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Ash28's Diary

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Warwick65 View Post
    in Santander v Mayhew ( that's Di form here) the judge said they had complied with the CCA request but they lost (or Di won) on other things such as default notice and the actual agreement content

    This is true

    See Paragraph 14 of the judgment here >



    • #17
      Hi All

      I thought I'd give you an update of events so far...

      When Niddy told me that it looked as if both CCAs were unenforceable I decided to check that the Barclaycard had actually been an Egg card in a former life. I went on to Citibank's website and filled in a complaint, I didn't realise there was a separate section for PPI queries when I found it I filled that in too (I hoped they'd say the account had been taken over by Barclaycard).

      Anyway, I got an acknowledgement and then a few days later got a letter saying I would be receiving a cheque for just under £4k for PPI followed a couple of days later by a letter saying my complaint hadn't been upheld....on Friday of last week I received another letter saying my complaint had been upheld and I would be receiving a further cheque for £24.9k!!! If I say you could have knocked me down with a feather it would not be an understatement! I feel as if I've won the lottery!

      Now here's the quandary, I'll now have more than evough money to pay off the debts and have money left over (I don't have the cheques yet), I can't make my mind up whether to pay them off or not, morally, I feel I should. It's not a problem I ever thought I'd have, Decisions, decisions....and I had myself all psyched up to go down the uneforceability route.



      • #18
        Hi All

        I thought I'd give you an update of events so far...

        When Niddy told me that it looked as if both CCAs were unenforceable I decided to check that the Barclaycard had actually been an Egg card in a former life. I went on to Citibank's website and filled in a complaint, I didn't realise there was a separate section for PPI queries when I found it I filled that in too (I hoped they'd say the account had been taken over by Barclaycard).

        Anyway, I got an acknowledgement and then a few days later got a letter saying I would be receiving a cheque for just under £4k for PPI followed a couple of days later by a letter saying my complaint hadn't been upheld....on Friday of last week I received another letter saying my complaint had been upheld and I would be receiving a further cheque for £24.9k!!! If I say you could have knocked me down with a feather it would not be an understatement! I feel as if I've won the lottery!

        Now here's the quandary, I'll now have more than evough money to pay off the debts and have money left over (I don't have the cheques yet), I can't make my mind up whether to pay them off or not, morally, I feel I should. It's not a problem I ever thought I'd have, Decisions, decisions....and I had myself all psyched up to go down the uneforceability route.


