Re: What2donext / UE Diary
Good afternoon everyone a quick update on the above account we will wait and see what M&S come up with thanks
Originally posted by what2donext
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Marks & Spencer Credit Card (Mrs)
Date Commenced - 5.5.98
Approx. Balance - £2834
Last Full Payment paid - 26.5.11
DMP Payment paid - 22.6.11 (no more payments being made)
07/07/11 CCA request sent
21/07/11 Received CCA but looks like its application form and terms and conditions, delivered by recorded delivery printed name not signed, will email cover letter and application/cca to Niddy
24/07 11 Niddy says presume it is
25/07/11 CCA Query terms and conditions received letter sent by recorded delivery
09/08/11 Received letter with further copy of same application form and terms in response to CCA Query terms and conditions letter stating "M&S Money believe that your agreement is legally enforceable"
03/09/11 Received letter re: arrangement on account, interest charges resumed must repay full arrears immediately, please call immediately, if we don't hear from you we'll send default notice etc
21/09/11 CCA Query Missing Prescribed Terms letter sent via recorded delivery
29/09/11 Received letter in response to CCA Query Missing Prescribed Terms letter with the same completed application form and what looks like an updated blank application form.
13/10/11 Recieved today - Statutory Arrears Notice x 2 one dated 01/8/11 the other dated 01/10/11
15/10/11 Received letter from M&S Pre Legal Recoveries - The collections and recoveries department at M&S Money has instucted me to contact you about your account.Due to the serious arrears which are outstanding , Iam planning to instuct our agents to visit your home address. However you still have an opportunity to prevent this. Please contact us etc etc.
17/10/11 Harrasment & Threat of Doorstep - Visit letter sent to M&S Pre legal Recoveries via recorded delivery
02/11/11 Received another letter from M&S Pre Legal Recoveries stating - Thank you for your recent correspondence. We would like to talk to you before we act on the contents of your letter and request you telephone us. It is vital that you telephone in response to this letter, as action to recover any outstanding payment will continue until we have spoken to you. Obviously, given the fact that you have contacted us, we would rather that this did not happen. I must advise you, However, that we are unable to enter into any further correspondence regarding the exact contents of your letter and this is why you must telephone us. We look forward to hearing from you within the next five working days.
03/11/11 Sent reply Niddy wrote via recorded delivery
18/11/11 Received another letter form M&S Pre Legal Recoveries - Thank you for your letter dated 16th October, we have responded to your previous correspondence via letter on 20th July, 8th Aug, 29th Sept. To prevent further recovery action we will require a payment towards your account and an up-to-date breakdown of your I & E. etc etc. You will receive reminder letters and telephone calls about arrears on your account etc. etc.
19/11/11 Received another letter from M&S Money in reply to letter Niddy wrote 03/11/11 will upload in update.
26/11/11 Received another letter from Pre Legal Recoveries uploaded in update
07/12/11 Received Statuatory Arrears Notice
07/12/11 Received FINAL DEMAND
08/12/11 Received letter posted below
30/12/11 Received letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery see below
30/12/11 Sent Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
06/01/12 Received letter from Moorcroft -We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence, please be assured that your account is now on hold whilst we investigate etc etc
17/02/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft regarding the above account - I write in response to your recent query in relation to the above accountand can confirm we have been in contact with M&S Financial Services and they have advised that they have provided documents under the Consumer Credit Agreement S77/78 and they do believe the agreement is enforceable and the balance is correct and due.I can therefore confirm I have placed the account on hold foe 2 weeks and request you make contact with our call centre to discuss a repayment proposal.Please be aware that if contact is not made within this time scale our follow up of this account will recomence.
14/03/12 Received a letter from Mooorcroft - IMPORTANT INFORMATION - POSSIBLE LITIGATION if you do not contact us following this letter we may have no alternative other than to recomment to our client that solicitors issue legal action against you .etc etc then a list of charges
14/03/12 Sent - Threat by Creditor - Enough is Enough Response
22/03/12 Received from Moorcroft today- Thank you for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement .However,
under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1 fee before the request can be actioned. etc etc
07/04/12 Received another letter from Morcroft- MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER -As we have not received any communication from you with regards to your outstanding account.In order to stop our recommending to our clients that solicitors commence legal proceedings we are prepared to accept payments of £120 per month. etc etc
19/04/12 Received a letter from Midas Credit Services - LITIGATION WARNING -We are part of the Moorcroft group and are aware that you have failed to reach a repayment agreement with Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd concerning the above account. We are now reviewing the account prior to the possible recommending of legal action by external solicitors acting on behalf of our clients Failure to contact Mooroft Debt Recovery Ltd by the 24/04/12 may result in the issue of legal proceedings without further notice etc etc.
20/04/12 Sent Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation Response
26/04/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft -Thank you for your recent letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.However under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee before the request can be actioned, please make the fee payable to the above client.Consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gladly process your request.
11/05/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft Home Collections Division- Our records show that despite our previous letters you have failed to make any apyment to us and therfore your account has now been passed to our Home Collections Division for action.This may involve our local representative calling at your home etc etc .
11/05/12 Sent Harrasment & Threat of Doorstep - Visit letter to Moorcroft.
18/05/12 Received a rather long winded letter from Moorcroft
29/05/12 Sent - Final Response - UE (CCA Received) to Moorcroft
07/6/12 Received another letter from Moorcroft : Thank you for your recent letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement. However, under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee before the request can be actioned, please make the fee payable to the above client. Consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gladly process your request.
08/06/12 Sent a short letter reminding them that we have already sent CCA request to M&S.
12/06/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft - We acknowledge receipt of your further correspondence regarding the above account.
Firstly, we can confirm that our records do show that we responded in full confirming both our and our client's position in relation to this account onthe 16/05/12.Our records also show that a seperate response was sent to you by our CCA team on the31/05/12 requesting you provide a £1.00 statutory fee, made payable to our client, so that we could further assist you in your request.
However, following receipt of your further correspondence, it is clear that you do not wish to discuss this account further with us. Therefore we believe the most sensible course of action would be to return your account to our client so this matter can be resolved as efficiently as possible.
We would reiterate that your account is now closed on our system and you will receive no furthercontact from us in connection to this matter. We would now stress that any further recovery action would now rest with our client.
12/07/12 Received a letter from Red Castle Recoveries /bcwgroup : You will be aware that M&S has recentlytransfered your above numbered account to us.
We are writing to you to advise that the responsibility for managing your account on a day to day basis has now been transferred to : Buchanan Clark & Wells
17/07/12 Received a letter from Buchanan Clark & Wells : We have been instructed by M&S Money to recover an outstanding amount on their behalf.
Our clients have informed us that they are unaware of any legitimate reason for non paymentof their account and they would prefer an amicable settlement.They have also granted Buchanan Clark & Wells access to your financial information held with a Credit Reference Agency. contact us etc etc
17/07/12 Sent - Account Sold Whilst in Dispute to BCW
26/07/12 Received a letter from BCW : I write with regard your recent communication concerning the above account. I can hearby confirm your concerns have been duly recorded on our filing system and the issue is being currently investigated further. In the meantime I can confirm I have authorised a "cease all actoin"instruction to be placed on your account with immediate effect etc etc.
17/08/12 Received a letter from BCW: Final Response
29/08/12 Received a letter from BCW: We wrote to you recently regarding your outstanding balance etc etc.
08/09/12 Received another leter from BCW: You have failed to respond to our numerous attempts to contact youregarding your outstanding balance. A report will be returned to M&S Money with a recomendation of further recovery action they will use this report to determine the nexzt course of actionwhich may involve etc etc.
Given the age of this account our client has informed us that they will considera discounted settlement to draw the matter to a conclusion.
10/09/12 Final Response - Uneforceable (CCA Received ) sent to BCW
07/12/12 Received a letter from M&S : Our agreement is compliant with the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
It then goes on to state all the reasons they deem the account to be enforceable and that as they have provided the requested document normal collection action will continue. M&S Money believe that your agreement is legally enforceable and as such refute Your allegations.
10/12/12 Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status sent to M&S.
15/01/13 Received a letter from M&S Bank: See attached below
02/04/13 Received a letter from M&S: Iam writing to inform you that the above account has been sold by M&S Financial Services plc to Arrow Global Ltd on the 28th February 2013.
This means that the effective owners of the above account are now Arrow Global Ltd.
Arrow Global Ltd have appointed Wescot Credit Services as their sevicing agent etc etc.
14/6/13 Received a letter from Wescot: Wescot Credit Services is a specialist DEBT COLLECTION organisation. We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.etc etc
15/06/13 Sent - Account Sold Whilst in Dispute to Wescot
27/06/13 Received from Wescot :Thank you for your recent contact with regard to the above account. We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation etc etc
25/09/13 Received from Wescot: We refer to your recent communication.Having contacted our client they have advised no Consumer Credit Act request has been received. Please can you resend the request.
We have placed a hold on the account for 14 days.
25/09/13 Sent short letter refering them to our CCA request sent to M&S.
09/10/13 Received from Wescot:We refer to your recent communication. In order to refer your request to our client, you are required to attach the £1.00 statutory fee payable by either cheque or PO.
The fee should be made payable to our client, with your request for a copy of the signed agreement included. I have enclosed the previous request you provided. A hold has been placed ont the account for 14 days to enable you to provide this.
15/10/13 Received from Wescot : FINAL NOTICE Despite previous correspondence etc etc this may lead to A door step collector or Either us or our client taking legal action.etc etc
18/10/13 Sent another letter referring them to our CCA request stating the £1.00 fee had been paid.
28/10/13 Received from Wescot: Received 2 letters one dated 24/10/13 the other dated 25/10/13 both saying the account is on hold awiting a response from M&S
Date Commenced - 5.5.98
Approx. Balance - £2834
Last Full Payment paid - 26.5.11
DMP Payment paid - 22.6.11 (no more payments being made)
07/07/11 CCA request sent
21/07/11 Received CCA but looks like its application form and terms and conditions, delivered by recorded delivery printed name not signed, will email cover letter and application/cca to Niddy
24/07 11 Niddy says presume it is
25/07/11 CCA Query terms and conditions received letter sent by recorded delivery
09/08/11 Received letter with further copy of same application form and terms in response to CCA Query terms and conditions letter stating "M&S Money believe that your agreement is legally enforceable"
03/09/11 Received letter re: arrangement on account, interest charges resumed must repay full arrears immediately, please call immediately, if we don't hear from you we'll send default notice etc
21/09/11 CCA Query Missing Prescribed Terms letter sent via recorded delivery
29/09/11 Received letter in response to CCA Query Missing Prescribed Terms letter with the same completed application form and what looks like an updated blank application form.
13/10/11 Recieved today - Statutory Arrears Notice x 2 one dated 01/8/11 the other dated 01/10/11
15/10/11 Received letter from M&S Pre Legal Recoveries - The collections and recoveries department at M&S Money has instucted me to contact you about your account.Due to the serious arrears which are outstanding , Iam planning to instuct our agents to visit your home address. However you still have an opportunity to prevent this. Please contact us etc etc.
17/10/11 Harrasment & Threat of Doorstep - Visit letter sent to M&S Pre legal Recoveries via recorded delivery
02/11/11 Received another letter from M&S Pre Legal Recoveries stating - Thank you for your recent correspondence. We would like to talk to you before we act on the contents of your letter and request you telephone us. It is vital that you telephone in response to this letter, as action to recover any outstanding payment will continue until we have spoken to you. Obviously, given the fact that you have contacted us, we would rather that this did not happen. I must advise you, However, that we are unable to enter into any further correspondence regarding the exact contents of your letter and this is why you must telephone us. We look forward to hearing from you within the next five working days.
03/11/11 Sent reply Niddy wrote via recorded delivery
18/11/11 Received another letter form M&S Pre Legal Recoveries - Thank you for your letter dated 16th October, we have responded to your previous correspondence via letter on 20th July, 8th Aug, 29th Sept. To prevent further recovery action we will require a payment towards your account and an up-to-date breakdown of your I & E. etc etc. You will receive reminder letters and telephone calls about arrears on your account etc. etc.
19/11/11 Received another letter from M&S Money in reply to letter Niddy wrote 03/11/11 will upload in update.
26/11/11 Received another letter from Pre Legal Recoveries uploaded in update
07/12/11 Received Statuatory Arrears Notice
07/12/11 Received FINAL DEMAND
08/12/11 Received letter posted below
30/12/11 Received letter from Moorcroft Debt Recovery see below
30/12/11 Sent Threat by Creditor - Threat-o-Gram Letter Before Action
06/01/12 Received letter from Moorcroft -We acknowledge receipt of your correspondence, please be assured that your account is now on hold whilst we investigate etc etc
17/02/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft regarding the above account - I write in response to your recent query in relation to the above accountand can confirm we have been in contact with M&S Financial Services and they have advised that they have provided documents under the Consumer Credit Agreement S77/78 and they do believe the agreement is enforceable and the balance is correct and due.I can therefore confirm I have placed the account on hold foe 2 weeks and request you make contact with our call centre to discuss a repayment proposal.Please be aware that if contact is not made within this time scale our follow up of this account will recomence.
14/03/12 Received a letter from Mooorcroft - IMPORTANT INFORMATION - POSSIBLE LITIGATION if you do not contact us following this letter we may have no alternative other than to recomment to our client that solicitors issue legal action against you .etc etc then a list of charges
14/03/12 Sent - Threat by Creditor - Enough is Enough Response
22/03/12 Received from Moorcroft today- Thank you for your recently received letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement .However,
under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1 fee before the request can be actioned. etc etc
07/04/12 Received another letter from Morcroft- MONTHLY INSTALMENT OFFER -As we have not received any communication from you with regards to your outstanding account.In order to stop our recommending to our clients that solicitors commence legal proceedings we are prepared to accept payments of £120 per month. etc etc
19/04/12 Received a letter from Midas Credit Services - LITIGATION WARNING -We are part of the Moorcroft group and are aware that you have failed to reach a repayment agreement with Moorcroft Debt Recovery Ltd concerning the above account. We are now reviewing the account prior to the possible recommending of legal action by external solicitors acting on behalf of our clients Failure to contact Mooroft Debt Recovery Ltd by the 24/04/12 may result in the issue of legal proceedings without further notice etc etc.
20/04/12 Sent Threat by Creditor - To Commence Litigation Response
26/04/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft -Thank you for your recent letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement.However under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee before the request can be actioned, please make the fee payable to the above client.Consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gladly process your request.
11/05/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft Home Collections Division- Our records show that despite our previous letters you have failed to make any apyment to us and therfore your account has now been passed to our Home Collections Division for action.This may involve our local representative calling at your home etc etc .
11/05/12 Sent Harrasment & Threat of Doorstep - Visit letter to Moorcroft.
18/05/12 Received a rather long winded letter from Moorcroft
29/05/12 Sent - Final Response - UE (CCA Received) to Moorcroft
07/6/12 Received another letter from Moorcroft : Thank you for your recent letter requesting a copy of the credit agreement. However, under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 you must provide a £1.00 fee before the request can be actioned, please make the fee payable to the above client. Consequently if you submit the prescribed payment we will gladly process your request.
08/06/12 Sent a short letter reminding them that we have already sent CCA request to M&S.
12/06/12 Received a letter from Moorcroft - We acknowledge receipt of your further correspondence regarding the above account.
Firstly, we can confirm that our records do show that we responded in full confirming both our and our client's position in relation to this account onthe 16/05/12.Our records also show that a seperate response was sent to you by our CCA team on the31/05/12 requesting you provide a £1.00 statutory fee, made payable to our client, so that we could further assist you in your request.
However, following receipt of your further correspondence, it is clear that you do not wish to discuss this account further with us. Therefore we believe the most sensible course of action would be to return your account to our client so this matter can be resolved as efficiently as possible.
We would reiterate that your account is now closed on our system and you will receive no furthercontact from us in connection to this matter. We would now stress that any further recovery action would now rest with our client.
12/07/12 Received a letter from Red Castle Recoveries /bcwgroup : You will be aware that M&S has recentlytransfered your above numbered account to us.
We are writing to you to advise that the responsibility for managing your account on a day to day basis has now been transferred to : Buchanan Clark & Wells
17/07/12 Received a letter from Buchanan Clark & Wells : We have been instructed by M&S Money to recover an outstanding amount on their behalf.
Our clients have informed us that they are unaware of any legitimate reason for non paymentof their account and they would prefer an amicable settlement.They have also granted Buchanan Clark & Wells access to your financial information held with a Credit Reference Agency. contact us etc etc
17/07/12 Sent - Account Sold Whilst in Dispute to BCW
26/07/12 Received a letter from BCW : I write with regard your recent communication concerning the above account. I can hearby confirm your concerns have been duly recorded on our filing system and the issue is being currently investigated further. In the meantime I can confirm I have authorised a "cease all actoin"instruction to be placed on your account with immediate effect etc etc.
17/08/12 Received a letter from BCW: Final Response
29/08/12 Received a letter from BCW: We wrote to you recently regarding your outstanding balance etc etc.
08/09/12 Received another leter from BCW: You have failed to respond to our numerous attempts to contact youregarding your outstanding balance. A report will be returned to M&S Money with a recomendation of further recovery action they will use this report to determine the nexzt course of actionwhich may involve etc etc.
Given the age of this account our client has informed us that they will considera discounted settlement to draw the matter to a conclusion.
10/09/12 Final Response - Uneforceable (CCA Received ) sent to BCW
07/12/12 Received a letter from M&S : Our agreement is compliant with the Consumer Credit Act 1974.
It then goes on to state all the reasons they deem the account to be enforceable and that as they have provided the requested document normal collection action will continue. M&S Money believe that your agreement is legally enforceable and as such refute Your allegations.
10/12/12 Creditor Refusal to Accept UE Status sent to M&S.
15/01/13 Received a letter from M&S Bank: See attached below
02/04/13 Received a letter from M&S: Iam writing to inform you that the above account has been sold by M&S Financial Services plc to Arrow Global Ltd on the 28th February 2013.
This means that the effective owners of the above account are now Arrow Global Ltd.
Arrow Global Ltd have appointed Wescot Credit Services as their sevicing agent etc etc.
14/6/13 Received a letter from Wescot: Wescot Credit Services is a specialist DEBT COLLECTION organisation. We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.etc etc
15/06/13 Sent - Account Sold Whilst in Dispute to Wescot
27/06/13 Received from Wescot :Thank you for your recent contact with regard to the above account. We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation etc etc
25/09/13 Received from Wescot: We refer to your recent communication.Having contacted our client they have advised no Consumer Credit Act request has been received. Please can you resend the request.
We have placed a hold on the account for 14 days.
25/09/13 Sent short letter refering them to our CCA request sent to M&S.
09/10/13 Received from Wescot:We refer to your recent communication. In order to refer your request to our client, you are required to attach the £1.00 statutory fee payable by either cheque or PO.
The fee should be made payable to our client, with your request for a copy of the signed agreement included. I have enclosed the previous request you provided. A hold has been placed ont the account for 14 days to enable you to provide this.
15/10/13 Received from Wescot : FINAL NOTICE Despite previous correspondence etc etc this may lead to A door step collector or Either us or our client taking legal action.etc etc
18/10/13 Sent another letter referring them to our CCA request stating the £1.00 fee had been paid.
28/10/13 Received from Wescot: Received 2 letters one dated 24/10/13 the other dated 25/10/13 both saying the account is on hold awiting a response from M&S