First Direct Credit Card
Date commenced 30/7/10
Balance £16219.84
Date last paid 12/4/18 minimum payment
Have not paid May and June
Arrears two months £954.99
Account owner First Direct
Our main current account is with First Direct and is a joint account so my Husband spoke to them on the phone roughly a week ago and explained cash position, current account and both our credit cards they agree to freeze interest and charges for 3 months and wanted a £1 per month payment. They pushed hard for an income and expenditure on the phone which he said he couldn't do at that time they want a call back within the month with this information. We haven't paid the £1 yet as wasn't sure when to pay it etc.,
Letter sent in response to them requiring signature to comply with CCA request - received and signed by FD 29/8/18
18/6/18 letter and a Default Notice requiring payment of arrears by 10/7/18 - in phone call above to Husband they said ignore the default notice as he had spoken to them and made arrangements.
18/7/18 credit card statement balance £16451.24
Letter dated 15/8/18 returning copy of my CCA request letter as it is unsigned and they are unable to respond. Asking me to sign and return the letter and they will then provide the information. They have also kept £1 postal order.
22/8/18 statement requesting voluntary payment which is higher than the overdue payment. Plus an Arrears information sheet.
4/9/18 2nd letter refusing to provide CCA without a signature.
7/9/18 letter dated 6/9/18 pointing out they have not received reply to their letter of 3/9/18 and as such are still unable to verify recent correspondence is from me. Clearly they know it is if they are sending this letter! In order to respond they want a phone call! and they will get back in touch on or before 19/9/18. I think this is a ploy to get us to ring them?
27/12/18 Final demand (still no copy of agreement)
22/1/19 Statement
29/1/19 letter advising they have tried to make contact via email to say statement available but email returned, want us to contact them.
23/2/19 Letter from HSBC dated 18/2/19 advising transfer of account to HSBC Repayment Services.
2/3/19 Letter from Moorcroft advising they will be in contact or we can contact them.
6/3/19 Letter from HSBC advising account transferred to Moorcroft.
15/3/19 Letter from Moorcroft wanting contact
1/4/19 Letter from Moorcroft with monthly instalment offer.
18/4/19 Letter from Moorcroft wanting contact to agree repayment plan or discount so can be debt free!!
1/5/19 Letter from Moorcroft with a discount offer
25/5/19 Letter from Moorcroft who are reviewing next steps for account
5/7/19 Letter from HSBC to advise account has been transferred to Wescot Credit Services Limited
11/7/19 Letter from Wescot asking for contact
18/7/19 strange little letter from Wescot headed important reminder to get in touch, was a folded perforated note like a payslip/cheque
24/7/19 Letter from Wescot to advise they have carried out additional checks (credit check I believe) to establish correct address details. Want urgent contact.
2/8/19 letter from Wescot dated 31/7/19 with a reduced settlement offer if don't take this up they are instructed to continue seeking recovery of full balance
18/8/19 Letter from Wescot wanting contact
13/12/19 Letter from CST chasing debt.
16/12/19 Letter from HSBC to advise account referred to Credit Security Limited.
3/1/20 Letter from CSL chasing payment
30/1/20 Letter from CSL chasing payment
27/4/20 Letter from CSL advising temporary pause on all debt recovery activities due to Coronavirus.
18/5/20 Letter from Credit security received 22/5/20 despite letter above and Coronavirus still ongoing, giving 10 days to get in touch.
Date commenced 30/7/10
Balance £16219.84
Date last paid 12/4/18 minimum payment
Have not paid May and June
Arrears two months £954.99
Account owner First Direct
Our main current account is with First Direct and is a joint account so my Husband spoke to them on the phone roughly a week ago and explained cash position, current account and both our credit cards they agree to freeze interest and charges for 3 months and wanted a £1 per month payment. They pushed hard for an income and expenditure on the phone which he said he couldn't do at that time they want a call back within the month with this information. We haven't paid the £1 yet as wasn't sure when to pay it etc.,
Letter sent in response to them requiring signature to comply with CCA request - received and signed by FD 29/8/18
18/6/18 letter and a Default Notice requiring payment of arrears by 10/7/18 - in phone call above to Husband they said ignore the default notice as he had spoken to them and made arrangements.
18/7/18 credit card statement balance £16451.24
Letter dated 15/8/18 returning copy of my CCA request letter as it is unsigned and they are unable to respond. Asking me to sign and return the letter and they will then provide the information. They have also kept £1 postal order.
22/8/18 statement requesting voluntary payment which is higher than the overdue payment. Plus an Arrears information sheet.
4/9/18 2nd letter refusing to provide CCA without a signature.
7/9/18 letter dated 6/9/18 pointing out they have not received reply to their letter of 3/9/18 and as such are still unable to verify recent correspondence is from me. Clearly they know it is if they are sending this letter! In order to respond they want a phone call! and they will get back in touch on or before 19/9/18. I think this is a ploy to get us to ring them?
27/12/18 Final demand (still no copy of agreement)
22/1/19 Statement
29/1/19 letter advising they have tried to make contact via email to say statement available but email returned, want us to contact them.
23/2/19 Letter from HSBC dated 18/2/19 advising transfer of account to HSBC Repayment Services.
2/3/19 Letter from Moorcroft advising they will be in contact or we can contact them.
6/3/19 Letter from HSBC advising account transferred to Moorcroft.
15/3/19 Letter from Moorcroft wanting contact
1/4/19 Letter from Moorcroft with monthly instalment offer.
18/4/19 Letter from Moorcroft wanting contact to agree repayment plan or discount so can be debt free!!
1/5/19 Letter from Moorcroft with a discount offer
25/5/19 Letter from Moorcroft who are reviewing next steps for account
5/7/19 Letter from HSBC to advise account has been transferred to Wescot Credit Services Limited
11/7/19 Letter from Wescot asking for contact
18/7/19 strange little letter from Wescot headed important reminder to get in touch, was a folded perforated note like a payslip/cheque
24/7/19 Letter from Wescot to advise they have carried out additional checks (credit check I believe) to establish correct address details. Want urgent contact.
2/8/19 letter from Wescot dated 31/7/19 with a reduced settlement offer if don't take this up they are instructed to continue seeking recovery of full balance
18/8/19 Letter from Wescot wanting contact
13/12/19 Letter from CST chasing debt.
16/12/19 Letter from HSBC to advise account referred to Credit Security Limited.
3/1/20 Letter from CSL chasing payment
30/1/20 Letter from CSL chasing payment
27/4/20 Letter from CSL advising temporary pause on all debt recovery activities due to Coronavirus.
18/5/20 Letter from Credit security received 22/5/20 despite letter above and Coronavirus still ongoing, giving 10 days to get in touch.