Centre to enable our client to respond to your request
                    we have placed your account on hold for 14 days to enable you to do this ,etc.etc

                    Good morning everyone hope all are keeping well a quick update on the above account do we send a custom letter saying cca already sent to original creditor with copy of the cca request any help and ideas would be very much appreciated


                    • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                      I would send a copy of the original CCA request and a one line letter saying please the attached. Hold fire to see if anyone has any better suggestions.
                      I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                      If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                      • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                        Sounds like a plan xx
                        if you do it today and you like it you can always do it again tomorrow

                        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                        • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                          agree with Cym,
                          although those of you who know me would understand that I, would enclose a voucher for an eye test, along with the line, as you couldn't read the letter I sent please find enclosed....., if you are still unable to understand the contents, find a grown up who can explain it to you.
                          but that would be dependent on them employing a grown up.
                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: What2donext / UE Diary

                            Originally posted by cymruambyth View Post
                            I would send a copy of the original CCA request and a one line letter saying please the attached. Hold fire to see if anyone has any better suggestions.
                            Originally posted by nanna58 View Post
                            Sounds like a plan xx
                            Originally posted by nightwatch View Post
                            agree with Cym,
                            although those of you who know me would understand that I, would enclose a voucher for an eye test, along with the line, as you couldn't read the letter I sent please find enclosed....., if you are still unable to understand the contents, find a grown up who can explain it to you.
                            but that would be dependent on them employing a grown up.
                            Thanks a lot will get letter in tomorrows post nice idea nightwatch I have a specsavers voucher but will hold off

