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spent2much UE diary

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  • Re: spent2much UE diary

    Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
    update. I will send doorstep threat letter
    shall i send a doorstep threat letter or wait until they get in touch again ?


    • Re: spent2much UE diary

      Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
      update. I will send doorstep threat letter, or wait and see what they send next ?


      • Re: spent2much UE diary

        have you not sent one to them before? if not include it with the one liner
        I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

        If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


        • Re: spent2much UE diary

          Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
          Type of account (credit card)husband's

          Date commenced (2003)

          Approx balance (£467

          Date last paid (22 June 2012)

          Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

          Status (default/cca being sent )

          Account owner (Capitol one)

          9/7/12 cca request sent

          1/9/12 account passed to Fredrickson
          21/9/12 Fredrickson demanding payment
          24/9/12 sent account sold while in dispute letter to Fredrickson and also to Cap One
          6/10/12 from Fredrickson account on hold while they refer back to Cap One
          10/10/12 Fredrickson ,.their client has complied with the cca request 16th July 2012
          (we have not received a thing)
          12/10/12 threat of court action
          15/10/12 sent letter before action.
          22/10/12 Fredrickson threat before action postcard
          24/10/12 Fredrickson ,they have referred the account back to Cap One ,no longer instructed to deal with it.

          from cap one letter scanned

          24/01/13 sent a one liner asking Cap One to re-send the two letters they said they sent in July and Oct 2012
          08/02/13 from Cap One
          Thank you for your recent letter.

          I would like to be able to help you with your query, but unfortunatley you did not sign letter.
          To enable me to answer your query, please write to us at the address belwo including an example of your signature and your 16 digit account number as a reference:
          Alternatively, you can call one of our specialist account managers who will go throught a security check with you and answer your query immediatley.

          I'm sorry for the inconveience this may cause you. I realise how frustrating it is to have to to the trouble of contacting us again. However, we need to do this to protect the security of your account and personal detals.

          02/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors LLP

          We write with regard to theis outstanding debt.
          Payment must be made in full withing the next fourteen days failing which we will remommend to our client that proceedings be issued without further notice.
          Sould proceedings be issued, additional charges will be added to the existing balance as shown below.
          Outstanding balance £467.90
          Interest £37.90
          Court fees £30.00
          Solicitors costs £50.00
          New £585.33 if proceedings are issued.
          If you dispute liability for this debt please state your reasons in writing
          and supply us with documents in support of your defence to any claim.
          Before the account is referred to us to litigate you still have an
          opportunity to contact fredrickson Internationl Ltd with your payment
          proposals. In order to avoid further action you should telephone them .

          This is a serious matter and you should seek independent legal advice.

          4/3/13 sent sold while in dispute to Bryan Carter

          08/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors

          We write further to your letter dated 4 March 2013, the contents of which we note.

          We believe that our client has complied with the Pre-Action Protocol so far as it applies to this matter.

          For the avoidance of doubt however the monies due may be paid to our client's debt collection agents, Fredrickson International Limited, by direct debt, bank standing order, cash, cheque, debit card, payment card or postal order. Please see Fredrickson International Limited's notepaper for details of their address ad telephone number.

          You may contact us between .....bla bla bla

          We confirm that a list of organisations where independent advice could be obtained was provided on the overleaf of Fredricksons notepaper.

          In relation to your request for documents, it is our client's policy to provided agreements to its customers at the point of contract and statements throughout and therefore you have already been provided with validation of the debt.

          Our client confirms that they have fulfilled their obligations under section 78 of the consumer credit act 1974 in their letter to you dated 16 July 2012 and the debt remains enforceable .

          At this time we have no instructions to litigate this account, however if Fredrickson International Limited does not hear from you with your payment proposals by 21 March 2013 we will seek further instructions from our client.
          28/03/13 from Fredrickson International
          Despite a recent letter from Bryan carter Solicitors you have failed to
          discharge your debt with our client Capital One (europe)plc. We are

          We are prepared to offer you one final opportunity to pay before recommending to our client that they instruct solicitors to issue a claim at your address.
          At this late stage, and as a gesture of goodwill, we are prepared to accept a full and final settlement on this account provided that you contact us within 48 hours of reciept of this letter.

          3/7/13 Cap One

          PLEASE BE AWARE your account has moved

          I am writing to advise you that your account is no longer being managed by the Debt Collection Agency who were acting on behalf of Capital One.

          Please work with us to reduce your debt

          It is important that you continue to make payments to your account. Payments should be made directly to Capital One unless otherwisde notified. Please see attached for payment methods.

          Already settled ?

          Please disregard this letter if you have agreed a settlement figure with the Debt collection agency and have made tht payment.

          Have questions or need help?

          If you have any questions please call us .

          2/8/13 Capital One

          I am writing to inform you that capital one have sold your account to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd, All contact about your account should now be with Lowell Portfolio l Ltd who will write you to provide details of how they can be contacted and how payments can be made.

          Lowell will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter.

          The outstanding balance on your account as at 18/07/2013 was £467.90 and this balance will be passed along with any payments or spend to Lowell .

          02/08/2013 Lowell Prtfolio l Ltd

          introduction of who they are and explaining when the account was bought by them and how they are entitled to receive payment of the outstanding balance.

          How much owed how to contact them to arrange a monthly repayment plan

          Please call to discuss how to repay the account


          17/08/2013 Lowell financial

          Lowell Protfolio wrote recently to tell you they have bought the outstanding balance you had with cap one ,You have not yet cleared the outstanding balance or entered into a repayment plan, so they have asked us to get in touch.

          We can help you clear this outstanding balance and repaying your debt may help to improve your credit rating.

          What you need to do now
          Its very important that you do one of the following things asap

          pay in full
          contact us

          Phone us now to clear you balance

          20/08/2013 sent sold while in dispute letter to Lowell financial

          02/09/2013 Lowell Financial

          We want to help you clear your account
          We still haven't agreed a repayment plan for the outstanding balance you have with us.

          The longer you leave getting in touch or paying off the balance, the more you risk further action being taken against you including legal action. We may also ask one of our agents to arrange a time to visit you at your home do discuss your account and repayment of your debt if we don't hear from you. So please phone us on 00000000 as as.

          The simplest way to pay
          direct debt
          blah blah blah

          Call us straight away
          It really is important that we har from you. Your outstanding balance may be affecting your ability to obtain all forms of credit inlcuding loans blaha blah


          • Re: spent2much UE diary

            Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
            Type of account (overdraft)mine

            Date commenced (2003)

            Approx balance (£248)

            Date last paid (22 June 2012)

            Are you on an arrangement plan not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

            Status (default/cca being sent )

            Account owner (HBOS)

            9/7/12 cca request sent

            28/9/12 from Halifax account passed to BLS 3/8/12
            14/11/12 payment reminder
            28/11/12 sent cca reminder to bls
            13/12/12 BLS saying statements enclosed as requested
            14/12/12 BLS essential that i contact them
            24/12/12 Halifax account passed to DrysdenFairfax
            31/12/12 from DrysdenFairfax threatening letter to pay , court action , charge on house,
            31/12/12 account sold while in dispute letter to drysdenfairfax
            letter not received by drysdenfairfax according to post office website.
            19/1/13 resent sold in dispute letter , sent by recorded delivery .
            24/1/13 threatening letter from drysdenfairfax
            16/2/13 from drysdenfairfax offer of settlement

            29/04/13 Halifax
            Account transferred to Westcot Credit Services Litd

            29/04/13 account sold while in dispute letter to westcot

            07/05/13 Westcot
            We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
            You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.If you have any queries or any of the information supplied is incorrect, please contact us .

            15/05/2013 westcot FINAL NOTICE
            our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have not received a reply to our previous corrospondence.

            Unless you contact us to agree repayment of £248.46 within the next 10 days, further collection activity will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance,

            please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

            18/05/2013 sent OD SWID to westcot

            31/05/13 Westcot

            We acknowledge that have raised a query on this account and we would like to confrim to you how this will be investigated.

            We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation.This means that we will not write to you, or telephone you in pursuit of the account whilst it is being investigated.

            10/06/2013 westcot
            We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client they have advised that the above balance is correct and due for payment .They state that the above balance relates to a current account, therefore no credit agreement is available.

            In the circumstances, we believe the dispute has now been resolved and the full balance or an agreed monthly instalment is required by return. Payment can be made by direct debit or online

            If in the event you believe you still have a valid dispute , please contact us with the details within the next 14 days otherwise your account will be returned to our recovery team for collection

            5/8/13 westcot

            As a final attempt to avoid further action, our client has agreed that we can offer you a discount to settle your account.

            This offer is only available for a limited period so you should contact us by the 11/08/2013 to agree a suitable settelememt , or the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recever the full outstanding balance of £248.46.

            If you are unable to take advantage of this offer, we will still consider a realistic repayment plan and you should contact us urgently to discuss your options. Unless a suitable arrangement plan is reached within 10 days of the date of this letter, (01/08/2013), further recovery action will be taken.

            21/08/2013 from westcot
            we understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account.
            You may feel that you are not in a position to stat making an acceptable payment against your balance or that you don't know how best to manage your way through you current liabilities.

            Westcot are specialists in establishing repayment plans that best suit the needs of both our clients and their customers. For the overwhelming majority of customers that contact us we are able to make an arrangement tailored to each customer's financial circumstances.
            We would therefore like to offer you the opportunity to repay this account via regular manageable instalments which will be both sustainable and affordable given your current circumstances.

            what this means for you.....

            an opportunity to take control with re-payments that you agree and that you can afford over a period of time.
            no further phone calls, letters, text messages or home visits from Westcot or their appointed agents, providing you keep to the plan for this account.
            The potential to improve you credit rating and increase your chances of obtaining future credit.

            This debt will not go away and now is the best time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us at the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start.

            30/08/2013 Westcot

            We have previously advised you that one of the actions we were considering on your account was a doorstep collection visit
            to your home address to recover the outstanding balance.
            As we know of no genuine reason why you have failed to repay the outstanding balance, instructions will now be provided to Scotcall, a doorstep agency, to make an appointment with you to visit your home address. The purpose of the visit is to agree with you how you will repay this debt.

            You have a final opportunity to avoid referral to Scotcall by telephoning the number above .

            02/09/2013 sent doorstep visit complaint letter to Westcot



            • Re: spent2much UE diary

              Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
              Type of account (credit card)husband's

              Date commenced (2003)

              Approx balance (£467

              Date last paid (22 June 2012)

              Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

              Status (default/cca being sent )

              Account owner (Capitol one)

              9/7/12 cca request sent

              1/9/12 account passed to Fredrickson
              21/9/12 Fredrickson demanding payment
              24/9/12 sent account sold while in dispute letter to Fredrickson and also to Cap One
              6/10/12 from Fredrickson account on hold while they refer back to Cap One
              10/10/12 Fredrickson ,.their client has complied with the cca request 16th July 2012
              (we have not received a thing)
              12/10/12 threat of court action
              15/10/12 sent letter before action.
              22/10/12 Fredrickson threat before action postcard
              24/10/12 Fredrickson ,they have referred the account back to Cap One ,no longer instructed to deal with it.

              from cap one letter scanned

              24/01/13 sent a one liner asking Cap One to re-send the two letters they said they sent in July and Oct 2012
              08/02/13 from Cap One
              Thank you for your recent letter.

              I would like to be able to help you with your query, but unfortunatley you did not sign letter.
              To enable me to answer your query, please write to us at the address belwo including an example of your signature and your 16 digit account number as a reference:
              Alternatively, you can call one of our specialist account managers who will go throught a security check with you and answer your query immediatley.

              I'm sorry for the inconveience this may cause you. I realise how frustrating it is to have to to the trouble of contacting us again. However, we need to do this to protect the security of your account and personal detals.

              02/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors LLP

              We write with regard to theis outstanding debt.
              Payment must be made in full withing the next fourteen days failing which we will remommend to our client that proceedings be issued without further notice.
              Sould proceedings be issued, additional charges will be added to the existing balance as shown below.
              Outstanding balance £467.90
              Interest £37.90
              Court fees £30.00
              Solicitors costs £50.00
              New £585.33 if proceedings are issued.
              If you dispute liability for this debt please state your reasons in writing
              and supply us with documents in support of your defence to any claim.
              Before the account is referred to us to litigate you still have an
              opportunity to contact fredrickson Internationl Ltd with your payment
              proposals. In order to avoid further action you should telephone them .

              This is a serious matter and you should seek independent legal advice.

              4/3/13 sent sold while in dispute to Bryan Carter

              08/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors

              We write further to your letter dated 4 March 2013, the contents of which we note.

              We believe that our client has complied with the Pre-Action Protocol so far as it applies to this matter.

              For the avoidance of doubt however the monies due may be paid to our client's debt collection agents, Fredrickson International Limited, by direct debt, bank standing order, cash, cheque, debit card, payment card or postal order. Please see Fredrickson International Limited's notepaper for details of their address ad telephone number.

              You may contact us between .....bla bla bla

              We confirm that a list of organisations where independent advice could be obtained was provided on the overleaf of Fredricksons notepaper.

              In relation to your request for documents, it is our client's policy to provided agreements to its customers at the point of contract and statements throughout and therefore you have already been provided with validation of the debt.

              Our client confirms that they have fulfilled their obligations under section 78 of the consumer credit act 1974 in their letter to you dated 16 July 2012 and the debt remains enforceable .

              At this time we have no instructions to litigate this account, however if Fredrickson International Limited does not hear from you with your payment proposals by 21 March 2013 we will seek further instructions from our client.
              28/03/13 from Fredrickson International
              Despite a recent letter from Bryan carter Solicitors you have failed to
              discharge your debt with our client Capital One (europe)plc. We are

              We are prepared to offer you one final opportunity to pay before recommending to our client that they instruct solicitors to issue a claim at your address.
              At this late stage, and as a gesture of goodwill, we are prepared to accept a full and final settlement on this account provided that you contact us within 48 hours of reciept of this letter.

              3/7/13 Cap One

              PLEASE BE AWARE your account has moved

              I am writing to advise you that your account is no longer being managed by the Debt Collection Agency who were acting on behalf of Capital One.

              Please work with us to reduce your debt

              It is important that you continue to make payments to your account. Payments should be made directly to Capital One unless otherwisde notified. Please see attached for payment methods.

              Already settled ?

              Please disregard this letter if you have agreed a settlement figure with the Debt collection agency and have made tht payment.

              Have questions or need help?

              If you have any questions please call us .

              2/8/13 Capital One

              I am writing to inform you that capital one have sold your account to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd, All contact about your account should now be with Lowell Portfolio l Ltd who will write you to provide details of how they can be contacted and how payments can be made.

              Lowell will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter.

              The outstanding balance on your account as at 18/07/2013 was £467.90 and this balance will be passed along with any payments or spend to Lowell .

              02/08/2013 Lowell Prtfolio l Ltd

              introduction of who they are and explaining when the account was bought by them and how they are entitled to receive payment of the outstanding balance.

              How much owed how to contact them to arrange a monthly repayment plan

              Please call to discuss how to repay the account


              17/08/2013 Lowell financial

              Lowell Protfolio wrote recently to tell you they have bought the outstanding balance you had with cap one ,You have not yet cleared the outstanding balance or entered into a repayment plan, so they have asked us to get in touch.

              We can help you clear this outstanding balance and repaying your debt may help to improve your credit rating.

              What you need to do now
              Its very important that you do one of the following things asap

              pay in full
              contact us

              Phone us now to clear you balance

              20/08/2013 sent sold while in dispute letter to Lowell financial

              02/09/2013 Lowell Financial

              We want to help you clear your account
              We still haven't agreed a repayment plan for the outstanding balance you have with us.

              The longer you leave getting in touch or paying off the balance, the more you risk further action being taken against you including legal action. We may also ask one of our agents to arrange a time to visit you at your home do discuss your account and repayment of your debt if we don't hear from you. So please phone us on 00000000 as as.

              The simplest way to pay
              direct debt
              blah blah blah

              Call us straight away
              It really is important that we har from you. Your outstanding balance may be affecting your ability to obtain all forms of credit inlcuding loans blaha blah

              3/9/13 Lowell Porfolio l
              We thank you for your recent letter and apologise for the delay in replying.

              Your comments with regards to the fact that the account is in dispute with Cap One as they failed to acknowledge your CCA request.. We have queried this with Cap One and will advise you of their response upon receipt.

              In the meantime we have requested a copy of the CCA in accordance with S77-79 together with statements.



              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                Just a one liner referring them to your last letter


                • Re: spent2much UE diary

                  Type of account (credit card)husband's

                  Date commenced (2003)

                  Approx balance (£467

                  Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                  Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                  Status (default/cca being sent )

                  Account owner (Capitol one)

                  No action on this one


                  • Re: spent2much UE diary

                    Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                    Type of account (overdraft)husband's

                    Date commenced (2003)

                    Approx balance (£525)

                    Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                    Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                    Status (default/cca being sent )

                    Account owner (HBOS) think it was originally with Loydstsb

                    9/7/12 cca request sent

                    28/9/12 account passed to BLS 3/8/12

                    28/9/12 repayment plan arrears

                    from BLS

                    Please find enclosed a statement of account as requested.

                    Should you require any further assistance please telephone us.

                    14/12/12 BLS essential that you contact us today

                    24/12/12 from Halifax account passed to drysdenfairfax

                    31/12/12 drysdensfairfax solicitors
                    threat of action if fail to pay.

                    31/12/2012 sent SWID to fairfax
                    19/01/2013 resent SWID to fairfaz
                    28/01/13 from drysdenfairfax

                    Thank you for your letter dated 31st December 2012 and I not all your comments.

                    As a result of your letter, we have contacted our clent to clarify the current position and seek their further instructions. We will write to you, further, once they have respnded . I confirm that, in the meantime, the matter is on hold.

                    09/03/12 from Halifax account passed to Robinson way

                    I now wait to hear from Robinson way and then send an account sold while in dispute reply

                    13/03/2013 from robbers way

                    Our client has authorised us to recover the full amount you owem shown above.

                    If you do not pay or agree a payment plan with us, we may advise our cleint to start court action ,


                    12/03/12 from Robinson way


                    25/03/13 account sold in dispute sent to Robinson way

                    04/04/13 from Robinson way

                    Thank you for your recent contact. Our client has advised us that your issue has been resolved and you remain fully liable for the balance outstanding.

                    In the absence of any alternative dispute, we are unable to defer payment on this account and we now require your proposals for payment within the next 14 days .

                    After this time collection activity will resume.

                    ignore ?

                    8/4/13 from robinson way

                    Please note we have noted the dispute/query you have raised.
                    We will make the necessary enquiries and let you know the outcome in due course.

                    In the meantime we will stop all collection activity for this account.

                    15/04/13 from Robinson way.
                    Thank you for your recent contact. Our client has advised us that your issue has been resolved and you remain fully liable for the blalance outstanding .

                    In the absence of any alternative dispute, we are unable to defer payment on this account and we now requre your poropsals for payment within the next 14 days .
                    Ater this time collection activity will resume.

                    01/05/13 robinson way


                    You have not paid the sum you owe. Until it is paid your account will not be closed,but may stay registered as anupaid debt in your name. This may adversely affect your credit rating.


                    we can agree a reduced balance you can pay to settle your account and you may even be able to pay the reduced balance in instalments you can afford and will keep up, our staff are waiting to take your call
                    Immediate payment can be made by calling us .
                    18/05/13 drysdenfairfax
                    We have been instructed by our clent's agent, Robinson Way,in relation to the above coutstanding debt.
                    Legal action may be taken aggainst you unless you take steps to resolve this matter within 10 days of the date of this letter.
                    To avoid further action you should either:
                    -Make payment in full,or
                    Pay what you can now and agree an affordable repayment arrangement to repay the remainder by contaction robinson way

                    18/05/2013 drysdenfairfax 2nd SWID letter.
                    checked royal mail and this was delivered and signed for .

                    24/05/2013 from dysdenfairfax
                    We are instructed that despite previous correspondence this matter remains outstanding. Unless this matter is resloved within 10 days of the date of this letter (23/05/2013) then we may have to advise our client to consider commencing legal proceedings against you.

                    Even at this late stage you can acoid court action by paying the debt in full or agreeing an affordable payment plan with Robinson way .

                    Please do not ignore this letter as taking no action is likely to lead to court proceedings being commenced which may increase the amount you owe with the addition of court fees, costs and interest .

                    03/06/13 drysdenfairfax
                    We have been instructed by our client's agent, Robinson Way, in relation to the above outstanding debt, Legal action may be taken against you unless you take steps to resolve this matter withing 10 days of the date of this letter (1st June 13)
                    To avoid further action you should either:
                    Make payment in full o
                    Pay what you can now and agree an affordable repayment arrangement to repay the remainder by contacting Robinson Way.

                    Any court action may result in additional court fees, solicitor's costs and interest being incurred which would be added to the amount outstanding.

                    04/06/13 sent letters of complaint to drysdenfairfax and robinson way, kindly composed bt ScabHunter

                    FORMAL COMPLAINT

                    Dear Sirs,

                    I am in receipt of your letter dated xxth March 2013, the contents of which are noted. Since your letter clearly refers to the threat of litigation, I am treating it as a formal letter of claim, albeit an entirely defective one. I refer you to the Civil Procedure Rules Pre Action Protocol Practice Direction, in particular Annex A and Annex B. You will note your letter fails spectacularly to comply with either of the aforesaid Annexes.

                    Since you are a firm of solicitors, I cannot excuse such failures, and place you on notice that any litigation on the back of this letter will result in an immediate application to the Court requesting the matter stayed with costs against you and your client on the indemnity basis. I refer you to Para 4.6 of the Practice Direction which explains the consequences of non compliance with the Pre Action Protocol.

                    I refer you also to my letter of 18th May 2013, which you signed for and have therefore presumably read. You have completely ignored the contents of that letter, and have chosen instead to send out a machine produced template which bears no relevance to the situation surrounding this alleged debt.

                    You will be aware that your clients remain in default of a legitimate request for information pursuant to The Consumer Credit (EU Directive) Regulations 2010 and also c.39 (s.74 (A&B) (VA)) CCA(1974). Your clients have a statutory obligation to provide this information, and without it I am unable to assess whether or not any liability exists to your clients, nor to assess the extent of any such liability should it exist. It would therefore be far more appropriate for you to deal with your incoming mail in a reasonable manner, instead of using machine produced threat letters as an expedient, and abusing the legal system by using it as a threat tool instead of a means of resolving disputes which cannot be settled any other way.

                    Accordingly, and in accordance with the CPR Pre Action Protocol Practice Direction, I look forward to your reply, dealing with the issues which were raised in my letter of 18th May. Note that any further obstructiveness and refusal to consider, or reply to, letters which are sent to you informing you of the true situation of your clients' affairs will result in a formal complaint being forwarded to the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

                    Yours Faithfully,

                    and this to RW -

                    FORMAL COMPLAINT

                    Dear Sirs,

                    I am in receipt of a letter dated xxth May 2013, from Drydens Fairfax solicitors. The letter is a formal letter of claim, threatening immediate court proceedings if I do not comply with their entirely unreasonable orders. As the solicitors have ignored my previous communication, and are refusing to discuss or even acknowledge the ongoing dispute relating to this alleged debt, they are in breach of the Civil Procedure Rules Pre Action Protocol Practice Direction, in particular Annex A and Annex B. Note that my letter of 18th May 2013, which was received and signed for, has been completely ignored.

                    Instead of responding to my legitimate dispute concerning your own failure to provide statutory information, the solicitors have mailed out a machine produced generic template which could apply to literally any alleged debt situation. This behaviour is obviously totally unacceptable, and any repeat thereof will result in a formal complaint being forwarded to the Solicitors Regulation Authority.

                    Notwithstanding this consideration, you remain legally responsible for the actions of any organisation which you engage on your behalf. It would therefore be in your own interests to deal with the ongoing dispute, of which you have been aware since you received my letter of 25th March 2013, instead of misusing solicitors purely for the purposes of threatening and frightening people. Your own nonsensical response dated 4th April 2013 is also a machine produced generic template, which is entirely inappropriate for the situation. You are obviously aware that communicating with alleged debtors in a misleading manner is contrary to the Office of Fair Trading Debt Collection Guidance, specifically Section 3.2.

                    I look forward to your response that you have withdrawn these badly behaved solicitors from this case, and that you are now prepared to deal with the issues raised in my previous communications. Any other response will result in this formal complaint being escalated to the Financial Ombudsman Service, and the Office of Fair Trading being informed of your continual breaches of their own published Guidance.

                    Yours Faithfully,

                    17/06/2013 from robinson way limited
                    We refer to the above account and the recent issues you raised.

                    Having looked at your acount we do not seem to have received your recorded mail dated 18th May 2013. Can you please resend this mail and also provide us with the recorded delivery number to enable to us to look into this matter further.

                    On further investigation I have noted that your original dispute was regarding not receiving a valid CCCA request . Please be advised that the above account relates to an unpaid bank account . These are exempt from part V of the CConsumer Credit Act 1974 and as such there is no agreement available .

                    In the meantime i have placed your account on a temporary delay awaiting your above correspondence. If you have any further quries ,please do not hesitate to contact us

                    21/06/2013 Robinson way

                    As we have been unable to contact you via any other way, we may now arrange for a doorstep collection agent to call at your address to agree an affordable payment plan with you, dependant on your personal circumstances.

                    To avoid the matter being escalated to this next stage of the debt collection process involving a home visit, please contact this office disput circumstances and to agree an affordable payment plan directly with us.

                    19/07/2013 Robinson Way

                    We refer to the above account and our letter dated 13th June 2013.

                    As we have not received the correspondence that we requested in our previous letter and our client has advised us they have no details of your dispute and you remain fully liable for the balance outstanding.

                    Please forward your proposal for payment, we have held your account for 14 days to enable you to do this. After this time collection activity will resume on your account.

                    If you have any further queries , please do not hesitate to contact us .

                    09/08/2013 Robinson way

                    Despite numerous attempts to contact you, the above account still remains unpaid.

                    If you are having difficulties and need help or advice with your finances you can contact us or several organisations that can offer free impartial advice , details below

                    we can still agree an affordable payment plan with you. call us on the above number.

                    30/08/2013 Robinson Way

                    We have sent you a number of letters, tried to telephone you, and our doorstep agent may have called at your home, but your account remains unpaid.
                    The full balance is due and payable. but this may not be affordable.
                    NOTE We can offer a reduction to the balance you owe to settle this account depending upon your circumstances. To help you settle this account you may even be able to pay the reduced balance by instalments you can afford, and will be able to maintain.
                    Call us now to take advantage of this
                    02/09/13 resent letters of copies of complaint to Halifax and Robbers way
                    7/9/13 Halifax We have not been able to agree a repayment plan your account has been transferred to Westcot


                    • Re: spent2much UE diary

                      Another little victory.


                      • Re: spent2much UE diary

                        Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                        Type of account (credit card)husband's

                        Date commenced (2003)

                        Approx balance (£467

                        Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                        Are you on arrangement or not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                        Status (default/cca being sent )

                        Account owner (Capitol one)

                        9/7/12 cca request sent

                        1/9/12 account passed to Fredrickson
                        21/9/12 Fredrickson demanding payment
                        24/9/12 sent account sold while in dispute letter to Fredrickson and also to Cap One
                        6/10/12 from Fredrickson account on hold while they refer back to Cap One
                        10/10/12 Fredrickson ,.their client has complied with the cca request 16th July 2012
                        (we have not received a thing)
                        12/10/12 threat of court action
                        15/10/12 sent letter before action.
                        22/10/12 Fredrickson threat before action postcard
                        24/10/12 Fredrickson ,they have referred the account back to Cap One ,no longer instructed to deal with it.

                        from cap one letter scanned

                        24/01/13 sent a one liner asking Cap One to re-send the two letters they said they sent in July and Oct 2012
                        08/02/13 from Cap One
                        Thank you for your recent letter.

                        I would like to be able to help you with your query, but unfortunatley you did not sign letter.
                        To enable me to answer your query, please write to us at the address belwo including an example of your signature and your 16 digit account number as a reference:
                        Alternatively, you can call one of our specialist account managers who will go throught a security check with you and answer your query immediatley.

                        I'm sorry for the inconveience this may cause you. I realise how frustrating it is to have to to the trouble of contacting us again. However, we need to do this to protect the security of your account and personal detals.

                        02/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors LLP

                        We write with regard to theis outstanding debt.
                        Payment must be made in full withing the next fourteen days failing which we will remommend to our client that proceedings be issued without further notice.
                        Sould proceedings be issued, additional charges will be added to the existing balance as shown below.
                        Outstanding balance £467.90
                        Interest £37.90
                        Court fees £30.00
                        Solicitors costs £50.00
                        New £585.33 if proceedings are issued.
                        If you dispute liability for this debt please state your reasons in writing
                        and supply us with documents in support of your defence to any claim.
                        Before the account is referred to us to litigate you still have an
                        opportunity to contact fredrickson Internationl Ltd with your payment
                        proposals. In order to avoid further action you should telephone them .

                        This is a serious matter and you should seek independent legal advice.

                        4/3/13 sent sold while in dispute to Bryan Carter

                        08/03/2013 from Bryan Carter solicitors

                        We write further to your letter dated 4 March 2013, the contents of which we note.

                        We believe that our client has complied with the Pre-Action Protocol so far as it applies to this matter.

                        For the avoidance of doubt however the monies due may be paid to our client's debt collection agents, Fredrickson International Limited, by direct debt, bank standing order, cash, cheque, debit card, payment card or postal order. Please see Fredrickson International Limited's notepaper for details of their address ad telephone number.

                        You may contact us between .....bla bla bla

                        We confirm that a list of organisations where independent advice could be obtained was provided on the overleaf of Fredricksons notepaper.

                        In relation to your request for documents, it is our client's policy to provided agreements to its customers at the point of contract and statements throughout and therefore you have already been provided with validation of the debt.

                        Our client confirms that they have fulfilled their obligations under section 78 of the consumer credit act 1974 in their letter to you dated 16 July 2012 and the debt remains enforceable .

                        At this time we have no instructions to litigate this account, however if Fredrickson International Limited does not hear from you with your payment proposals by 21 March 2013 we will seek further instructions from our client.
                        28/03/13 from Fredrickson International
                        Despite a recent letter from Bryan carter Solicitors you have failed to
                        discharge your debt with our client Capital One (europe)plc. We are

                        We are prepared to offer you one final opportunity to pay before recommending to our client that they instruct solicitors to issue a claim at your address.
                        At this late stage, and as a gesture of goodwill, we are prepared to accept a full and final settlement on this account provided that you contact us within 48 hours of reciept of this letter.

                        3/7/13 Cap One

                        PLEASE BE AWARE your account has moved

                        I am writing to advise you that your account is no longer being managed by the Debt Collection Agency who were acting on behalf of Capital One.

                        Please work with us to reduce your debt

                        It is important that you continue to make payments to your account. Payments should be made directly to Capital One unless otherwisde notified. Please see attached for payment methods.

                        Already settled ?

                        Please disregard this letter if you have agreed a settlement figure with the Debt collection agency and have made tht payment.

                        Have questions or need help?

                        If you have any questions please call us .

                        2/8/13 Capital One

                        I am writing to inform you that capital one have sold your account to Lowell Portfolio l Ltd, All contact about your account should now be with Lowell Portfolio l Ltd who will write you to provide details of how they can be contacted and how payments can be made.

                        Lowell will start reporting against your credit file within 30 days of you receiving this letter.

                        The outstanding balance on your account as at 18/07/2013 was £467.90 and this balance will be passed along with any payments or spend to Lowell .

                        02/08/2013 Lowell Prtfolio l Ltd

                        introduction of who they are and explaining when the account was bought by them and how they are entitled to receive payment of the outstanding balance.

                        How much owed how to contact them to arrange a monthly repayment plan

                        Please call to discuss how to repay the account


                        17/08/2013 Lowell financial

                        Lowell Protfolio wrote recently to tell you they have bought the outstanding balance you had with cap one ,You have not yet cleared the outstanding balance or entered into a repayment plan, so they have asked us to get in touch.

                        We can help you clear this outstanding balance and repaying your debt may help to improve your credit rating.

                        What you need to do now
                        Its very important that you do one of the following things asap

                        pay in full
                        contact us

                        Phone us now to clear you balance

                        20/08/2013 sent sold while in dispute letter to Lowell financial

                        [COLOR=#ff0000]02/09/2013 Lowell Financial

                        We want to help you clear your account
                        We still haven't agreed a repayment plan for the outstanding balance you have with us.

                        The longer you leave getting in touch or paying off the balance, the more you risk further action being taken against you including legal action. We may also ask one of our agents to arrange a time to visit you at your home do discuss your account and repayment of your debt if we don't hear from you. So please phone us on 00000000 as as.

                        The simplest way to pay
                        direct debt
                        blah blah blah

                        Call us straight away
                        It really is important that we har from you. Your outstanding balance may be affecting your ability to obtain all forms of credit inlcuding loans blaha blah

                        3/9/13 Lowell Porfolio l
                        We thank you for your recent letter and apologise for the delay in replying.

                        Your comments with regards to the fact that the account is in dispute with Cap One as they failed to acknowledge your CCA request.. We have queried this with Cap One and will advise you of their response upon receipt.

                        In the meantime we have requested a copy of the CCA in accordance with S77-79 together with statements.

                        13/09/13 Lowell- news on your credit agreement request
                        We have been in touch with Cap One about the copy of your credit agreement.

                        They have let us know they are trying to retrieve the agreement from their archive .As soon as we have it, we will send it to you.

                        What will happen next

                        In the event we cannot obtain a copy of the agreement we will write to you again and inform of this . Once you have seen your credit agreement , we will ask you to pay your outstanding balance in full
                        20/09/2013-Lowell we are waiting for the agreement when we have it we will send it to you, in the meantime the account is hold .
                        Last edited by Spent2much; 23 September 2013, 06:38.


                        • Re: spent2much UE diary

                          Just wait and see what they send.
                          Let your smile change the world but don't let the world change your smile

                          I'm an official AAD Moderator and also a volunteer, here to help make the forum run smoothly. Any views or opinions are mine and not the official line of AAD. Similarly, any advice I have offered you is done so on an informal basis, without prejudice or liability. If in doubt seek advice from a qualified insured professional - Find a Solicitor or go to the National Probono Centre.

                          If you spot an abusive or libellous post then please report it by Clicking Here. If you need to contact me, for instance if I've issued you a warning, moved, edited or deleted your post, please send me a message by clicking my username.


                          • Re: spent2much UE diary

                            [QUOTE=Spent2much;206736]Type of account (overdraft)mine

                            Date commenced (2003)

                            Approx balance (£248)

                            Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                            Are you on an arrangement plan not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                            Status (default/cca being sent )

                            Account owner (HBOS)

                            9/7/12 cca request sent

                            28/9/12 from Halifax account passed to BLS 3/8/12
                            14/11/12 payment reminder
                            28/11/12 sent cca reminder to bls
                            13/12/12 BLS saying statements enclosed as requested
                            14/12/12 BLS essential that i contact them
                            24/12/12 Halifax account passed to DrysdenFairfax
                            31/12/12 from DrysdenFairfax threatening letter to pay , court action , charge on house,
                            31/12/12 account sold while in dispute letter to drysdenfairfax
                            letter not received by drysdenfairfax according to post office website.
                            19/1/13 resent sold in dispute letter , sent by recorded delivery .
                            24/1/13 threatening letter from drysdenfairfax
                            16/2/13 from drysdenfairfax offer of settlement

                            29/04/13 Halifax
                            Account transferred to Westcot Credit Services Litd

                            29/04/13 account sold while in dispute letter to westcot

                            07/05/13 Westcot
                            We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
                            You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.If you have any queries or any of the information supplied is incorrect, please contact us .

                            15/05/2013 westcot FINAL NOTICE
                            our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have not received a reply to our previous corrospondence.

                            Unless you contact us to agree repayment of £248.46 within the next 10 days, further collection activity will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance,

                            please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

                            18/05/2013 sent OD SWID to westcot

                            31/05/13 Westcot

                            We acknowledge that have raised a query on this account and we would like to confrim to you how this will be investigated.

                            We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation.This means that we will not write to you, or telephone you in pursuit of the account whilst it is being investigated.

                            10/06/2013 westcot
                            We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client they have advised that the above balance is correct and due for payment .They state that the above balance relates to a current account, therefore no credit agreement is available.

                            In the circumstances, we believe the dispute has now been resolved and the full balance or an agreed monthly instalment is required by return. Payment can be made by direct debit or online

                            If in the event you believe you still have a valid dispute , please contact us with the details within the next 14 days otherwise your account will be returned to our recovery team for collection

                            5/8/13 westcot

                            As a final attempt to avoid further action, our client has agreed that we can offer you a discount to settle your account.

                            This offer is only available for a limited period so you should contact us by the 11/08/2013 to agree a suitable settelememt , or the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recever the full outstanding balance of £248.46.

                            If you are unable to take advantage of this offer, we will still consider a realistic repayment plan and you should contact us urgently to discuss your options. Unless a suitable arrangement plan is reached within 10 days of the date of this letter, (01/08/2013), further recovery action will be taken.

                            21/08/2013 from westcot
                            we understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account.
                            You may feel that you are not in a position to stat making an acceptable payment against your balance or that you don't know how best to manage your way through you current liabilities.

                            Westcot are specialists in establishing repayment plans that best suit the needs of both our clients and their customers. For the overwhelming majority of customers that contact us we are able to make an arrangement tailored to each customer's financial circumstances.
                            We would therefore like to offer you the opportunity to repay this account via regular manageable instalments which will be both sustainable and affordable given your current circumstances.

                            what this means for you.....

                            an opportunity to take control with re-payments that you agree and that you can afford over a period of time.
                            no further phone calls, letters, text messages or home visits from Westcot or their appointed agents, providing you keep to the plan for this account.
                            The potential to improve you credit rating and increase your chances of obtaining future credit.

                            This debt will not go away and now is the best time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us at the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start.

                            30/08/2013 Westcot

                            We have previously advised you that one of the actions we were considering on your account was a doorstep collection visit
                            to your home address to recover the outstanding balance.
                            As we know of no genuine reason why you have failed to repay the outstanding balance, instructions will now be provided to Scotcall, a doorstep agency, to make an appointment with you to visit your home address. The purpose of the visit is to agree with you how you will repay this debt.

                            You have a final opportunity to avoid referral to Scotcall by telephoning the number above .

                            02/09/2013 sent doorstep visit complaint letter to Westcot
                            19/9/13 westcot- they have completely ignored my doorstep visiit complaint letter .

                            The opportunity to take control of your oustanding balance
                            We understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account.
                            You may feel that you are not in a position to start making an acceptable payment against your balance or that you don't know how best to manage your way through your current liabilities.

                            usual crap about ways they can help blah blah blah


                            • Re: spent2much UE diary

                              Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                              Type of account (overdraft)mine

                              Date commenced (2003)

                              Approx balance (£248)

                              Date last paid (22 June 2012)

                              Are you on an arrangement plan not paying (was on dmp now stopped paying)

                              Status (default/cca being sent )

                              Account owner (HBOS)

                              9/7/12 cca request sent

                              28/9/12 from Halifax account passed to BLS 3/8/12
                              14/11/12 payment reminder
                              28/11/12 sent cca reminder to bls
                              13/12/12 BLS saying statements enclosed as requested
                              14/12/12 BLS essential that i contact them
                              24/12/12 Halifax account passed to DrysdenFairfax
                              31/12/12 from DrysdenFairfax threatening letter to pay , court action , charge on house,
                              31/12/12 account sold while in dispute letter to drysdenfairfax
                              letter not received by drysdenfairfax according to post office website.
                              19/1/13 resent sold in dispute letter , sent by recorded delivery .
                              24/1/13 threatening letter from drysdenfairfax
                              16/2/13 from drysdenfairfax offer of settlement

                              29/04/13 Halifax
                              Account transferred to Westcot Credit Services Litd

                              29/04/13 account sold while in dispute letter to westcot

                              07/05/13 Westcot
                              We have been instructed by our client to collect the outstanding balance on their behalf.
                              You should read both sides of this notice carefully, follow the instructions and reply IMMEDIATELY.If you have any queries or any of the information supplied is incorrect, please contact us .

                              15/05/2013 westcot FINAL NOTICE
                              our latest enquiries have now confirmed that you are still resident at this address but we have not received a reply to our previous corrospondence.

                              Unless you contact us to agree repayment of £248.46 within the next 10 days, further collection activity will be taken to recover the full outstanding balance,

                              please do not ignore this letter as this could result in further action being taken to recover the debt.

                              18/05/2013 sent OD SWID to westcot

                              31/05/13 Westcot

                              We acknowledge that have raised a query on this account and we would like to confrim to you how this will be investigated.

                              We will suspend all collections activity on the above account whilst the matter is under investigation.This means that we will not write to you, or telephone you in pursuit of the account whilst it is being investigated.

                              10/06/2013 westcot
                              We refer to your recent communication. Having contacted our client they have advised that the above balance is correct and due for payment .They state that the above balance relates to a current account, therefore no credit agreement is available.

                              In the circumstances, we believe the dispute has now been resolved and the full balance or an agreed monthly instalment is required by return. Payment can be made by direct debit or online

                              If in the event you believe you still have a valid dispute , please contact us with the details within the next 14 days otherwise your account will be returned to our recovery team for collection

                              5/8/13 westcot

                              As a final attempt to avoid further action, our client has agreed that we can offer you a discount to settle your account.

                              This offer is only available for a limited period so you should contact us by the 11/08/2013 to agree a suitable settelememt , or the offer will be withdrawn and further action will continue to recever the full outstanding balance of £248.46.

                              If you are unable to take advantage of this offer, we will still consider a realistic repayment plan and you should contact us urgently to discuss your options. Unless a suitable arrangement plan is reached within 10 days of the date of this letter, (01/08/2013), further recovery action will be taken.

                              21/08/2013 from westcot
                              we understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account.
                              You may feel that you are not in a position to stat making an acceptable payment against your balance or that you don't know how best to manage your way through you current liabilities.

                              Westcot are specialists in establishing repayment plans that best suit the needs of both our clients and their customers. For the overwhelming majority of customers that contact us we are able to make an arrangement tailored to each customer's financial circumstances.
                              We would therefore like to offer you the opportunity to repay this account via regular manageable instalments which will be both sustainable and affordable given your current circumstances.

                              what this means for you.....

                              an opportunity to take control with re-payments that you agree and that you can afford over a period of time.
                              no further phone calls, letters, text messages or home visits from Westcot or their appointed agents, providing you keep to the plan for this account.
                              The potential to improve you credit rating and increase your chances of obtaining future credit.

                              This debt will not go away and now is the best time to act. To take up the offer you need to contact us at the number above where one of our dedicated operators will help you make a fresh start.

                              30/08/2013 Westcot

                              We have previously advised you that one of the actions we were considering on your account was a doorstep collection visit
                              to your home address to recover the outstanding balance.
                              As we know of no genuine reason why you have failed to repay the outstanding balance, instructions will now be provided to Scotcall, a doorstep agency, to make an appointment with you to visit your home address. The purpose of the visit is to agree with you how you will repay this debt.

                              You have a final opportunity to avoid referral to Scotcall by telephoning the number above .

                              02/09/2013 sent doorstep visit complaint letter to Westcot
                              19/9/13 westcot- they have completely ignored my doorstep visiit complaint letter .

                              The opportunity to take control of your oustanding balance
                              We understand that there may be many reasons why you have not responded to us in relation to this account.
                              You may feel that you are not in a position to start making an acceptable payment against your balance or that you don't know how best to manage your way through your current liabilities.

                              usual crap about ways they can help blah blah blah


                              • Re: spent2much UE diary

                                Originally posted by Spent2much View Post
                                Type of account (credit card)husband's

                                Date commenced (2005) i put 2005 but they may be before this also

                                Approx balance.( £1,284.70

                                Date last paid (22/06/2012)

                                Are you on arrangement or not paying (stopping dmp )

                                Status ( cca being sent )

                                Account owner (1st credit ) original creditor LloydsTSB.
                                9/7/12 cca request
                                received today 06/10/2012

                                21/9/12 account sold to cabot

                                heard nothing since from both Cabot or 1st credit

                                29/6/13 from Cabot
                                Recall of your account from 1st credit

                                we would like to inform you that the Cabot Credit Management Group have now recalled your from 1st credit

                                All payments should now be made directly to cabot with immediate effect.

                                Choice of payment methods

                                direct debit
                                credit of debit card
                                standing order
                                online banking
                                cash or cheque at a post office or payzone using cabot payment card.

                                contacting cabot

                                The most important thing for you to do now is to contact us. Call 0800

                                6/9/13 from Cabot a replica of the above but this added

                                If you don't contact us to agree a suitable repayment plan we'll have to move your account to the next stage of our collections process.

