I posted originally on the Welcome Forum a couple of days ago and Tech Clark has suggested I start diaries as appropriate. First diary is for :
Account opened: 2000
Current balance: Approx £5500
Current Status: Default
Debt Currently owned b:y Allied International Credit, Glasgow
Current position: Last contractual payment made to American Express June 2007.Started making regular payments via DMP August 2007. DMP company taken over in 2018 so decided to go self managed instead. Last payment sent via self managed DMP 25 Jan 2019. Unlikely to send next payment due to developments below.
January 2019: Decided to get life back and sent CCA request to Allied Int. Reply received from American Express enclosing copy of application form, and two letters which I've copied below (less the personal details). These letters, together with Tech Clerk's and my responses, also appear on my Welcome thread posts of two days ago if anyone wishes to refer to them. Tech clerk has advised me to
send the agreement form to the Webmaster address for examination and I will update this thread as soon as I have done that.
I will start diaries for the other alleged debts as and when I receive responses to my CCA requests, or alternatively when payment demands come in.
Copies of American Express letters
'We write to inform you that, regrettably, we are no longer able to provide the original Terms and Conditions applicable at the point of application for the above account, which also prevents us from issuing any Notices of Variations applicable.
Please find enclosed a copy of the application, Terms and Conditions of Insurance. we are also enclosing a signed statement of account showing: the state of the account; the amount currently payable by you; and the basis on which any subsequent payments would become payable.These documents form the executed agreement between you and American Express.
Whilst we no longer hold the original Terms and Conditions for your American Express Credit Card on file, this does not prevent us from seeking any funds outstanding from you.There can be no argument that such a contract ever existed, as you have used your American Express Credit Card and incurred expenditure on it since the account was opened on
When the original Card was sent to you, it would have been sent containing the Terms and Conditions of the account. .It would have clearly stated that you should only sign and use the Card if you have agreed to be bound y the Terms and Conditions of the account.Furthermore, you would have been sent updated Terms and Conditions with each renewal card and in addition if any amendment had been made a Notice of Variation would have been sent'
A separate letter received in the same envelope states.(relevant bits only)
We enclose a copy of the executed agreement, and the Terms and Conditions of insurance referred to within.
We enclose a copy of the executed agreement, and the Terms and Conditions of insurance referred to within.
We also enclose a copy of the latest notice of variation relating to each term of the agreement which has been varied.
As at the date of this letter
Your account is in debit to the amount of
The amount currently payable by you is
If you do not draw further on the account then you will have to pay us arrears due of